A good media source tells it how it is

Let's see if there consistent with it and see how they handle Ballotelli.
In my view it has taken 34 years to replace our last good manager RM is the business and is the most important employee in the club and the owner recognises that. Has good as Tevez is he should recognise that his form at City is the best of his career and he should want to maintain that If he leaves, and I think he will, then he will in time come to regret it I dont see where he can go, like Robi no home club can afford him and I dont if RM or Barca will want him for the money City will demand, we wont sell cheap. RM from what i hear is not well like by the players but then again I bet Bacon Face isn't either. Forza Mancin and thank you Carlos but goodbye
It comes down to this:

if its about family and he goes with a no euro play deal within the term of the contract then thats summat we can understand

if its money/ agent/ other selfish reason then fuck him and all who sail in him and lets play mega hardball
awest said:
Just back from West Ham, great day out with the blue army. Anyway, i've got a few little connections in the media through the work i do Mon - Fri. Not common knowledge as it's pretty mundane but never the less they are good folk.

This is what i have heard today from a very decent source.

The owners/chairman etc. were more than disgusted with the way Carlos acted last week when he was subbed against Bolton and have backed Mancini 100%. If there is a choice between Mancini and Tevez then the boss will get the owners backing 100% (see the Brian Kidd interview on MOTD on Saturday and read between the lines). Kidd's answers were very much pre-meditated and well thought out.

When Mancini said that there were certain players who were selfish against Bolton, he was having a pop at one man, Mr Tevez. And he wanted some sort of selfish reaction to prove his point, you all heard what the reaction was this evening with the transfer request. This request (delivered days ago) was what the owners thought might happen if the player concerned thought he was much bigger than the club, and more importantly, the player could get rid of the man who rules the club with an iron fist (Mancini)

Today we beat West Ham with ease and, without Tevez. This was the best result the owners and Mancini could have asked for. If we had lost then Carlos would have still been number one, and we couldn't operate without him, however, those 3 goals could be the most important in our recent history.

The owners see a stable Mancini as the future of this club. An unstable Carlito is something that they will move along, and out of the door without much fuss (see Robinho). The sad thing is, Carlos will never have a better marriage than the one he has now.

Cogently Expressed.

IMHO, Tevez situation is a classic case of 'job burnout' & thats why he is unstable especially in a stressful club like ours..

A perfect storm - a confluence of his explosive frantic brand of football which is physically draining & his emotional (domestic) problems coming together.

He is a wreck. He wants out. Is it?

Yes he will never have a better platform!

Regarding his selfishness vis a vis with Mario. Its not the first time for our Alpha Dog. We called it, previously, 'no chemistry' between Tevez & Ade.
awest said:
Just back from West Ham, great day out with the blue army. Anyway, i've got a few little connections in the media through the work i do Mon - Fri. Not common knowledge as it's pretty mundane but never the less they are good folk.

This is what i have heard today from a very decent source.

The owners/chairman etc. were more than disgusted with the way Carlos acted last week when he was subbed against Bolton and have backed Mancini 100%. If there is a choice between Mancini and Tevez then the boss will get the owners backing 100% (see the Brian Kidd interview on MOTD on Saturday and read between the lines). Kidd's answers were very much pre-meditated and well thought out.

When Mancini said that there were certain players who were selfish against Bolton, he was having a pop at one man, Mr Tevez. And he wanted some sort of selfish reaction to prove his point, you all heard what the reaction was this evening with the transfer request. This request (delivered days ago) was what the owners thought might happen if the player concerned thought he was much bigger than the club, and more importantly, the player could get rid of the man who rules the club with an iron fist (Mancini)

Today we beat West Ham with ease and, without Tevez. This was the best result the owners and Mancini could have asked for. If we had lost then Carlos would have still been number one, and we couldn't operate without him, however, those 3 goals could be the most important in our recent history.

The owners see a stable Mancini as the future of this club. An unstable Carlito is something that they will move along, and out of the door without much fuss (see Robinho). The sad thing is, Carlos will never have a better marriage than the one he has now.
so because we beat bottom of the table shite without tevez then we don't need him... right ok.......if the transfer was put in last week and mancini is so disgusted with carlos then why on fri when asked AGAIN about tevez not being happy and if there was a rift did he say "we can talk about this situation every week. i have explained a 1000 times, carlos is a fantastic player he is one of the most important players in europe and maybe in the world. he will stay here for a long time because he hasn't told me otherwise"........i smell bullshit
awest said:
Just back from West Ham, great day out with the blue army. Anyway, i've got a few little connections in the media through the work i do Mon - Fri. Not common knowledge as it's pretty mundane but never the less they are good folk.

This is what i have heard today from a very decent source.

The owners/chairman etc. were more than disgusted with the way Carlos acted last week when he was subbed against Bolton and have backed Mancini 100%. If there is a choice between Mancini and Tevez then the boss will get the owners backing 100% (see the Brian Kidd interview on MOTD on Saturday and read between the lines). Kidd's answers were very much pre-meditated and well thought out.

When Mancini said that there were certain players who were selfish against Bolton, he was having a pop at one man, Mr Tevez. And he wanted some sort of selfish reaction to prove his point, you all heard what the reaction was this evening with the transfer request. This request (delivered days ago) was what the owners thought might happen if the player concerned thought he was much bigger than the club, and more importantly, the player could get rid of the man who rules the club with an iron fist (Mancini)

Today we beat West Ham with ease and, without Tevez. This was the best result the owners and Mancini could have asked for. If we had lost then Carlos would have still been number one, and we couldn't operate without him, however, those 3 goals could be the most important in our recent history.

The owners see a stable Mancini as the future of this club. An unstable Carlito is something that they will move along, and out of the door without much fuss (see Robinho). The sad thing is, Carlos will never have a better marriage than the one he has now.

This seems realistic and I only hope there's an element of truth in it.I,ve a feeling Tevez's recent acclaim has gone to his head and the fact that he's now throwing his toys out of the pram are only actions of attention seeking.City have
called his bluff and we're seeing the reaction that he has no respect for Mancini,Manchester City FC or the fans "if that ever mattered".No player is
Instead of saying things like "I want every player to react like that when they get subbed" (paraphrasing!), he should have said, "Carlos wont be playing next week because of suspension, but he wont be getting paid either, because of his disrespect. More is expected of EVERY player, let alone the Team Captain." And then say NOTHING else about it!

Same for Balotelli this week!

If these guys think they are better than the club, they should not have signed on the dotted line. If they want out, then shop 'em for the BIG money they SHOULD be sold for. If it comes in, fine. If not, then let them sit and stew.

AND, this is an EXCELLENT TIME to make Vincent Kompany the Captain!!!

Balti said:
It comes down to this:

if its about family and he goes with a no euro play deal within the term of the contract then thats summat we can understand

if its money/ agent/ other selfish reason then fuck him and all who sail in him and lets play mega hardball

agree entirely balti if its anything other than family reasons then hardball it is.
as good as he is, noone.....noone is bigger than the club.
With the club showing the backing of RM in this will show the lesser players they either do as told or seek future elsewhere at a club they can bully.

Will stop silly tirades against manager ie Johnson

May also help bring likes of Balo under control in the long run.
Carlos has obviously taken some piss poor advice from Kia. Maybe they saw what happened with Shrek & thought I'll have a piece of that? The main problem being we are now a completely different beast from the rags & don't have to take any shit from anyone! If he wants away for any other reason than his kids then fuck him & his agent. There's a war of wills going on at our beautiful club & Mancini MUST win! I'm fine with not all the players liking Bobby but they must either tow the line or fuck off cause we're still going places regardless. Forza Mancini. CTID!

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