A question for those who think corruption is happening.

Pigeonho said:
Just think about it for a second. Think about what it would take for a United official to go through to make a payment to a ref or any other bod, to ensure a game is not lost. Surely there would be a paper trail? An electronic transfer of data trail? An audio trail? A money trail?

We have just seen the downfall of a Sky 'legend', (their term, not mine), all in the space of 24 hours - because there was a trail. Now some think that trail was set up, and I can see why. That is just to bring down a commentator, not a club and one of the greatest managers ever, just a commentator. Now surely if someone hated United that much and suspected there was foul play with refs, a sting could be set up? Remember how easily Sven got stung by the NOTW? Surely if they thought something was not right, they would set up a sting to unmask the biggest footballing scandal since records began? It couldn't be that hard to do, could it?

Or am I being very naive and very gullible by not realising that it could actually be a matter of a masked menace, sneaking up to Peter Waltons house at night with a self exploding letter which explains what this 'payment' is for?

Still think its happening?

Just to say, this isn't a smartarse pop at those I regard as deluded enough to believe United are favoured upon. You know my thoughts on that. I believe they win because that is all they know to do and whether I get pillared for this or not, I admire how they carve out results like last night and I wish to high heaven we could start doing it. Time will bring that mentality to us, I am certain of it but its all about gaining the experience of doing so, and the fact is they have players there who only know how to win, and that experience rubs off on whoever it is Bacon Face decides to add to the squad for the future.

if you go to see the story of the scandal in Serie A (calciopoli) you will find that no referee had been bought / paid.

no money. only career.
its got nothing to do with back handers..its about selling the prem around the world to the tv stations sponsors etc... trafford sells if they win, singapore dont want to see wigan or blackpool every week and the top brass know who bring the money in
bluemoondays said:
Dave Ewing's Back 'eader said:
There is no corruption in the sense of brown envelopes, Swiss numbered accounts, money laundering, sovereigns in shoes, etc. There is an accepted WAY in which THINGS shall be! Blackpool do not get penalties when they are playing MANUre, MANUre are struggling so we allow a handball, thrice, and then permit the attacker to take the defence's free kick and score, all elbows within a scarlet shirt are ignored, all kicks within a scarlet boot are disregarded, any element of similarity between teams re disciplining individuals will not be used by the FA, and so on.

I agree with this, how many truly game-changing decisions have gone against the scum over the last few years. Compare that to how many times they have got away with blatant fouling, getting in the referee's face. This season alone there could be 3-4 games where they could and should have been down to 10 men, penalties been awarded against them etc. Rafael's refusal to leave the field should have meant a further 2 game ban (a la Mascherano) but the FA Committee decided it didn't warrant it.....

The list is endless

I agree with this but its not corruption as such. Its a fear that Fergie is bigger than them and if they upset him they could find themselves out of a job, or down the pecking order at least. But its the same for Mourinho, Wenger, etc. They manipulate the system to make it that way.

Rob is doing the same thing and so he should be.
johnmc said:
Its all a nonsense.

If United get a decision that goes for them its corruption.

If we get a decision for us it "swings and roundabouts".

When we played Blackpool we had an offside goal given and they had an offside goal chalked off. Corruption?

good point. i think some people spend too much time believing what some say or write, as gospel.

we get decisions for that we shouldnt, but because we arent hated as much (yet - hopefully) they dont get brought up.

lets not forget that united would have won the title last season if it wast for the 6 points chelsea picked up against them for ridiculous offside decisions. so some do go against them :-)
pissedagain said:
its got nothing to do with back handers..its about selling the prem around the world to the tv stations sponsors etc... trafford sells if they win, singapore dont want to see wigan or blackpool every week and the top brass know who bring the money in
So you are saying it is about back handers then, but just with no actual exchange of a 'reward'? Ok then, say Mr Walton himself has been told to look upon United favourably, would it not benefit him massively, (financially), to expose it? Why would he not? If I was him and I had some kind of correspondence which said 'make sure our top asset is looked upon favourably', I would go straight to the authorities and papers with that proof, not because I am a City fan, but because I know I would never have to work again due to the complete wealth it would bring. Why haven't any refs done this, if they are told to be favourable to United?
Pigeonho said:
Dirty Harry said:
It happened in Italy so why not here ?

Personally I think some go a bit far, but I tend to believe there is definitely a pecking order, an order we are moving up steadily.
Serie A at that time was nowhere near as global and lucrative as the PL is right now. If this was happening, and there were clear signs it was too, surely someone would want to expose the biggest football story ever, especially a journo from the Sunday Tabloids?

Maybe not mate but it doesn`t have to be, I don`t think the actual amount of monies involved are the actual issue, we don`t know just how deep rooted their probem was and how far back it really went in truth, even when I was a kid in the 70`s there was always suggestions of corruption in Italian football ( amongst others), then there was the whole Bruce Grobelaar and Co incidents, who knows where it all ends.

We MAY one day end up with a scenario similar to the MP`s expenses scandal, not saying I believe it to be true but I certainly wouldn`t discount it, just that there is preferential treatment.
It's just laughable really.

Plus there's the fact that money talks, and United don't even have the most of it (that you could call disposable). Why would it be them alone that benefitted from corruption?

We're supposed to also believe these allegedly bent officials also favour reputation and standing over cold hard cash? Even more bollocks.
There is no coruption but there is manipulation.

I'm sure a referree would rather face the wrath of Holloway than Fergie as if Fergie slates the ref it makes more headlines and affects the refs standings or reputation.
bluemoondays said:
Dave Ewing's Back 'eader said:
There is no corruption in the sense of brown envelopes, Swiss numbered accounts, money laundering, sovereigns in shoes, etc. There is an accepted WAY in which THINGS shall be! Blackpool do not get penalties when they are playing MANUre, MANUre are struggling so we allow a handball, thrice, and then permit the attacker to take the defence's free kick and score, all elbows within a scarlet shirt are ignored, all kicks within a scarlet boot are disregarded, any element of similarity between teams re disciplining individuals will not be used by the FA, and so on.

I agree with this, how many truly game-changing decisions have gone against the scum over the last few years. Compare that to how many times they have got away with blatant fouling, getting in the referee's face. This season alone there could be 3-4 games where they could and should have been down to 10 men, penalties been awarded against them etc. Rafael's refusal to leave the field should have meant a further 2 game ban (a la Mascherano) but the FA Committee decided it didn't warrant it.....

The list is endless

Agreed and agreed.

It's pathetic really, you only have to look at how the same refs officiate our games in comparison to the scum games.

The mere fact that we are bottom of the fair play league tells it's own story, City are hardly a dirty side, tbh I can't think of hardly any bad tackles we have put in this season.
its not hard to see the top clubs get most off the refs, at the moment city are not flavour of the month but that will change and eventually we will get our share, as for the refs they are paid...they know where their wages are coming from, you dont have to say anything....can you imagine scudamore in singapore...give us 25 mil and you can watch wigan every week...no thought not, it will be you can watch utd, liverpool etc, thats why all the smaller clubs in the prem get a lot of money, they know quite well they would make fuck all otherwise, thats why not so long ago a few clubs wanted to break away i e those that could sell around the world and in doing so would have kept all the money

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