A sense of perspective?

Didsbury Dave said:
Santiago Street . said:
Only newly arrived numpties / teenagers could possibly be unhappy about our results this season .

This fucking forum, sometimes.

Sweet Jesus. I ask myself genuinely 'what kind of person actually thinks like that'.

I'm afraid the answer is clear. Someone who knows literally nothing about football. Sorry to single you out, mate, because you're not the only one but fucking hell.

That's just delusion. As ridiculous a post as I've ever seen and I've been here years.

No need to apologize pal, we disagree

Nobody's happy we're 15 points behind but 2nd is 2nd however many points the gap is.

What many of the miserablists fail to acknowledge is that we are so far behind this year not because Bobby's got it wrong or certain players are resting on their laurels but because (at the risk of unleashing a storm of vitriol on myself) the title winning team isn't /wasn't as good as we thought it was.

After our pragmatic, defence minded progression to 3rd place in 10/11 we surprised the fuck out of the league by swashbuckling our way to the top in the first half of last season. Once we were tactically rumbled results tailed off. With the exception of the run in we haven't been anywhere near the 11/12 early season level on a consistent basis for 14months now. How we've played this season is in my humble opinion a truer reflection of the real level of this team.

So those of us who understand football realise this and downgrade our expectations accordingly.

For me the real scandal of our insipid defence of the title is to be found in player recruitment issues. Now I don't necessarily buy into the credentials of the 2 spaniards but what is undeniable is that this summer it's absolutely clear who's in charge of what and as such it should in theory smooth the process of recruiting players.

All that said I still stand by my original sentiment, 2nd place with app 80 points is a fucking good season, only 1 team can win it every year and this year it's not us but although the spike of the graph is down the overall trend is up hence I'm happy
Santiago Street . said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Santiago Street . said:
Only newly arrived numpties / teenagers could possibly be unhappy about our results this season .

This fucking forum, sometimes.

Sweet Jesus. I ask myself genuinely 'what kind of person actually thinks like that'.

I'm afraid the answer is clear. Someone who knows literally nothing about football. Sorry to single you out, mate, because you're not the only one but fucking hell.

That's just delusion. As ridiculous a post as I've ever seen and I've been here years.

No need to apologize pal, we disagree

Nobody's happy we're 15 points behind but 2nd is 2nd however many points the gap is.

What many of the miserablists fail to acknowledge is that we are so far behind this year not because Bobby's got it wrong or certain players are resting on their laurels but because (at the risk of unleashing a storm of vitriol on myself) the title winning team isn't /wasn't as good as we thought it was.

After our pragmatic, defence minded progression to 3rd place in 10/11 we surprised the fuck out of the league by swashbuckling our way to the top in the first half of last season. Once we were tactically rumbled results tailed off. With the exception of the run in we haven't been anywhere near the 11/12 early season level on a consistent basis for 14months now. How we've played this season is in my humble opinion a truer reflection of the real level of this team.

So those of us who understand football realise this and downgrade our expectations accordingly.

For me the real scandal of our insipid defence of the title is to be found in player recruitment issues. Now I don't necessarily buy into the credentials of the 2 spaniards but what is undeniable is that this summer it's absolutely clear who's in charge of what and as such it should in theory smooth the process of recruiting players.

All that said I still stand by my original sentiment, 2nd place with app 80 points is a fucking good season, only 1 team can win it every year and this year it's not us but although the spike of the graph is down the overall trend is up hence I'm happy
We have got the best squad in England and one of the best four or five on Europe. When we won the league last year we comprehensively outplayed the runners up three times, once with ten men. We were the best team In The league easily, this wasn't some flash In The pan freak season. It was a season where the best team won and should have won by more.

This year we didn't recruit well in the summer but we retained, and strengthened, a damn good squad. And the performances have fallen off a cliff all season long. We are closer in points to West Brom than Man utd. Yes, they bought a good striker but their midfield is miles behind ours and we have more world class players, including some of Europe's top strikers.

You said that only a teenager would be unhappy with our season so far. I put it to you that that is total and utter nonsense. If you think that Mancini, the players and the top brass are happy with this seasons results and performances then I have to repeat. You are deluded. Mancini has said himself on several occasions how unhappy he is.

So why make that infantile and ridiculous point? Everyone in football knows city have had a bad season. Except you.
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Didsbury Dave said:
As ridiculous a post as I've ever seen and I've been here years.

In all fairness DD, I have seen you post that at least once a week since I joined this site two and a half years ago ;-)
The forum surpasses itself regularly. And that post is up there with the infamous 'you should be banned from the etihad' which is still the barometer for eye watering stupidity ;-)
Santiago Street . said:
Common sense Exeter, nobody wins the league every year, not Bayern, not Barca, not Madrid - we have no divine right to win things just because we have oil

Only newly arrived numpties / teenagers could possibly be unhappy about our results this season. We're the 2nd best team in the league and through to a Wembley semi final.

Complete tosh
FantasyIreland said:
dancity19 said:
The reason that doesn't hold up as providing perspective for many of us, is because, in context, we may as well be a different club entirely to the one pre the investment.

It's great to look back upon for a bit of nostalgia and think how far we have come, but in terms of perspective, it's pointless. We have spend hundreds of millions. If our growth had been completely organic then you would have a point.

Ultimately though, when the investment came in, we effectively became a different club to the one before, so looking at those players adds no perspective.

Don't baffle them with reality and fact mate.

Its appears too hard a concept for many to understand perspective.

We are all very grateful the Sheikh chose us,however,that doesnt mean we can be happy when the team does not perform to its full potential.

Why are you so condescending, nasty fella.
Didsbury Dave said:
Santiago Street . said:
Didsbury Dave said:
This fucking forum, sometimes.

Sweet Jesus. I ask myself genuinely 'what kind of person actually thinks like that'.

I'm afraid the answer is clear. Someone who knows literally nothing about football. Sorry to single you out, mate, because you're not the only one but fucking hell.

That's just delusion. As ridiculous a post as I've ever seen and I've been here years.

No need to apologize pal, we disagree

Nobody's happy we're 15 points behind but 2nd is 2nd however many points the gap is.

What many of the miserablists fail to acknowledge is that we are so far behind this year not because Bobby's got it wrong or certain players are resting on their laurels but because (at the risk of unleashing a storm of vitriol on myself) the title winning team isn't /wasn't as good as we thought it was.

After our pragmatic, defence minded progression to 3rd place in 10/11 we surprised the fuck out of the league by swashbuckling our way to the top in the first half of last season. Once we were tactically rumbled results tailed off. With the exception of the run in we haven't been anywhere near the 11/12 early season level on a consistent basis for 14months now. How we've played this season is in my humble opinion a truer reflection of the real level of this team.

So those of us who understand football realise this and downgrade our expectations accordingly.

For me the real scandal of our insipid defence of the title is to be found in player recruitment issues. Now I don't necessarily buy into the credentials of the 2 spaniards but what is undeniable is that this summer it's absolutely clear who's in charge of what and as such it should in theory smooth the process of recruiting players.

All that said I still stand by my original sentiment, 2nd place with app 80 points is a fucking good season, only 1 team can win it every year and this year it's not us but although the spike of the graph is down the overall trend is up hence I'm happy
We have got the best squad in England and one of the best four or five on Europe. When we won the league last year we comprehensively outplayed the runners up three times, once with ten men. We were the best team In The league easily, this wasn't some flash In The pan freak season. It was a season where the best team won and should have won by more.

This year we didn't recruit well in the summer but we retained, and strengthened, a damn good squad. And the performances have fallen off a cliff all season long. We are closer in points to West Brom than Man utd. Yes, they bought a good striker but their midfield is miles behind ours and we have more world class players, including some of Europe's top strikers.

You said that only a teenager would be unhappy with our season so far. I put it to you that that is total and utter nonsense. If you think that Mancini, the players and the top brass are happy with this seasons results and performances then I have to repeat. You are deluded. Mancini has said himself on several occasions how unhappy he is.

So why make that infantile and ridiculous point? Everyone in football knows city have had a bad season. Except you.

I actually think if your boy Mou got the gig there'd be plenty of players he wouldn't fancy from our squad. It is also debatable whether we have a better squad than United and Chelsea.

Chelsea have a more creative midfield, United a better attack, and us the best defence. United also have a very experienced bench, Chelsea less so.

Would Mata, Hazard and Oscar get in the City side? I'd have em.
I'll rephrase it, only a teenager or a numpty would be unhappy with our current league position.

Yes the best team always wins the league but we weren't the best team easily as you suggest

The league's over 38 games for a reason. Beating the rags 3 times is only relevant up to a point, head to head results can be misleading. Are Everton a better team than us based on our head to heads ? No. Nadal pisses Federer 19-10 H2H but few sensible people would say he's the better player.

This season has only been "bad", as you simplistically put it, in the way that a little child, not having the sophistication to see nuances, only sees things as "bad" or "good"

It hasn't been a bad season at all, one could argue it's been disappointing in comparison to last season - one in which imo we over achieved. If 2nd place in the whole country is "bad" then people like you will run out of adjectives pretty quickly if we ever become also rans again.

Our squad while good isn't worthy of trite comments like yours hailing it as among the top 5 in Europe - get real man. We could argue about the merits of our squad all day but it's just our opinion. Results on the pitch dictate how good a squad is and clearly ours isn't amongst Europe's elite.

Let's get constructive here, f you think our squad's great but our performances are poor then logically it's Mancini's fault right. So what would you do, sack him ? And bring in who ?
Santiago Street....

An extremely sensible and rational post further up this thread. I think any fan with a modicum of common sense realises that our first 11 is arguably the best in the league, however, we clearly lack the strength in depth of our neighbours over in Trafford.

That prevents us from rotating and therefore keeping players fresh from game to game. Chelsea, who have spent massively, outspent us for Hazard bought Oscar, Mata, Ramires, Cahill, Lukaku, Torres, Luiz for huge sums of money and from a much stronger base are currently behind us in the league.

Nasri, a coward, Garcia, worse than de Jong, Sinclair worse than Johnson, Dzeko lazy, Barry too slow, Kolarov slaughtered (comments which incidentally none of which I agree) - I don't think any player bar Aguero and Zabaleta have escaped the wrath of a section of our fans and yet they have the temerity to criticise Mancini for underachieving!

Didsbury Dave now proclaims we have the best squad in the league yet all of the above would suggest otherwise.

At the end of the day the rags also have a record points haul which exacerbates the illusion that we have underperformed.

Tbh I think we may have slightly but I'm never going to advocate the sacking of our manager on the basis of a couple of wins/losses either way,

The champs league is so often cited yet we havent yet had a group which could even be described as an even par group. Last season we made a good shift of it. This season, we went out to two teams now in the last eight,and but for 5 minutes of madness at the Bernebeau it could have been so different.

Not only that the miserablists singularly fail to put one compelling alternative to Mancini so they are advocating a decision to sack Mancini without any clue or strategy as to what happens after. It is the ramblings of the madhouse but thankfully I believe our owners are far more level headed.
FantasyIreland said:
dancity19 said:
The reason that doesn't hold up as providing perspective for many of us, is because, in context, we may as well be a different club entirely to the one pre the investment.

It's great to look back upon for a bit of nostalgia and think how far we have come, but in terms of perspective, it's pointless. We have spend hundreds of millions. If our growth had been completely organic then you would have a point.

Ultimately though, when the investment came in, we effectively became a different club to the one before, so looking at those players adds no perspective.

Don't baffle them with reality and fact mate.

Its appears too hard a concept for many to understand perspective.

We are all very grateful the Sheikh chose us,however,that doesnt mean we can be happy when the team does not perform to its full potential.

If you're judging the club by change over time, then there is not a single club that is the same club it was, even 20 years ago. What clubs have any of the same staff or exact same financial situation from 20 years ago? Most clubs have entirely different squads and backroom staff after a 10 year period of time. Ours happened in a couple years... which also happens at other clubs.

The only thing that is persistent with any club is the fans. The fans make the club. That is the only thing that gives clubs the old adage of "experience in Europe", for instance. Real Madrid have zero players out on the pitch from their last CL title, but its the fans that carry on that success to the new team.

This is in no way a negative, but when Cisse' put in that goal back in May, you could hear a pin drop. It was the experience of the fans having flashbacks of "typical city". The silence only made the job of coming back that much more difficult. The Dzeko goal and the crowd getting more hopeful is a large part of what motivated *That goal*.

In my view, we're the same club from St. Mark's days. You can change anything about the club on the outside, but its the lineage and legacy of the supporters that make the club. In that vein, if the fans demand more, then that is the realistic expectation.
Blue Mooner said:
I think any fan with a modicum of common sense realises that our first 11 is arguably the best in the league, however, we clearly lack the strength in depth of our neighbours over in Trafford.

This is a real peach. We, up until recently, had 4 world class strikers, the rags had two (plus Welshit and the Lesbian). Our worst midfield pairing (probably Barry and Garcia) outclasses their best central midfield (Carrick and Shitstains). Our wide players... well we don't have any by design. Our defense? Their second choice includes Pigface Jones, Smalling, Rafael, and Jonny Evans. Our second choice defense eats them alive, Kolarov (yes even him), Lescott, Kolo Toure, Maicon, Richards. We could put out our second XI and probably beat their starting XI with the proper motivation and tactics.

Yes we've had a massive problem with injuries, but I think there is more of a problem with Mancini choosing not to rotate as often as he could.

Blue Mooner said:
That prevents us from rotating and therefore keeping players fresh from game to game. Chelsea, who have spent massively, outspent us for Hazard bought Oscar, Mata, Ramires, Cahill, Lukaku, Torres, Luiz for huge sums of money and from a much stronger base are currently behind us in the league.

They bought a bunch of kids and have the worst management policy imaginable. Players don't even know who the fuck is going to be in the technical area next match. If they get a decent manager and hold onto him for a season or two, and let their new team mesh, they'll be right back in it.

Blue Mooner said:
Didsbury Dave now proclaims we have the best squad in the league yet all of the above would suggest otherwise.

Not sure of any teams that have the likes of Nasri, Silva, Yaya, Barry, and Milner to choose from on a regular basis. Not sure what other teams have the best striker from Germany (before he left), one of the best in La Liga (before he left), a second regular on the Argentina national team strike force (hardest to break into?), and an emerging talent first choice Italian national team striker.

We have the best squad, it has significant depth, and you're insane to claim otherwise.

Blue Mooner said:
Tbh I think we may have slightly but I'm never going to advocate the sacking of our manager on the basis of a couple of wins/losses either way,

Reminds me of this board as Hughes was on the chopping block and everyone knew it. No different here. Nothing wrong with supporting the manager. Even those of us that want him replaced if a better choice is available, still support him and want him and City to win absolutely everything.

Blue Mooner said:
Not only that the miserablists singularly fail to put one compelling alternative to Mancini so they are advocating a decision to sack Mancini without any clue or strategy as to what happens after. It is the ramblings of the madhouse but thankfully I believe our owners are far more level headed.

Fortunately (as I mentioned in the previous paragraph), our owners probably have a backup plan at all times. They probably had a short list and preliminary contact with several managers last spring just in case. Mancini has a history of erratic reactions to his team falling apart under pressure (Milan), ADUG won't be just hoping everything goes swimmingly as the summer approaches.

I think Mancini is now sitting precisely where Hughes was at the time of his sacking... Massive investment and going backwards in every way (Ok, we still have the FA cup, the level we were at this time in 2011 and 100M pounds less spent). Yes, Mancini has won trophies, but trajectory is everything, and they'd honestly be crazy as fuck to not consider bringing in a new manager before rebuilding the team.

Mancini has made it clear in the past decade that he will not likely ever win the Champions League. Excuses are easy to make, two successive failures in the group stages, and some absolutely novice management mistakes on his part put him squarely to blame (not the competition).

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