Adam Johnson guilty - 6 year sentence

In no way a defence of him, but it winds me up far more than it should that female teachers are always in the news for having groomed and had sex with underage students and yet they get given suspended sentences.

Whats the difference. Its Adult and Child! It Needs consistency!

Its because girls are delicate little flowers who need out protection, who when even faced with the thought of a penis immediately start vomiting and pass out. And boys are horny sex beasts who would shag a letter box if it looked at them the right way.
Cant stand the guy, hope he goes to jail but 6 years, no chance!

He never had full intercourse and she was 15 which makes him a Ephebophile which is kind of the least dodgy nonce out the three types. The damaging part for him is the grooming, that is a killer for him and will be the nail in his coffin.

I am on twitter and follow Children Have Rights, they post UKpaedosexposed links with charges and sentences for nonces. Given the average I have seen I would predict 18months to 3 years. He will do a third, the rest on tag, then be on lifetime register I wouldve thought.

If I was him I would hang myself, he cant be fixed and is a cancer to society. But in all likelihood I would expect him to sell his assets and leave the country as soom as his conditions allow, start a new life abroad. His missus is a fucking drip but I hope she fleeces him for as much as possible.
Just reading a local paper, 22 year old convicted of 2 counts of having sex with a 13 year old, while previously being convicted of 2 offences of indecently exposing himself to a woman, jailed for 2 years and 10 months. So using that as a benchmark,I think 6 years might be a tad excessive for touching or kissing a 15 year old.

I think he's an obnoxious twat who deserves to be punished. But he doesn't deserve to be treated differently from any other person simply because he's a footballer. Any sentence that appears to be based on his profession rather than his crime is bound to be appealed.
I think he's an obnoxious twat who deserves to be punished. But he doesn't deserve to be treated differently from any other person simply because he's a footballer. Any sentence that appears to be based on his profession rather than his crime is bound to be appealed.
No he should have a heavier tariff than what Joe Public would get, not only has be abused his position in society from being a (famous) footballer he also like Coppers, Civil Servants, MP's have to be seen as an example. I saw a Policeman a few weeks ago had 'played with his Mortgage' and was sacked, a Tesco worker wouldn't have had his work affected at all.
No he should have a heavier tariff than what Joe Public would get, not only has be abused his position in society from being a (famous) footballer he also like Coppers, Civil Servants, MP's have to be seen as an example. I saw a Policeman a few weeks ago had 'played with his Mortgage' and was sacked, a Tesco worker wouldn't have had his work affected at all.

Disagree with this totally.
Just reading a local paper, 22 year old convicted of 2 counts of having sex with a 13 year old, while previously being convicted of 2 offences of indecently exposing himself to a woman, jailed for 2 years and 10 months. So using that as a benchmark,I think 6 years might be a tad excessive for touching or kissing a 15 year old.
you think one sex offender should get a lesser sentence just because another one did ? How very odd
No he should have a heavier tariff than what Joe Public would get, not only has be abused his position in society from being a (famous) footballer he also like Coppers, Civil Servants, MP's have to be seen as an example. I saw a Policeman a few weeks ago had 'played with his Mortgage' and was sacked, a Tesco worker wouldn't have had his work affected at all.
So it will be covered up then?
No he should have a heavier tariff than what Joe Public would get, not only has be abused his position in society from being a (famous) footballer he also like Coppers, Civil Servants, MP's have to be seen as an example. I saw a Policeman a few weeks ago had 'played with his Mortgage' and was sacked, a Tesco worker wouldn't have had his work affected at all.

It's one thing being held to a higher standard by your employers (where it's appropriate i.e. Police), it's entirely different being judged to a different standard in a court of law just because you're a cocky twat with a shed load of money.

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