5 Extremely boring facts about yourself

Lucky Toma said:

3/ I was probably the last person in Britain to realize that the Roses' Going Down was about oral sex. Even though Brown essentially tells a linear story where its completely obvious and in real life I was performing such an act regularly....I just thought it was a hippy general thing about going down out of the mainstream.

I still have to convince my wife of this fact - she too is oblivious to the true meaning of the song!!

1. I have a mild form of OCD - I HAVE to put my right sock and shoe on before the left sock and shoe (I've even done it "wrong" and had to take the left sock and shoe off to correct it, because I didn't feel "right"!!)

2. Furthermore, any volume I use (tv, radio, PC, car) HAS to be an even number.

3. I wish I had done better at school so I didn't have to drive 40+ miles a day (round trip) to be an assistant manager in a shitty warehouse.

4. When I get home from work I HAVE to have a sleep for about half an hour otherwise I'm a proper mardey arsed twat for the rest of the night.

5. I cannot stomach the smell of Southern Comfort after getting bladdered on it as a teenager - this was an issue when I worked behind a bar a good few years ago!!
1 - I have three tattoo's.

2 - I tore my ankle ligaments and tendons in Zante in 2004 on the first full day and spent the remaining 13 on crutches, shagging some Greek bird.

3 - I also have a mild form of OCD. I have to keep trainers in their box until the new smell has gone. I also have to put cans of lager in a row, on the top shelf, with the label facing outwards.

4 - I have 9 points on my driving licence and have had 3 recinded due to Police error.

5 - I can speak fluent German.
I think this thread is teaching us that a lot of people have irrational minor forms of OCD. Interesting...

Maybe we should start a support group?

"Hello everyone, my names David and I never eat a packet of crisps if the foil feels too cold."
1. I am living proof that long distance relationships can work (keep the faith blues :)
2. I prefer the company of my dogs to most people.
3. Once beat Geoff Capes in an arm wrestle (did he let me win...I'm going to say no ;)
4. My Grandad claimed to have invented the TV show Big Break but the beeb apparently nicked the idea.... :D
5. The one thing I miss more than anything about England is City away days.
1. I have a very long tongue
2. I can sing La Bamba in Spanish
3. I really fancy the food critic, journalist and tv presenter Giles Coren
4. I am very kind hearted
5. I like eating bovril from the jar
1. I have to have a brew in the morning (2 sugars and very milky :) perfect )
2. I have a obsession with teddy bears and pyjamas :/
3. I love men but i also hate them
4. Manchester city mean more to me than some family do (tragic )
5. I have to sleep with the tv on until i fall asleep ( Have done ever since i was a baby)
1. I won £100 of stationary at Woolworth's 10 years ago
2. I blame myself for Woolworths going bust
3. I can squirt milk out of my eye (I have to drink a bit first. I can't just produce it from nothing)
5. I can't count to five
1. i agree with cans on the top shelf, facing out, barcode to the left. can't enjoy a drink if i know they're not.
2. i like to have some duvet between my knees or i can't sleep.
3. at a meeting in work early this year about a crisis leading to many redundancies, i found myself thinking that it would be ok 'cos city would be in the champions league.
4. i believe corned beef and tomato sauce sarnies are the pinnacle of sandwiches.
5. my son has, over the last month, become better at fifa on the ps3 than me. he's 9.

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