A weight off his shoulders

accused of racist abuse .it easy to accuse any one of anything but you then must be prepared to back your story up .these 2 rag stewards oviously wernt prepared to lie on oath .the lads name & photo should never have been published

Well said.

Whether he is guilty or not his name and a picture should never of been published by the MUEN, even when he was cleared of the charges they still published his name/face.

i'd say the same about a rag accused of racially abusing a city player as well.

Innocent until proven guilty, not having your name/image dragged through the fucing gutterpress with the tag of being a racist, as even when he was cleared I saw comments from people still implying he was a racist.
unfortuantly people always think there is no smoke without fire .the "justice system " works in a very strange way. I remember a driving instructor acused of sexual assault ,it was ovious it was a load of tosh, he was in the papers every week before trial .at court the Judge through the case out ,the woman who acused him got charged her self .that driving instructor never worked again
I am the person in question and I was thrown out at the Derby accused by 2 stewards of shouting something racist towards Ashley Young, when in actual fact I was just stood there minding my own business luckily I had a great lawyer and some great witness who where the with me. The fact that the 2 stewards didn't turn up just go to show the truth about the standard of stewarding in football not only have I had my life put on hold my season card suspend and my career put in jeaprody. The cheek of the media to report as they have been doing to be waiting for me outside of court wanting pictures, I told them to await a statement from my solictor which they received and never printed with the story and didn't use the picture taken on the court date as I was with my character refrance who was a black man they instead recycled the original picture when I was charged. Anyway time to move on with my life and all its done is make me hate the rags even more.
If anyone does ever get into that kind of situation and I pray they never have to suffer the stress and the injustice I did then contact the football supports association and ask for Melanie she was fantastic through the whole thing
I am the person in question and I was thrown out at the Derby accused by 2 stewards of shouting something racist towards Ashley Young, when in actual fact I was just stood there minding my own business luckily I had a great lawyer and some great witness who where the with me. The fact that the 2 stewards didn't turn up just go to show the truth about the standard of stewarding in football not only have I had my life put on hold my season card suspend and my career put in jeaprody. The cheek of the media to report as they have been doing to be waiting for me outside of court wanting pictures, I told them to await a statement from my solictor which they received and never printed with the story and didn't use the picture taken on the court date as I was with my character refrance who was a black man they instead recycled the original picture when I was charged. Anyway time to move on with my life and all its done is make me hate the rags even more.

Good luck mate, glad it's all behind you now.
If anyone does ever get into that kind of situation and I pray they never have to suffer the stress and the injustice I did then contact the football supports association and ask for Melanie she was fantastic through the whole thing
The FSA strike me as being really fucking sound, not many bodies you can say that about in football, take fucking note drop twatter and michel twatini
The FSA strike me as being really fucking sound, not many bodies you can say that about in football, take fucking note drop twatter and michel twatini
My Solictor told me that you wouldn't believe how often it happens, just to make an example of people to try and control the crowd yet they don't think of the long term ramifications of there actions luckily I have employers who trust me and know me for what I am.
My Solictor told me that you wouldn't believe how often it happens, just to make an example of people to try and control the crowd yet they don't think of the long term ramifications of there actions luckily I have employers who trust me and know me for what I am.
Nice one mate, well done for fighting it. Can't understand how the rag stewards don't get charged with contempt of court
Nice one mate, well done for fighting it. Can't understand how the rag stewards don't get charged with contempt of court

...defamation of character, and stress, and cost to your character etc. It has always passed me off that the those who have been dragged though the court process are stigmatised with alleged guilt whilst accusers are cloaked in anonymity when no guilt at all has been found. Grrr

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