A minutes silence for Maggie!

samharris said:
Bad move..whoever thought of it is a twat..

Thatcher was the enemy of football and covered up Hillsbrough..
Bit of an oxymoron really because if it wasn't for her government we'd never have had the investment in the country that would facilitate the incarnation of the premier league.
Gaylord du Bois said:
samharris said:
Bad move..whoever thought of it is a twat..

Thatcher was the enemy of football and covered up Hillsbrough..
Bit of an oxymoron really because if it wasn't for her government we'd never have had the investment in the country that would facilitate the incarnation of the premier league.

So Thatcher is responsible for the Premier league. I've heard her apologists come out with some shit but that takes the cake.
joe mancini said:
Rise like lions after slumber!

In unvanquishable number.

Shake your chains to earth like dew

Which in sleep had fallen on you-

Ye are many - they are few.

Quality sir, never thought I would see Shelley quoted on here
I dont think it will be a good idea to have a minutes silence at any football game because it will be marred by anybody who didnt like her. Truth his I dont subscribe to this dancing on peoples grave and rejoicing in someones death, love her or hate her..She was a politician for fucks sake and without getting into the massive debate about the pro's and cons of her premiership, its wrong to start going daft because an old lady has passed away.. grow the fuck up for fucks sake, I hate Blair but I dont wish him dead and wont rejoice when he dies!!
RIP Maggie and for those that disagree... Thats fine.. Your entitled to your opinion as I am..
stony said:
Gaylord du Bois said:
samharris said:
Bad move..whoever thought of it is a twat..

Thatcher was the enemy of football and covered up Hillsbrough..
Bit of an oxymoron really because if it wasn't for her government we'd never have had the investment in the country that would facilitate the incarnation of the premier league.

So Thatcher is responsible for the Premier league. I've heard her apologists come out with some shit but that takes the cake.
I'm far from an apologist Stony. It's just an observation of mine,but do you honestly think anyone would have invested in the old game ten years previously.
I personally think its a quirk/oxymoron that from of her government came the premier league out of shit heap that was English football at that time.
Do you really think any fucker would've wanted to invest in that crap?
Legallyblue said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
jitsubluedan said:
You are a true child of Thatcher as shown by your opening statement which is arrogant and leaves no room for argument; absolutely no room for concensus - just like the woman herself.
I'm laughing at the irony of that statement, which also sums up the implacable anti-Thatcher elements on here.

The true consensus is that she did some things right and some things wrong and if you really lived through the mid-1970's, you'd know what a fucking mess this country was in at that time.

For every person she put on the scrapheap, she helped others move a rung or more up the ladder, through being able to set up businesses, giving them far more disposable income, allowing them to own their own homes, freeing them from high inflation, giving them access to credit. Inflation was squeezed out of the system and interest rates, apart from a short blip in the late 1980's, went steadily down. Her reduction of taxation rates made it worthwhile to save, which impacts the economy by giving governments access to additional funds.

It's also a myth to say she "destroyed" manufacturing industry. The truth is that it was already declining before she came to power. Between 1970 and 1979, its share of GDP declined by just under 2%. Between 1979 and 1990, the rate of decline actually slowed so that its share of GDP went down by 1.5%.

Now I can't stop you thinking that she was (in your arrogant words that leave no room for argument) "a vile woman" but I can point out that not everyone shares that opinion.
There are lies, damned lies and statistics. The apparent slow down in the rate of decline was accounted for by the accelerating shrinkage of the public sector due to savage cuts fostered on us by Thatcher and her neo liberal mentor Keith Joseph.
The "savage cuts" in public expenditure had actually been imposed by the IMF in 1976, as a result of bailing out the Labour government. I don't deny it suited the Tories but that's how they started. Another factor that came about as a result of that loan was a change in fiscal policy from pursuing full employment to control of inflation via the money supply. So another Thatcher policy actually originated with her Labour predecessor. And that's not a lie or a statistic.

The facts are these:
- Manufacturing industry was already well in decline before 1979.
- Mining was already well in decline by 1979 and over 30 pits had been shut under Wilson/Callaghan.
- The plans to close down a number of steel producing facilities had already been made by the Labour government.
- British Leyland had gone bust in 1975 and had to be bailed out by the Labour government.
- Unemployment was around 1.5m and would have been a lot higher if the Labour government hadn't been propping up ailing, loss-making, inefficient, over-manned industries.
- Inflation was over 20%.
- There were something like 30m working days a year lost to strikes

I might have some regard for your views if you'd had the balls to admit that things were pretty shit in 1979 but claiming they were not as bad as the right-wing press made out marks you out as a complete and utter muppet of the highest order. Now go away and wank over your pictures of Clare Short.
Marring her minutes silence?

FFS it's her minutes silence marring a football game.

In case football fans upset a few Thatcherism familiars that's the reason not to have a minutes silence?

Fuckin' 'eard it all nahh.
The only thing im pissed off about is bobby wrapover and people like whelan telling me what I should do, a big F O to the pair of you, you greedy pair of leeching cu-ts!

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