Adam Johnson

Heard a Boro fan on 606 who said he was a far better player than Stewart Downing.Also they had really missed him since January.
Didn't deserve to get subbed really. I would have took Bellamy off for Shaun but then he went and scored the third so it shows what I know.

Tough one for Wed because SWP could really tear it up like he did when he came on but who do you drop? For me it should be Bellamy but I can't see Mancini doing that.
He looked good on Saturday - I'd love him to put better corners into the box though - seems to struggle to beat the first man at the moment.
Bongo Joe said:
Didn't deserve to get subbed really. I would have took Bellamy off for Shaun but then he went and scored the third so it shows what I know.

Tough one for Wed because SWP could really tear it up like he did when he came on but who do you drop? For me it should be Bellamy but I can't see Mancini doing that.

I think SWP is starting to just become an inpact sub.
Bongo Joe said:
Great to see him getting the crowd going after winning the pen and then after the 2nd goal.

He desperately wants 4th and to play in the Champions' League. Would love him to score to goal to get us there.

yeh means alot to him, he changed the game saturday, he was outstanding.

after seeing the highlights again i think Bellamy does the same gesture to the crowd aswell, about 5 yards to adams right as he runs off.

one of the best signings city have ever made, 7mill at the moment looks like a steal.
I just hope he is able to kick on next season. I think next season is a huge season the players in this league will get a lot closer to him next year and I dont think he will have as much of a impact to our team next year compared to this season. When you play as well as he has done so far the defences will start to double up on him big time and make it real hard for him to get free not blessed with the pace of Bellers its just makes it that tad bit harder. Also he wont be a certain starter next season as well and will have to battle it out for his place. Add into it the chances of Robhino returning and if he gets back the form that we know he has he will get his chance ahead of Johnson. Simple fact is he has to keep pushing on and make sure he holds onto the shirt and he is the only 1 who can do it.
robinhood CITY said:
Heard a Boro fan on 606 who said he was a far better player than Stewart Downing.Also they had really missed him since January.

I heard that too.

I loved the way, for the second goal, he stopped the ball dead and waited for the defender to go past it before he looked up, spotted Manu and slid the ball to him.
Vienna_70 said:
robinhood CITY said:
Heard a Boro fan on 606 who said he was a far better player than Stewart Downing.Also they had really missed him since January.

I heard that too.

I loved the way, for the second goal, he stopped the ball dead and waited for the defender to go past it before he looked up, spotted Manu and slid the ball to him.

really cool headed peice of football, alot of players would of panicked or gone for the shot, he drawn defenders out of position and played the perfect pass for a simple goal, his decision making seems to be spot on from what i've seen so far.

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