Actors/actresses who can't act

the whole new cast of hollyoaks! used to be my fav show ;) but rapidly gone down hill

she cant act for shit i cringe when she talks.

simon from corrie , i know he's only a kid. but damn he cannot act ha

sam mitchell cant act to save her life
I don't know how anyone can watch soaps of any type. I feel myself getting dumber if I even happen to glance at one.
MCFC-alan88 said:
I don't know how anyone can watch soaps of any type. I feel myself getting dumber if I even happen to glance at one.

i like some of them thats why. nothing wrong with it imo
All soap actors...absolutely terrible.

The worst movie actor has to be Matt Dillon, wooden and has the most annoying acting voice I've ever heard. Really can't watch a film he's in without cringing.
Andie McDowell is a permed piece of balsa-wood (although she was quite good in Groundhog Day).
She can't be blamed for this but she also uttered the worst line in film history - Four Weddding's 'Is it raining? I hadnt noticed'.

Minnie 'MASSIVE face' Driver just plays herself in every film role. She has the voice of a world-weary docker and a snorty laugh that makes me want to grate my skin off.

Richard Gere has only three expressions that he alternates.

There was once a great out-down aimed towards one of my favourite actors Robert Mitchum - 'He doesnt so much act as point his suit at people'.

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