a little birdie...Torres et al...

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Prestwich_Blue said:
Robinho's Subbuteo said:

When did Nicky Weaver come back and why are Xavi Alonso and Zlatan Ibrahimovic wearing goalkeeper's jerseys?

In answer to the last bit.

Its the only way they can get in the team ;-)
oneyeartillheaven said:
BlueMark said:
Just so we are clear.... you have heard that tonight at about 9pm UK time we will announce the signing of Kaka ?

I have heard that at 9pm we will announce the signing of a player and the player that I have been told is Kaka.

Now please don't hold me to this I was like WTF when I was told but the person that mentioned it I have no reason to not believe.

I will not say who it is but will say that within Adidas this person is about as high up as you can get within the uk arm of the company.

He is a Chelsea fan and I am only on nodding when I see him basis the only reason that I had a longer than the normal hello conversation with him was because he knows as I am a blue and wanted to know who I thought Gallagher had been on about in the talkshite interview.

Like I said the guy could be winding me up which means I am winding us all up but I am only giving you the information that I have and am also naming who it came from as I am not an ITK or have ever claimed to be.

If I am wrong then I will take all the bile and abuse that I deserve and remember never ever to trust the twat next time I see him.

Interesting......I work for Adidas, who is the Chelsea fan who said this to you, are you prepared to name names? PM if you you don't want to post, I won't post the name if you don't want it public.
i dont know if these kaka rumours are true, but i do feel i have more chance of getting blumers bloomers to dinner and she says lets skip dinner and just hit the sack than we have of getting kaka.... i can only hope both come true
Just got in can't make out what's going on anyone just give details on the kaka rumours thanks
The Fixer said:
Xavvi said:
It was me who PM'd Fixer, about five others got it too, plus those who asked earlier in the thread :)

I said a week as a guess, I haven't a clue when it'll come to a head (if it does). But there's definitely contact ongoing.

Thank you mate, will the gobshites who called mw a wum and the rest like to appolagise??

Set of cnuts!!

Haha, no problemo.,
have just caught up with this thread but may of missed something but has any of the few rather more knowledgeable ITK'S said anything about this kaka situation??
Muzza said:
Dzeko > Kaka

completely different types of players. plus we've just signed Silva to be the creative player (don't need Kaka)

I really don't see whats wrong with Ade up-front with Tevez? Although lots of people on here seem to dislike his lazy attitude, he scores goals! Granted Dzeko looks a class act though.
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