Adebayor hearing — No extra banning! (Merged)

Re: Adebayor hearing thread

Prestwich_Blue said:
Kirkstall Blue said:
Your so right, and City need to start to take the FA on.

And what exactly would that achieve? He's available for Monday and won't suffer (apart from the fine) unless he does something completely stupid before Dec 2010. I agree that the whole situation is ridiculous but he did what he did and it was very public.

I strongly suspect that the club's lawyers have been talking to the FA and have already mentioned the van Persie incident, the ludicrous alleged reason for the booking (which we all know is rubbish but allows them to charge him) and the Neville incident (which was probably a godsend to them). But in the real, dirty world we live in, fairness does not always come into it.

The FA can't afford to lose face so they have probably agreed that, in exchange for a guilty plea, he would get a suspended sentence. If he pleads not guilty then all the dirt gets thrown up in the hearing but he probably gets found guilty anyway and gets a real ban.

We know the FA are arseholes (which is why we have FA Watch) but there are better battles to fight.
My attitude is one of zero tolerance to the FA because once you show you are weak they will stick it to you every time they can. Show them you mean business like the rags every time and Arsenal over the diving (yess I know that was UEFA but same applies)
Not sure if already linked but good article in the MEN: -

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... rt_brennan</a>
Re: Adebayor hearing thread

Bossman Blue said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
And what exactly would that achieve? He's available for Monday and won't suffer (apart from the fine) unless he does something completely stupid before Dec 2010. I agree that the whole situation is ridiculous but he did what he did and it was very public.

I strongly suspect that the club's lawyers have been talking to the FA and have already mentioned the van Persie incident, the ludicrous alleged reason for the booking (which we all know is rubbish but allows them to charge him) and the Neville incident (which was probably a godsend to them). But in the real, dirty world we live in, fairness does not always come into it.

The FA can't afford to lose face so they have probably agreed that, in exchange for a guilty plea, he would get a suspended sentence. If he pleads not guilty then all the dirt gets thrown up in the hearing but he probably gets found guilty anyway and gets a real ban.

We know the FA are arseholes (which is why we have FA Watch) but there are better battles to fight.
My attitude is one of zero tolerance to the FA because once you show you are weak they will stick it to you every time they can. Show them you mean business like the rags every time and Arsenal over the diving (yess I know that was UEFA but same applies)
Not sure if already linked but good article in the MEN: -

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... rt_brennan</a>

But I think we have stood up to them and in a way that lets everyone keep some face.
Re: Adebayor hearing — No extra banning! (Merged)

I agree to some extent PB that City's lawyers negotiated the deal but Ade was yellow carded in the game. Arsenal and there media machine moved swiftly after the game to deflect blame away from there fans and on to the player. It's a battle, the top four play out every season IMO.
We lost a top player for three games because of it. He's pleaded guilty to inciting the riot. The rest of the season will be really interesting from an FA watch, point of view.
Re: Adebayor hearing — No extra banning! (Merged)

Expect the FA to find some way of activating the suspended ban for the games on April 17th and 24th if we're still challenging the top four.
Re: Adebayor hearing — No extra banning! (Merged)

if togo qualify ade should rake up enough yellows to be banned whilst he is away.
Re: Adebayor hearing — No extra banning! (Merged)

After looking at Fifas “ Disciplinary guidelines” and “ Laws of the game” I am more convinced that the English FA are corrupt and think City should appeal the decision to charge Adebayor for “Improper conduct”

Under the laws of the game 116 Celebration of a goal

While it is permissible for a player to demonstrate his joy when a goal has been
scored, the celebration must not be excessive.
Reasonable celebrations are allowed, but the practice of choreographed
celebrations is not to be encouraged when it results in excessive time-wasting
and referees are instructed to intervene in such cases.
A player must be cautioned if:
• in the opinion of the referee, he makes gestures which are provocative,
derisory or inflammatory
• he climbs on to a perimeter fence to celebrate a goal being scored
• he removes his shirt or covers his head with his shirt
• he covers his head or face with a mask or other similar item
Leaving the field of play to celebrate a goal is not a cautionable offence in itself
but it is essential that players return to the field of play as soon as possible.
Referees are expected to act in a preventative manner and to exercise common
sense in dealing with the celebration of a goal.

The disciplinary guidelines also state:

Article 17 Caution
1. A caution (yellow card) is a warning from the referee to a player during
a match to sanction unsporting behaviour of a less serious nature
(cf. Law 12 of the Laws of the Game).
5. If a player is guilty of serious unsporting behaviour as defi ned in Law
12 of the Laws of the Game and is sent off (direct red card), any other
caution he has previously received in the same match is upheld.

Article 46 Minor infringements
A player is cautioned if he commits any of the following offences
(cf. Law 12 of the Laws of the Game and art. 17 of this code):
a) unsporting behaviour;
b) dissent by word or action;

Article 72 Referee
1. During matches, disciplinary decisions are taken by the referee.
2. These decisions are final.
3. In certain circumstances, the jurisdiction of the judicial bodies may
apply (cf. art. 77).

Article 77 Specific jurisdiction
The Disciplinary Committee is responsible for:
a) sanctioning serious infringements which have escaped the match
officials’ attention;
b) rectifying obvious errors in the referee’s disciplinary decisions;
c) extending the duration of a match suspension incurred automatically
by an expulsion (cf. art 18, par. 4);

Therefore the referee booked ADE for gestures which were provocative and the yellow card punishment should be the only punishment he receives.
The FA should not be re-refereeing the game, which Fifa have already warned them about.

Van Persie’s goal celebration in which he swore at the City fans and the behavior of the Arsenal Fans towards Adebayour should have been dealt with as per the following rules, but have been ignored by the FA.

Article 57 Offensive behaviour and fair play
Anyone who insults someone in any way, especially by using offensive
gestures or language, or who violates the principles of fair play or
whose behaviour is unsporting in any other way may be subject to
sanctions in accordance with art. 10 ff.

rticle 58 Discrimination
1. a) Anyone who offends the dignity of a person or group of persons
through contemptuous, discriminatory or denigratory words or
actions concerning race, colour, language, religion or origin shall
be suspended for at least five matches. Furthermore, a stadium
ban and a fine of at least CHF 20,000 shall be imposed. If the
perpetrator is an official, the fine shall be at least CHF 30,000.
b) Where several persons (officials and/or players) from the same club
or association simultaneously breach par. 1 a) or there are other
aggravating circumstances, the team concerned may be deducted
three points for a first offence and six points for a second offence;
a further offence may result in demotion to a lower division. In the
case of matches in which no points are awarded, the team may be
disqualifi ed from the competition.
2. a) Where supporters of a team breach par. 1 a) at a match, a fine
of at least CHF 30,000 shall be imposed on the association or
club concerned regardless of the question of culpable conduct or
culpable oversight.
b) Serious offences may be punished with additional sanctions,
in particular an order to play a match behind closed doors, the
forfeit of a match, a points deduction or disqualifi cation from the
Spectators who breach par. 1 a) of this article shall receive a stadium
ban of at least two years.

Article 67 Liability for spectator conduct

2. The visiting association or visiting club is liable for improper conduct
among its own group of spectators, regardless of the question of
culpable conduct or culpable oversight, and, depending on the
situation, may be fined. Further sanctions may be imposed in the case
of serious disturbances. Supporters occupying the away sector of a
stadium are regarded as the visiting association’s supporters, unless
proven to the contrary.
3. Improper conduct includes violence towards persons or objects, letting
off incendiary devices, throwing missiles, displaying insulting or political
slogans in any form, uttering insulting words or sounds, or invading the

Come on City, fight the F****** A****
Re: Adebayor hearing — No extra banning! (Merged)

well hes back so lets look forward to what is to come
Re: Adebayor hearing thread

cleavers said:
kiam06 said:
Its an absolute joke, one rule for one and one for another. What a buch of bent bastards the FA are.

Should have been a fine as Neville got when he ran to the scouse fans but not for a City player they have to go further, or did Neville get a suspended ban too?
yes 2 games suspended
Neville did not get a suspended ban, either for the Liverpool celebration or the one last week. Any reports which say otherwise are wrong.

FA fines Neville for celebrations
Neville loses appeal against fine
Neville disappointed by FA fine and warning

This suspended ban for Adebayor is a disgrace.
Re: Adebayor hearing — No extra banning! (Merged)

Here's a scenario I've just posted on the Evening News Ade story.
Supposing when City play Arsenal at the Emirates, it's 1 - 1 and Ade has been booked for, say shirt removal on celebration of scoring the opener. In the first minute of stoppage time he scores what is probably the winner at the Arsenal end. What is he supposed to do?
A. Celebrate right there in front of the Arsenal fans, thus incurring a red card for inflaming the their 'fans'? or
B. Run the full length of the pitch to celebrate in front of the City fans, thus incurring a second yellow and subsequent red for time wasting?*

*(That's what the ref now reckons his yellow card was for. Oh yeah! That's NOT a load of bollocks just to allow the FA access to persecute Ade is it?)
Re: Suggest A Safe/P... Take celebration for Ade

Tricky_Trev said:
If he scores at Villa, he should run 100 yards to the City fans and slide infront of us instead. Then, we should re-enact the Arsenal fans riot by throwing blue and white confetti at him, instead of stools.

This has to be done, somebody should get in touch with the club and propose this! Not only will it show the Arse fans up for what they are, it's also a big FUCK YOU to the FA and there will be nothing they can do about it!

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