Raw tomatoes are hideous. Sandwich ruiners, sometimes making the bread soggy and their juice and jelly soaking everything. It's vile.
They ruin salads.
They make full English breakfasts disappointing and are always removed straight away if they appear on my plate. Even worse when it's that mushed up version.
Tomato sauce is acceptable but I very rarely have it on anything and if I do, I'll do it myself so my food isn't drenched in it.
Tomato soup can be ok.
Tomato puree is acceptable when on pizza etc as long as it's not too much or overpowering anything else.
Beef tomatoes can fuck off too.
The horrible bastards that have tinned tomatoes on toast. Fuckin disgusting.
Biting into a tomato is awful too. Nothing pleasant about it and those horrible little cherry tomatoes can get fucked too.
As you can see, I pretty much despise tomatoes. No no no.