Adebayor [Merged]

Some of the comments on here are so incredibly bad - and wide of the mark - it makes me wonder whether I should not bother with this forum.

I may be no footballing genius myself, but some of the post here are from complete and utter cretins.

I was always told to never argue with idiots, as they will drag you don't to their level and then beat you on experience.
Balti said:
Could have been nice to see him in the middle a bit more often and having the ball crossed in towards him.

i agree with this

but RM has said he wants his strikers to drop deep and let others run past them....and thats what ade was doing...but i dont think its really the best way to play ade....he wants to beup against the last man all the time to get the best out of him....tevez can drop deep and be effective bly turning and running at people (much like rooney does for utd) but ade should be told to stay upfront and run the the back line and not drop deep as if both of them do it (which was happening) then we again have noone upfront<br /><br />-- Fri Oct 01, 2010 7:47 am --<br /><br />
Freestyler said:
dzeko > adebayor

lol...grass is always have nothing to base that comment on whatsoever except your opinion
Chippy_boy said:
Some of the comments on here are so incredibly bad - and wide of the mark - it makes me wonder whether I should not bother with this forum.

I may be no footballing genius myself, but some of the post here are from complete and utter cretins.

I was always told to never argue with idiots, as they will drag you don't to their level and then beat you on experience.
Exchange the "don't" for a "down" and it may appear that you are not an idiot, or have you already been dragged don't..........sorry i mean down!
Ade definatly polrises opinions Mine is that he is not just upto it this season and hasnt been since he came back from A.C.O.N and all that hapened there.

At times he will work hard and make a run to close down or bring the ball down look to attack. But then at others he looks lost disinterested and like he couldnt give a toss what is going on. Granted the formation we are using doesnt suit his style of play but that is upto him to adapt they use it every day in training so he needs to fit in.

If something happens to Tevez then I really think we will be in the siit, we cant keep saying oh we have Balloteli as he hasnt played any prem football so he may be a massive flop.

We need to pray Tevez doesnt get a knock or one of the forwards over acheives!!
Chippy_boy said:
Some of the comments on here are so incredibly bad - and wide of the mark - it makes me wonder whether I should not bother with this forum.

I may be no footballing genius myself, but some of the post here are from complete and utter cretins.

I was always told to never argue with idiots, as they will drag you don't to their level and then beat you on experience.

THIS. I have come to the conclusion that alot of this is for attention, remember at school how the fat girls used to call everyone ugly just so guys would look at them? The same Ade is rubbish crowd are the same Mancini out, Dejong is overated, Toure is shit, etc etc crowd. Always fixing for an argument even if it is completely without basis just to get a reaction and the attention they so desperately need.

From now on I will only respond to threads based of reality arguing about things in the twilight zone like Chamakh, Hesky and Jo are better than Ade "even though his goal return is TREBLE theirs" and other things like Ade is lazy "even though stats show he covers as much ground if not more than anyone else besides Tevez" is stupid. Its obvious that for a certain section of blues there will always be someone they dont like and will press the issue until he is gone, kinda how the Inter fans did Balotelli and Barca fans did Ibra. I also suspect a few gooners, dippers and rags hidden among the comments adding little remarks to ignite in fighting while they laugh and chuckle. Denying there is an agenda against Ade would be stupid. The media hate him and they are making sure his fans do too. So carry on with your "expert" opinions, now everyone is so sure Balotelli is better when I bet 90% didnt even know who he was 2 years ago. I hate fickle people. Its a very female trait and when I see men display it I am completely disgusted.

This is what I think of this thread.

Really disapointed with Adebayor, I thought he would want to prove a point to Mancini that he should be in the starting 11, But he was his usual self:
To lazy to keep himself onside
Never an outlet for the midfield to give the ball
His work rate is one of the worst in the league
Adebayor-Lazy C*nt

Plus I feel really sorry for Tevez he busts his nuts every game including tonight and for him to look at that lazy c*nt Adebayor doing absolutely nothing is a disgrace.
why dont you shut up you waster,shite bandwaggon thread -certain players are just gonna get railroaded out of the club coz of fans like you ,did you go last night,did you clap when he did anything good,did you slag any other player who fucked up,probably not.Ade been out for 5 games,he is a totally different player than tev and imo once he came off last night i thought we looked less dangerous.paddy shud of come off and silva on left yaya n barry in centre mid and tev n ade up the top.any way the mrs talks more sense so carry on licking each others arses bout how bad ade is - knob jockeys-cmon city youre in my heart

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