Adam Johnson on the left?

Gahh, I have no idea where he was playing last night, left or right he still did well and proved his haters wrong in the matchday forum ;)

I was originally trying to state, i would like to see him have more time on the left as he has recently (including last season) been mostly on the right.
SWP's back said:
Sparkys-Army said:
treasureox_MCFC said:
Isnt his natural position left wing anyway?

I thought it was Mancini that switched him to the right?

Yeah, for middlesborough he was played on the left so would only seem logical thats where his best position is.
Yes because Boro's manager at the time (Southgate? OR Strachan) have far better records than Mancini.

He hasn't exactly set the world alight on the right. Was only a thought. :)
Sparkys-Army said:
SWP's back said:
Sparkys-Army said:
Yeah, for middlesborough he was played on the left so would only seem logical thats where his best position is.
Yes because Boro's manager at the time (Southgate? OR Strachan) have far better records than Mancini.

He hasn't exactly set the world alight on the right. Was only a thought. :)
Did his best work there last night and if you watch, he switches every game
I have been watchin AJ quite closely over the last couple of weeks and he can be really frustrating to watch. As a player so quick with good feet and a good eye for a pass, I just dont understand why he doesn't run at the full backs more often.
However being the only natural winger on the pitch at any one time has to have an effect on how often he receives the ball doesnt it?

He's at his best when he switches sides a few times during games, i dont think he is particularly better on any side but he is direct and city need that.
At first I thought that Mancini started him on the left to give Clichy a bit of a hand and ease him into his debut, but can't see my reasoning there as Barry is also left footed and they've both got similar slow acceleration.

Then he moved over to the right and Silva dropped really deep to start off the attacks from just in front of defence. I know Silva's our playmaker but shouldn't Barry and De Jong be doing that so deep? Then when Yaya started surging forward after Swansea's passing the ball about and not doing anything with it phase Silva came back up the field and balance was restored a bit. Obviously 2nd half was a different story as Silva was still picking it up deep but running the game, couldn't work out what was more effective, I think he waited for the ball to be passed into him deep rather than challenging for it himself and not being available for the ball out of defence/ def mid. but I'm still missing something somewhere. Back to AJ, I think he was told Silva's the man- he can go where he wants. Accommodate him by playing in a complimentry position, i.e. if Silva is on left go to right and vice versa.
I thought AJ played well last night had a hand in 3 of our goals and also did brilliantly to spot the cut back to Silva when he hit the crossbar in the first half. For me he should be in our starting XI more often. He is brilliant at getting at defenders and cutting inside but like most wingers sometimes he can suffer from being a bit quiet, however last night he was not at fault in that department IMO.

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