A front 3 of Adebayor, Tevez and Balotelli at home?


Well-Known Member
9 Jan 2006
Mancini has been criticised for conservative team selections against Spurs, Liverpool and Sunderland, but I think it's quite likely that we may play a more adventurous team against the "weaker" teams at home.

With the European fixtures, Cups and League, there's no way we can stick with the line-ups that have played so far. There will have to be changes.

I think Silva will gradually be introduced as well, and he'll probably play in behind Tevez
Johnson Tevez Silva
Balotelli Adebayor

My oh my, anyone for 11-8 every week. Never going to happen though sadly.
Maybe once or twice.

Thinking about it, i think our system can be simplified to this:

We have 3 attacking spots basically, and Ade, Tevez, Balotelli, Silva and Johnson as the main options to fill them, with Milner (i imagine his main role being central midfield once Balotelli is back), SWP, Jo and RSC as back-up options. The arrangement will vary all the time.

Then 3 midfield spots, filled by Milner, Toure, De Jong, Barry, Vieira, with back-up options of SWP, Zab and numerous others who could do a job there. One staying deeper and 2 getting forward a bit more, but still being disciplined.

Then obviously the back 4.

I don't think that format will change, whether it's deemed attacking or defensive will depend entirely on the personnel picked, and the roles they are assigned.
Ade, Tev and Balo as a front 3 excites me in a perverse way.
Why don't we play a good old fashioned 1-2-7 like we used to? Back in the day (the 1870s) it was all the rage. It could go something like this:

Johnson Jo Balotelli Adebayor Tevez RSC Silva

No one could criticise Mancini for being negative then!
pee dubya said:
Maybe once or twice.

Thinking about it, i think our system can be simplified to this:

We have 3 attacking spots basically, and Ade, Tevez, Balotelli, Silva and Johnson as the main options to fill them, with Milner (i imagine his main role being central midfield once Balotelli is back), SWP, Jo and RSC as back-up options. The arrangement will vary all the time.

Then 3 midfield spots, filled by Milner, Toure, De Jong, Barry, Vieira, with back-up options of SWP, Zab and numerous others who could do a job there. One staying deeper and 2 getting forward a bit more, but still being disciplined.

Then obviously the back 4.

I don't think that format will change, whether it's deemed attacking or defensive will depend entirely on the personnel picked, and the roles they are assigned.

This is absolutely spot on !!!!

--boatang kompany toure kolorov

---------- yaya------------------




or you could play it a bit more on the safe side and put yaya in for swp and put dejong in front of the back 4 which is more plausable


--boatang kompany toure kolorov

---------- dejong------------------

-- -yaya------------milner------



it looks a very compact team with no width but hopefully the two fullbacks could provide that and with tevez being very mobile and workman like defensively he could play in the whole and still get in the box as well...he may not score as may goalsfrom that postion but i think overall he would be able to create more for the other two

not sure RM is capable of ever going with a real attacking formation however
Marvin said:
Mancini has been criticised for conservative team selections against Spurs, Liverpool and Sunderland, but I think it's quite likely that we may play a more adventurous team against the "weaker" teams at home.

With the European fixtures, Cups and League, there's no way we can stick with the line-ups that have played so far. There will have to be changes.

I think Silva will gradually be introduced as well, and he'll probably play in behind Tevez
Why is there no way we can stick with the line ups that have played so far?

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