You really don't see the irony of your last point, do you? As far as I can see, in this thread it is the ones who don't believe it was an inside job that are prepared to listen to all sides and evidence whilst the truthers just keep repeating the same rhetoric despite the evidence against them.
Btw, I have always thought it was an inside job to one degree or another, until I saw the WTC 7 debunk video where the damage to the building is so vast and visible from the south side that you can clearly see why it would collapse. Not to mention the fact that the inside of the building was practically an empty shell.
Your point 6 about the media reporting it before it came down is now the only thing that concerns me with WTC 7. And the Pentagon attack is suspicious and no debunking videos I've seen can change my mind on that one.
We're going round in circles here. It's not hard to digest that wtc 7 was hit by falling debris from the north tower, which resulted in structural damage and fires. Theres a picture of the south side of the wtc 7 totally fucked with smoke coming out of it. It's on that video you posted, that itself tells its own story.
4. We've got Silverstein himself on record giving instructions to "pull it". Demolition slang to bring it down.
Fuck sake, not this again.