40M Bid from Corinthians

Didsbury Dave said:
Pam said:
squirtyflower said:
if true, that just about takes the biscuit

he wants his 15 million dollar LOYALTY bonus because its not him seeking a transfer, its city trying to sell him?

I hope the dickheads who forgive the twat everything have a re-think based on this. If it's true, it takes piss-taking to a whole new stratosphere. Bad enough that he chucks two scaves on the floor whilst on the way to lift our first trophy for thirty five years. Bad enough that one of these was the Neil Young red and black tribute and bad enough that he lifted the cup with his national flag wrapped around him, as if he'd won it for Argentina, not City. What a fucker. Dreadful. He is absolutely contemptous of the club, the fans and the City.

Ship the greedy bastard off to the youth team, if necessary, but don't let him anywhere near the first team and don't let him scupper the Aguero deal.
It tickles me when blue moon goes all melodramatic and pompous , people puff out their chests, get up on their soapbox and give these wounded, self-righteous speeches.

I'm surprised you didn't mention the effect this is having on the poor kids of Manchester, who might have to suffer the trauMa of losing their hero.

Tell me you didnt just post that.. ^^^
Mad 4 It said:
Tevez's agent Kia on talkshite between 9 and 10am

WTF they just spent 1 1/2 hours plugging he'd be on the show and then guess what no interview, call me cynical but what's that all about. Talkshite does what it says on the tin!
Mad 4 It said:
Mad 4 It said:
Tevez's agent Kia on talkshite between 9 and 10am

WTF they just spent 1 1/2 hours plugging he'd be on the show and then guess what no interview, call me cynical but what's that all about. Talkshite does what it says on the tin!

They had you listening to their adverts for an hour mate... you'll learn. ;)
samharris said:
Mad 4 It said:
Mad 4 It said:
Tevez's agent Kia on talkshite between 9 and 10am

WTF they just spent 1 1/2 hours plugging he'd be on the show and then guess what no interview, call me cynical but what's that all about. Talkshite does what it says on the tin!

They had you listening to their adverts for an hour mate... you'll learn. ;)

Went for lunch, did they call off the interview now that it's past 10?
matsi said:
samharris said:
Mad 4 It said:
WTF they just spent 1 1/2 hours plugging he'd be on the show and then guess what no interview, call me cynical but what's that all about. Talkshite does what it says on the tin!

They had you listening to their adverts for an hour mate... you'll learn. ;)

Went for lunch, did they call off the interview now that it's past 10?

No idea bud..
samharris said:
Mad 4 It said:
Mad 4 It said:
Tevez's agent Kia on talkshite between 9 and 10am

WTF they just spent 1 1/2 hours plugging he'd be on the show and then guess what no interview, call me cynical but what's that all about. Talkshite does what it says on the tin!

They had you listening to their adverts for an hour mate... you'll learn. ;)

Your right there! Must be 5 minutes of talking and the rest advertising per hour
Young said:
BlueCityfan said:
I really think Balo and Dzeko dislike Tevez. Maybe not Dzeko....because he is such a nice guy. But im pretty sure that they both want to play with someone else rather than Tevez.

Not just that, I get the feeling majority of the dressing room didn't really like him too.

I've heard that they shit in his football boots just before he's about to go out...

That'll teach the fucker.
What if, City loaned Tevez to Corinthians until January, with the exception that they pay all of his wages and a set fee of say £40 million agreed upon in advance and if by January they don't have the funds to buy him, we take him back?

Stupid idea? sorry :(
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.corrieredellosport.it/calcio/calcio_mercato/2011/07/21-184831/Inter%2C+pressing+su+Tevez%3A+incontro+con++Branca+" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.corrieredellosport.it/calcio ... n++Branca+</a>

Carlos Tevez incontra l'Inter. È successo tutto in Sardegna, oggi, quando l'attaccante del Manchester City ha incrociato il direttore dell'area tecnica nerazzurra, Marco Branca. Un incontro apparentemente casuale, ma che di fatto conferma come la trattativa per portare l'argentino a Milano possa entrare a breve in una fase caldissima.

Come anticipato questa mattina dal Corriere dello Sport-Stadio, l'idea Tevez per l'Inter è ancora viva. Proprio quando sembrava che l'argentino sarebbe tornato al Corinthians, la trattativa con il club di San Paolo dove l'Apache aveva militato dal 2004 al 2006 è saltata, e non riprenderà visto che il mercato brasiliano è ufficialmente chiuso ieri. Se Moratti riceverà un'offerta irrinunciabile per Sneijder («Sta bene all'Inter, non verrà» ha nuovamente ribadito Ferguson che continua a offrire un ingaggio ritenuto basso dal giocatore olandese), dunque, potrà concretamente pensare di regalarsi il fuoriclasse ex Manchester United che da anni gli piace. Certo, l'operazione non si preannuncia né facile né economica, ma il passare delle settimane e l'assenza pretendenti "motivate" (occhio al Real Madrid...) potrebbe mettere nell'angolo il City, pressato dalla voglia del giocatore di lasciare per motivi personali Manchester.

Carlos Tevez meets Inter. It all happened in Sardinia, today, when the Manchester City striker has crossed Inter technical director Marco Branca. A seemingly random encounter, but in fact confirms the deal to bring Argentina in Milan can enter short at a time hot.

As mentioned this morning by Corriere dello Sport-Stadio, the idea for Inter Tevez is still alive. Just when it seemed that the Argentine would be back at Corinthians, the negotiations with the club in São Paulo, where the Apache had served from 2004 to 2006 is skipped, and will not resume because the Brazilian market is officially closed yesterday. If you receive an offer Moratti essential for Sneijder ("She's fine at Inter, will not," Ferguson has reiterated that continues to offer an engagement deemed low by the Dutch player), then, may actually thought to give the former Manchester United ace for years he likes. Of course, the operation promises neither easy nor cheap, but as the weeks passed and no suitors "motivated" (eye to Real Madrid ...) could put the City in the corner, pressed by the player wants to leave Manchester for personal reasons.
DuncanCastles Duncan Castles
Carlos Tevez has met Inter sporting director Marco Branca in Sardinia. #mcfc
3 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

Somebody has been quick to send him the pictures of him on holiday, though.

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