Adam Johnson guilty - 6 year sentence

A teacher having sex with a pupil is a far greater abuse of trust. Yet that woman teacher who groomed and fucked a 15 year old boy got away relatively lightly. Now I know a lot of people on here, me included would have loved to have been abused by a fit female teacher when they were 15 but I thought the law didn't distinguish between the sexes. Apparently I'm wrong.
Now I have zero sympathy for Johnson, he's a thick **** and a sexual predator without a moral compass. I do however think his sentence reflects who he is rather than what he's done.

My point was it is a similar case, but not exactly the same, so the sentencing would be different, his lack of remorse, his plea and the social media campaign by his family and supporters added to his issues.

As for the extreme animal porn, that sounds worse than a few shots of dog's knackers or a pussy's pussy. The dirty ****.
I also think she was very lucky even to get just 2 years but without seeing the judge's sentencing remarks it's hard to say for sure. It was definitely done as a 1B offence so the assumption must be that the judge thought there wasn't a significant degree of culpability. Maybe for that reason, that she clearly didn't force him. But she was surely in a position of trust, which is regarded as an aggravating factor.
You forget to add though in that case there were mitigating circumstances.
The unapologetic, treacherous paedophile happened to be a woman.

Let's face it, if Jessica Ennis had sex with a drunk man who remembered nothing the morning afterwards, she wouldn't be in jail on rape charges for four years and debarred from her career.
A teacher having sex with a pupil is a far greater abuse of trust. Yet that woman teacher who groomed and fucked a 15 year old boy got away relatively lightly. Now I know a lot of people on here, me included would have loved to have been abused by a fit female teacher when they were 15 but I thought the law didn't distinguish between the sexes. Apparently I'm wrong.
Now I have zero sympathy for Johnson, he's a thick **** and a sexual predator without a moral compass. I do however think his sentence reflects who he is rather than what he's done.
Bang on The Button
A teacher having sex with a pupil is a far greater abuse of trust. Yet that woman teacher who groomed and fucked a 15 year old boy got away relatively lightly. Now I know a lot of people on here, me included would have loved to have been abused by a fit female teacher when they were 15 but I thought the law didn't distinguish between the sexes. Apparently I'm wrong.
Now I have zero sympathy for Johnson, he's a thick **** and a sexual predator without a moral compass. I do however think his sentence reflects who he is rather than what he's done.

I don't know the details of the teacher case but the judge in the Johnson case made clear he was taking into consideration Johnson's complete lack of any contrition or regret. The idiot no doubt compounded it for himself by appealing before sentence!
Incidentally, there is a charity appeal by my local hospital for a new wing for maternity care.
The amount being targeted is about 2 week's wages for Adam Johnson.
What thick, overpaid idiots footballers are.
Yes there was that Teaching Assistant from Manchester who got 2 years (originally a suspended sentence) despite admitting she had sexual activity with the boy around 80 times.
Johnson should be hammered for what he's done. However there shouldn't be one rule for one etc...
FWIW I think he'll get 6 years.

Good Afternoon, Your Honour!

That's very impressive.

I thought it would be four years.
All these different age of consent leaves me shaking my head.
I know all around the world it differs; in Mexico it's 12 for eg.
But in Europe surely it should all be the same.
What he did in France isn't even a crime as consent is 15 and in German it's 14 which means it's legal for a 70 year old man to fuck a 14 year old girl!

And the other thing which puzzles me a bit is legal age of voting is 18, smoking is 18, drinking is 18, gambling is 18 and that's because it's deemed the age of adulthood.
By that line of thinking and allowing sex at 16 and lower in other European countries it's actually legal and were allowing sex with a child!
Surely the whole of Europe should be 18??!!


Driving age
School leaving age
Voting age
Drink driving limit
Speed limits

All are different, decided by each country itself.
My point was it is a similar case, but not exactly the same, so the sentencing would be different, his lack of remorse, his plea and the social media campaign by his family and supporters added to his issues.

As for the extreme animal porn, that sounds worse than a few shots of dog's knackers or a pussy's pussy. The dirty ****.

There was a very similar case a few years ago when a very famous person was found guilty of buggery and indecent assault on 4 boys. He was also found to have approached between 10000 and 20000 boys over a long period of sustained predatory activity. Like Johnson he abused his position and like Johnson showed no remorse, but then he went further. He has gone on record as believing he did nothing wrong and still claims it was a miscarriage of justice.
He got 7 years, a very similar sentence to Johnson, but unlike Johnson his abuse was long term and systematic. He was a predatory paedophile who used his position to abuse young boys but got the same sentence as Johnson.

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