Adam Johnson for Gareth Bale

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spurspinter1 said:
allan harper said:
Missed some chances ! Fucking hell that's an understatement !
Oh I only now 5 Spurs lads and each and everyone of them says he's useless ! Funny enough having seen Ade play in Blue enough times my self that's my opinion of him as well.

I'm confused, so you haven't watched him play for Spurs as you know enough about him from his time at City yet you feel you can say "missed some chances" is an understatement?

3 goals and 4 assists in about as many games as well as actually adding a focal point to our attack and your mates wouldn't take him on a free after watching Crouch Pavlychenkcho and Defoe flop about like a fish out of water for the entire previous season? Okay.

-- Tue Nov 15, 2011 4:58 pm --

SambaStyle said:
Spurs fans, would you trade Bale for Adebayor + Johnson?

Would you take Gomes for Joe Hart by any chance? ;)

Would be a terrible deal. I guess the player exchange deals are a moot point as they rarely happen but it's fun to discuss I guess.

Depending on which paper you read of course, the assumed buy out clause in the duration of Ade's loan is around 12m?

And I'd say the difference in percieved value between Bale and Johnson is more than 12m, as well as the fact that we'd struggle to take on Ade's wages permanently so for the deal to work man city would probably have to continue to pay a chunk of his wages.

Both players will have inflated values as they have both recently signed new contracts.

As I discussed in a ratings thread ages ago on here, I have never rated Adam Johnson massively, in most games I have seen him play he starts off brightly with a couple of step-overs and speculative shots then fades, and has a bit of a moan when he gets subbed. I don't think he will be more than a minor squad player for you guys, swapping him with someone who in my opinion has a lot more potential would be madness.

I will say that wingers tend to be the position who has the hardest job of maintaining consistency though, I will admit I have not watched Johnson like a hawk throughout his footballing career so maybe I've just caught him on his off days

-- Tue Nov 15, 2011 5:00 pm --

BobbyQ90 said:
You saying, "please just stop" doesn't make my point any less correct. Yes I agree that Van Der Vart isn't world class, but he's closer to it than Bale is. He's at least played for big clubs. Has anyone on this thread actually seen AJ play? He has so many more qualities than Bale. You can't just say "Please just stop" and think that works to rebuff my argument in any plausible way.

No, I just thought I'd jump head first in to debate about the player without having seen him play. I haven't even seen bale play to be honest. Not that in too football to be honest......

Are you on the wind up?

Haha, didn't mean it that way, but yes, it was a bad attempt at sarcasm.
Papers saying spurs want £45m

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... Villa.html</a>
We don't need to. If we want Bale enough then we'll go and buy him. Toss them; Adebyor, Toure and Kolarov as bait plus £40m should do it..........................AJ is a blue, the best winger and prospect in the Prem and future of our club, end of.
alky313 said:
Hazard >>>> Bale. At half the British Messiah fee.

Always a risk though, Joe Cole looks top class playing for them as well, maybe throw 20m for him as well?
ChicagoBlue said:
AJ flatters to deceive, seems slow on the uptake, and is a source of frustration for both Mancini and Capello. He has scored some outstanding goals (4 that I recall) in two years and has had a few assists. To see the way he acts, one would think we bought him from Barca, as an established international, with a long history of brilliance.

Jury is still out on what he COULD be. Today, he is a single faceted winger, with average (at best!) pace, a few moves (likes to put the ball between the two staggered defenders and force them to either foul him or let him through, has a step over, and can chip the ball with his right foot which somehow bamboozles defenders who show him the line!) and almost zero defensive skills.

In the system that City want to play, where the two OUTSIDE MIDFIELDERS have to track back and help cover BOTH the opposing outside midfielder and marauding full back, he is ill-suited to the task, which is why Mancini thinks he is a "impact player" late in a game when City are pressing.

Mancini is clearly getting to him, as we have recently seen AJ do more defending than at any time in this cumulative history. However, what is also glaringly obvious is that he does not have an engine. He has two gears....walk and dribble. He cannot sprint and he cannot maintain work rate, which is why MILNER starts on the left side for England AND City in place of him. Milner is not the fastest guy in the world, but he has some pace combined with an almost indestructible engine. In short, Milner is our new SWP, with tackling/crossing/distribution skills, and is the MOST underrated player at the club. AJ THINKS that is him!!

I will bet that AJ is not at Man City at the beginning of next season, possibly even the end of January, if Bobby Manc gets the wide player(s) he wants. However, I think Bobby believes that January is a time for opportunistic buys, not a time to offload decent squad players. The ideal type of outside midfielder is someone like (I know, I know) Bale or Valencia, who can play down the line, but have QUALITY defensive instincts. After all, in the Bobby Manc scheme, we are cultivating our FULL BACKS to be wingers who cross the ball and get to the byline, so (as we showed to perfection at the Swamp!), the outside midfielders need to be able to drop in and do a job defensively, while the combination of Silva, Toure, Nasri, Sergo, Edin, Mario, et al work in their interchangeable groups upfront when we attack.

Bobby Manc KNOWS what a REAL PLAYER looks like, smells like, acts like. AJ is not it, and the clock on whether he can change Bobby's mind is ticking down. If someone offered Downing-type money for AJ, I would rip their hand off. AJ may be a good player for a team that has the luxury to CARRY a winger, due to playing 3 other hard nosed midfielders who will do his donkey work for him, but that team is NOT City and that team will never amount amount to much with AJ as a regular his current form, mindset, work rate.

The only questions of relevance to me is: Do WE have time to wait for AJ to get fit and be what WE need him to be for us? And, does AJ want to be that player? Sadly, I think the answer to BOTH questions is NO!

Tosh.................all of it.
ChicagoBlue said:
AJ flatters to deceive, seems slow on the uptake, and is a source of frustration for both Mancini and Capello. He has scored some outstanding goals (4 that I recall) in two years and has had a few assists. To see the way he acts, one would think we bought him from Barca, as an established international, with a long history of brilliance.

Jury is still out on what he COULD be. Today, he is a single faceted winger, with average (at best!) pace, a few moves (likes to put the ball between the two staggered defenders and force them to either foul him or let him through, has a step over, and can chip the ball with his right foot which somehow bamboozles defenders who show him the line!) and almost zero defensive skills.

In the system that City want to play, where the two OUTSIDE MIDFIELDERS have to track back and help cover BOTH the opposing outside midfielder and marauding full back, he is ill-suited to the task, which is why Mancini thinks he is a "impact player" late in a game when City are pressing.

Mancini is clearly getting to him, as we have recently seen AJ do more defending than at any time in this cumulative history. However, what is also glaringly obvious is that he does not have an engine. He has two gears....walk and dribble. He cannot sprint and he cannot maintain work rate, which is why MILNER starts on the left side for England AND City in place of him. Milner is not the fastest guy in the world, but he has some pace combined with an almost indestructible engine. In short, Milner is our new SWP, with tackling/crossing/distribution skills, and is the MOST underrated player at the club. AJ THINKS that is him!!

I will bet that AJ is not at Man City at the beginning of next season, possibly even the end of January, if Bobby Manc gets the wide player(s) he wants. However, I think Bobby believes that January is a time for opportunistic buys, not a time to offload decent squad players. The ideal type of outside midfielder is someone like (I know, I know) Bale or Valencia, who can play down the line, but have QUALITY defensive instincts. After all, in the Bobby Manc scheme, we are cultivating our FULL BACKS to be wingers who cross the ball and get to the byline, so (as we showed to perfection at the Swamp!), the outside midfielders need to be able to drop in and do a job defensively, while the combination of Silva, Toure, Nasri, Sergo, Edin, Mario, et al work in their interchangeable groups upfront when we attack.

Bobby Manc KNOWS what a REAL PLAYER looks like, smells like, acts like. AJ is not it, and the clock on whether he can change Bobby's mind is ticking down. If someone offered Downing-type money for AJ, I would rip their hand off. AJ may be a good player for a team that has the luxury to CARRY a winger, due to playing 3 other hard nosed midfielders who will do his donkey work for him, but that team is NOT City and that team will never amount amount to much with AJ as a regular his current form, mindset, work rate.

The only questions of relevance to me is: Do WE have time to wait for AJ to get fit and be what WE need him to be for us? And, does AJ want to be that player? Sadly, I think the answer to BOTH questions is NO!
hahaha ffs ...i'll take ya bet if ya throw in flight n' cab fare to Stoney-i

The kid already has a touch of Ronnie Whelan/Glenn Hoddle (in their prime) to his game and will only get better !

WE don't wait for anyone anymore, THEY prove their fitness and fit in or feature accordingly.
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