Ade the 'physical marvel'

Mancio said:
BillyShears said:
Super post mate.

It's a stupid decision compounded by the fact that Ade wasn't given a chance this season. That's an almost unforgiveable act on Mancini's part. He's got away with it because of Carlos and his 'greediness' in getting so many goals...

not any decision was as stupid as to keep a £ 150.000 per week guys on the bench as 4th choice striker.

ade has been given all the chances of this world, giving him another thousand chances wouldnt make of him a better player. tevez dzeko and balotelli are better players than him , this is ade's problem. he isnt willing to stay on the bench so he has to go.

tevez is certainly a better player(striker) than ade....Im not sure what you base the your opinion on balo and dzeko being better though....they both have proved very little in the prem so far.....Now im a huge fan of Balo and believe he has everything to be one of the best but your criticism of Ade is in someway connected to his attitude...well look at balo's....he has a history of poor attitude and he has done nothing to dismiss this since he came here.....different bad attitudes with both players...same problem overall.

neither balo or dzeko have proved in anyway yet they are better than ade (though I firmly believe that Balo will)....dzeko....well its far far too early to tell

You say ade wasnt happy being on the bench......he wasnt even making the bench...the innaffective Jo was making it ahead of i think any decent premiership proven striker would not be happy with that scenario!
Mancio said:
Mad Mario said:
Ade was given chances, and did well when played. Hatrick in his last game and even when he didn't score he worked hard for the team.
Yes Tevez, Balo and dzeko are all better players than him, but jo isn't. Why is jo still here when ade is better than him?
Mancini will continue to include jo in the squad which will baffle anyone who has seen the lad play since he arrived in Manchester. If we have an injury crisis I'm sure Mancini will regret putting his own personal issues ahead of the club and this seasons goals

JO has NOT to be better than ade , in fact he isnt.

but JO is willing to be the 4th strikers choice , he is willing to stay on the bench without create troubles in the dressing room.

while ade is not so willing. i cant see any mancini's personal issues in this , he is the manager , he HAVE to say who is the first , who is the second , who is the 3th and who is the 4th strikers choice, he is paid for do this.

it dont seem so difficult to understand .

ever heard of rotation......???????

ade wasnt even gettig on the bench to have a chance at impressing......he shoudl have been at least 3rd choice and given a chance and he wasnt.......even when balo has been injured (and he has ahad two reasonably lengthy injury lay offs since he has been here) ade wasnt getting picked at all.....RM played tev as a loan striker ....with Jo ont he bench!!!
simon23 said:
Mancio said:
not any decision was as stupid as to keep a £ 150.000 per week guys on the bench as 4th choice striker.

ade has been given all the chances of this world, giving him another thousand chances wouldnt make of him a better player. tevez dzeko and balotelli are better players than him , this is ade's problem. he isnt willing to stay on the bench so he has to go.

tevez is certainly a better player(striker) than ade....Im not sure what you base the your opinion on balo and dzeko being better though...... .they both have proved very little in the prem so far..Now im a huge fan of Balo and believe he has everything to be one of the best but your criticism of Ade is in someway connected to his attitude...well look at balo's....he has a history of poor attitude and he has done nothing to dismiss this since he came here.....different bad attitudes with both players...same problem overall.

neither balo or dzeko have proved in anyway yet they are better than ade (though I firmly believe that Balo will)....dzeko....well its far far too early to tell

You say ade wasnt happy being on the bench......he wasnt even making the bench...the innaffective Jo was making it ahead of i think any decent premiership proven striker would not be happy with that scenario!

would be the time that you quit you brainwash by SKY advertising .

a player is a player. that must be proven PL is just bullshit. football is football in Spain as in Italy as in Germany, and so in england.

who is good is good everywhere. and who is poor is poor everywhere. fuck.
Mancio said:
simon23 said:
tevez is certainly a better player(striker) than ade....Im not sure what you base the your opinion on balo and dzeko being better though...... .they both have proved very little in the prem so far..Now im a huge fan of Balo and believe he has everything to be one of the best but your criticism of Ade is in someway connected to his attitude...well look at balo's....he has a history of poor attitude and he has done nothing to dismiss this since he came here.....different bad attitudes with both players...same problem overall.

neither balo or dzeko have proved in anyway yet they are better than ade (though I firmly believe that Balo will)....dzeko....well its far far too early to tell

You say ade wasnt happy being on the bench......he wasnt even making the bench...the innaffective Jo was making it ahead of i think any decent premiership proven striker would not be happy with that scenario!

would be the time that you quit you brainwash by SKY advertising .

a player is a player. that must be proven PL is just bullshit. football is football in Spain as in Italy as in Germany, and so in england.

who is good is good everywhere. and who is poor is poor everywhere. fuck.
So by your logic robinho is a poor player?
Mad Mario said:
Mancio said:
would be the time that you quit you brainwash by SKY advertising .

a player is a player. that must be proven PL is just bullshit. football is football in Spain as in Italy as in Germany, and so in england.

who is good is good everywhere. and who is poor is poor everywhere. fuck.
So by your logic robinho is a poor player?

no , he is a good player. he was good in spain , then in england (since he want stay) and is good currently in italy. but is just good , nothing more.
Mancio said:
BillyShears said:
To be honest Mancio, you can post that shit over and over again - won't make it anymore true than this:

Mancini made Ade 4th choice and systematically isolated him from the team not based on Ade's ability, but based on Mancini's inability to deal with him. It's a massive weakness in our manager and one that will get glossed over because he has a blank cheque book to go and sign whoever he wants.

this is just one of your usual speculation based on nothing.

invent stories and repeat hoping that they get more credits.

Unfortunately there are only shit. the usual shit.

After a year I read your speculations, all proved false, I wonder if you really do feel a little ashamed to continue.
It maybe closer to the truth than you think.
The Future's Blue said:
Mancio said:
this is just one of your usual speculation based on nothing.

invent stories and repeat hoping that they get more credits.

Unfortunately there are only shit. the usual shit.

After a year I read your speculations, all proved false, I wonder if you really do feel a little ashamed to continue.
It maybe closer to the truth than you think.

i know a lot more than you think.
Mancio said:
Mad Mario said:
So by your logic robinho is a poor player?

no , he is a good player. he was good in spain , then in england (since he want stay) and is good currently in italy. but is just good , nothing more.
Ok, jo? Dynamite in brazil and Russia but..... Let's just say cack here
Ade haters I asked a simple question.

Ade has scored 20 in 36 for us since he joined, which Premiership player has better goal stats? Lets not argue about "I dont like how he looks or he looks lazy" lets argue about results and use facts otherwise this will become about opinion. I hate Henry but he is a fantastic player for example.

Ade is in the top 10 strikers in the world easily.
didactic said:
Ade haters I asked a simple question.

Ade has scored 20 in 36 for us since he joined, which Premiership player has better goal stats? Lets not argue about "I dont like how he looks or he looks lazy" lets argue about results and use facts otherwise this will become about opinion. I hate Henry but he is a fantastic player for example.

Ade is in the top 10 strikers in the world easily.

stats say bent is as good as torres rooney and drogbà.

do you believe bent is so good ?

i premit ; if your answer is yes you are the only one in the whole world i think :O)

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