A good media source tells it how it is

i agree that no player is bigger than the club...but then again no person is and that includes the manager as well

the problem is that we do need tev playing. he may not be bigger than the club but at the moment he is the best player at the club and the one that sometimes single handedly wins us games....without him we dont see to have many options up front

balo - needs to sort his attitude out...until he does that he cannt be the main man as good as he is -he cannt be trusted to stay on the pitch long enough!!

ade - seems simply that the manager doesnt rate of like the player

rsc/jo - never ever going to be good enough

people keep pointing to the fact that we beat westham without tev.....good result yes but lets face facts...they are bottom of the league and a cert to be relegated.....its not that difficult to beat west ham.....beatig other teams without our best player/forward may be more of a problem
If Man City and the fans continue to back players over managers we will never get to where we want to be. There has to be only one winner in this battle Forza Mancini. CTID
simon23 said:
i agree that no player is bigger than the club...but then again no person is and that includes the manager as well

the problem is that we do need tev playing. he may not be bigger than the club but at the moment he is the best player at the club and the one that sometimes single handedly wins us games....without him we dont see to have many options up front

balo - needs to sort his attitude out...until he does that he cannt be the main man as good as he is -he cannt be trusted to stay on the pitch long enough!!

ade - seems simply that the manager doesnt rate of like the player

rsc/jo - never ever going to be good enough

people keep pointing to the fact that we beat westham without tev.....good result yes but lets face facts...they are bottom of the league and a cert to be relegated.....its not that difficult to beat west ham.....beatig other teams without our best player/forward may be more of a problem
Is that doublespeak for Mancini out ? For what it´s worth here´s my tuppence
Yesterday I commented half jokingly that my approval rating for Mancini had gone up another 5% to 80% - this morning make that 110%. Arse licking any manager because he just happens to be OUR manager is not my shit and managers will have to earn my respect and approval on and off the pitch. Roberto Mancini has just achieved this. Reminds me of Tony Book with Marsh - we went on to win our last trophy after Booky showed him the fookin door. I hope Carlos sees sense and apologises coz I DO want him to remain but he´s not having the club over a barrel when he gets preferential treatment already - NO FOOKI WAY!!
ChicagoBlue said:
Instead of saying things like "I want every player to react like that when they get subbed" (paraphrasing!), he should have said, "Carlos wont be playing next week because of suspension, but he wont be getting paid either, because of his disrespect. More is expected of EVERY player, let alone the Team Captain." And then say NOTHING else about it!

Same for Balotelli this week!

If these guys think they are better than the club, they should not have signed on the dotted line. If they want out, then shop 'em for the BIG money they SHOULD be sold for. If it comes in, fine. If not, then let them sit and stew.

AND, this is an EXCELLENT TIME to make Vincent Kompany the Captain!!!

think that sums up my thoughts on the situation.There is fog around Tevez and his "statements"' caused by his lack of English,everything is subject to 'translation",the peculiar arrangement with his 'owner' KJ ,and the steady drip to the media about his personal unhappiness(which he has used previously) is clearly done to suit an agenda.May be that one day we find out.For sure it is not about 'missing his kids'.
Maybe I should contribute to the forum a lot more in future...
A close work colleague and myself have a mutual aquaintance with someone who works quite high up within City's security network and he placed a £10 bet with me last Monday that Tevez would quit City in January or the end of the season which I took....Doh!

He also stated that City wanted Robhino out way before it was announced.

Whilst I believe that the manager should have the respect of players, it has to be earned, and it is not a happy ship at City with all these rumours about Tevez and others are to be believed. Either there is no respect or promises are not kept.

What concerns me is the trade off the fans have to live with between success and heroes, someone like Tevez is recognizable, and kids, the future of our support easily identify him and admire him (fair to say probably Torres, Gerrard and Shrek as well).

The club must look to resolve this situation, hopefully keeping Tevez. The owners, some say can afford to let him rot, but they are in it for business reasons so this is unlikely to happen.

No doubt the truth and resolution will emerge over next few days.

The main person I am unsure about is Cook, there are two many rumours surrounding him and his methods.
With balotelli mancini will never be stable, what a rollercoaster this club will always be. I'm really tired of it, still I guess its not boring.
He is just one player i could not give a fuck about tevez i stopped drooling over individual players after puberty.
We will move on with the project players will come and go some better than others.
But one thing i will say and this is not a personal thing against tevez but to protect MCFC against further incidents like this i would sit him out till the end of his contract or he pays his contract plus fees.
My main concern is MCFC not some player or any player who thinks he can dick around with OUR FOOTBALL CLUB bye and thanks Carlos next

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