A sense of perspective?

Didsbury Dave believes everything he reads in the sun or the mirror and thinks real footy is just the same as Fantasy Football ie price is in direct correlation to quality. The old adage you get what you pay for just does not apply to football transfers especially when the vendors know you are oil gazillionaires.

We have the most expensive squad but not the best. Don't you understand the difference ?

The low, almost childlike intellect evident in your garbled reasoning and your lack of understanding of the most basic concepts of what brings success to a club means that you sir are a regular challenger for the most stupid post award and your little rant at my point frankly exposes you as an embarrassment to real matchgoing City fans everywhere. As ExeterBlue pointed out that may seem presumptuous of me, but look, I'm at most matches and I do not hear your sentiments of doom and gloom expressed except by the odd attention seeker. Why does the whole crowd join in with the Mancini song ?

20,000 posts in 6 years (JEEZ !) says it all for me. I'm sure your coterie of similarly miserable sods with equally worn out keyboards will leap to your defence - after all you forum dwellers don't like people disagreeing with you do you ? But seriously lads your words contain zero fuckin credibility and not much more sense.

Rant over, I'm off to work, UP THE BLUES
Dethred said:
Blue Mooner said:
I think any fan with a modicum of common sense realises that our first 11 is arguably the best in the league, however, we clearly lack the strength in depth of our neighbours over in Trafford.

This is a real peach. We, up until recently, had 4 world class strikers, the rags had two (plus Welshit and the Lesbian). Our worst midfield pairing (probably Barry and Garcia) outclasses their best central midfield (Carrick and Shitstains). Our wide players... well we don't have any by design. Our defense? Their second choice includes Pigface Jones, Smalling, Rafael, and Jonny Evans. Our second choice defense eats them alive, Kolarov (yes even him), Lescott, Kolo Toure, Maicon, Richards. We could put out our second XI and probably beat their starting XI with the proper motivation and tactics.

Yes we've had a massive problem with injuries, but I think there is more of a problem with Mancini choosing not to rotate as often as he could.

Blue Mooner said:
That prevents us from rotating and therefore keeping players fresh from game to game. Chelsea, who have spent massively, outspent us for Hazard bought Oscar, Mata, Ramires, Cahill, Lukaku, Torres, Luiz for huge sums of money and from a much stronger base are currently behind us in the league.

They bought a bunch of kids and have the worst management policy imaginable. Players don't even know who the fuck is going to be in the technical area next match. If they get a decent manager and hold onto him for a season or two, and let their new team mesh, they'll be right back in it.

Blue Mooner said:
Didsbury Dave now proclaims we have the best squad in the league yet all of the above would suggest otherwise.

Not sure of any teams that have the likes of Nasri, Silva, Yaya, Barry, and Milner to choose from on a regular basis. Not sure what other teams have the best striker from Germany (before he left), one of the best in La Liga (before he left), a second regular on the Argentina national team strike force (hardest to break into?), and an emerging talent first choice Italian national team striker.

We have the best squad, it has significant depth, and you're insane to claim otherwise.

Blue Mooner said:
Tbh I think we may have slightly but I'm never going to advocate the sacking of our manager on the basis of a couple of wins/losses either way,

Reminds me of this board as Hughes was on the chopping block and everyone knew it. No different here. Nothing wrong with supporting the manager. Even those of us that want him replaced if a better choice is available, still support him and want him and City to win absolutely everything.

Blue Mooner said:
Not only that the miserablists singularly fail to put one compelling alternative to Mancini so they are advocating a decision to sack Mancini without any clue or strategy as to what happens after. It is the ramblings of the madhouse but thankfully I believe our owners are far more level headed.

Fortunately (as I mentioned in the previous paragraph), our owners probably have a backup plan at all times. They probably had a short list and preliminary contact with several managers last spring just in case. Mancini has a history of erratic reactions to his team falling apart under pressure (Milan), ADUG won't be just hoping everything goes swimmingly as the summer approaches.

I think Mancini is now sitting precisely where Hughes was at the time of his sacking... Massive investment and going backwards in every way (Ok, we still have the FA cup, the level we were at this time in 2011 and 100M pounds less spent). Yes, Mancini has won trophies, but trajectory is everything, and they'd honestly be crazy as fuck to not consider bringing in a new manager before rebuilding the team.

Mancini has made it clear in the past decade that he will not likely ever win the Champions League. Excuses are easy to make, two successive failures in the group stages, and some absolutely novice management mistakes on his part put him squarely to blame (not the competition).
That's a very good post and accurately reflects my feelings. I've said on many occasion, the accurate reflection is to ask how many of their players would get into our team and vice versa. Valencia, yes (because we have no decent wide players) Van persie, yes (but he's no better than aguero) and maybe evra( but clichy runs him close). In every other position I believe we are stronger. In midfield we are streets ahead, and midfield matters at the top.

With regards to depth of squad we have better fringe players too, with the likes of dzeko, Milner, Richards, Tevez, nasri(if he ever recovers his arsenal form) and until recently balotelli. In key positions players like silva, hart, kompany and yaya are miles ahead of what they can offer.

The difference is simple. The manager blends them better, organises them better and motivates them better. Ferguson was interested in buying half our squad when they came on the market but we blew them out the water financially and so until this summer they were settling for a tier below with the purchases. I never heard ferguson bleating about how he didn't get his number one targets when that was happening.

Every time we play united you can see how much better than them we are.
Santiago Street . said:
I'll rephrase it, only a teenager or a numpty would be unhappy with our current league position.........This season has only been "bad", as you simplistically put it, in the way that a little child, not having the sophistication to see nuances, only sees things as "bad" or "good"

Sorry mate, it was bollocks yesterday and it's still bollocks today. And the patronising tone and air of intellectual superiority you assume is entirely misplaced by the way
Santiago Street . said:
Didsbury Dave believes everything he reads in the sun or the mirror and thinks real footy is just the same as Fantasy Football ie price is in direct correlation to quality. The old adage you get what you pay for just does not apply to football transfers especially when the vendors know you are oil gazillionaires.

We have the most expensive squad but not the best. Don't you understand the difference ?

The low, almost childlike intellect evident in your garbled reasoning and your lack of understanding of the most basic concepts of what brings success to a club means that you sir are a regular challenger for the most stupid post award and your little rant at my point frankly exposes you as an embarrassment to real matchgoing City fans everywhere. As ExeterBlue pointed out that may seem presumptuous of me, but look, I'm at most matches and I do not hear your sentiments of doom and gloom expressed except by the odd attention seeker. Why does the whole crowd join in with the Mancini song ?

20,000 posts in 6 years (JEEZ !) says it all for me. I'm sure your coterie of similarly miserable sods with equally worn out keyboards will leap to your defence - after all you forum dwellers don't like people disagreeing with you do you ? But seriously lads your words contain zero fuckin credibility and not much more sense.

Rant over, I'm off to work, UP THE BLUES

What a miserable nasty sod you are...I truly feel sorry for your co-workers.

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