A 38 year olds perspective

That was a very articulate outburst, I'm 59 in 3 week city have kept me young by keeping me on edge, my theory is that if you live throughout your life with stress your less likely to have bad health etc, over the next few years their is going to be a lot of Ill people when our red neighbours start to fade, the paranoia I have supporting city as kept me like a coiled spring,to start supporting city since 66 as opened my eyes giving me the most sarcastic sense of humour and being part of a group of fans who have more character in their little toe than those muppets in Trafford. I find myself very lucky that I chose blue over red.
The Scarlet Pimpernel said:
moomba said:
meeesh said:
Yes.....original post was NOV 2009....der

Doh. I blame the mushed 40 year old brain.

At least your brain is trying to crunch the numbers, mine is oblivious to them.
ha.....thats what i was worried about when i started reading this...im 38 on born in 73 and was thinking am i really 38! i even had to ask the missus!
52yrs (I think), and 100% agree.
You know what Meesh, when you mentioned about the love for City you got me thinking.
I was 11yrs old when I became a blue. And, since then, I have fell in and out of love quite a few time's (often, in my younger yrs, falling out over trivial issues) but, with City, I have been through hell and back several times yet wouldn't ever enter my head to walk away.
Love it, love City!
Top post.
Oohvonkyvonky said:
Another one trotting out the old "York away" story... Stopped reading at that;)

Oh and how can you be 38 born in 71?

Please be taking piss....or try again ffs what is it with some people ?
53 year old git here,I agree with your post,I really would advise younger city fans to be a little more patient,for instance I want that title this year so bad I can almost taste it,but,but even if we don't do it this year (and that's a big but) we all know deep down that city WILL dominate English and European football for a long time to come,our owners are in it for the long haul,so it might just take a little while longer that some fans think,so don't lose the faith,and as for the younger fans just think how many years of success you are going to enjoy once we finally get there,a lot more than me,you lucky bastards !

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