

Well-Known Member
13 May 2007
He's off spouting again about not playing etc and if he doesn't he will leave and so on and so forth. To be honest I am sick of him now, either put up or shut up.

Last night he did not put any effort in whatsoever apart from chasing the ball now and then. He did not strike me as a £25,000,000 worth player by any stretch of the imagination.

Ade, there's competition for places now so if you do not impress when you do play, then don't start to wonder why you're not playing when there's plenty of players who would love to have your opportunity to play for us. Use it or lose it.

He said: "The season is going to be very long and very difficult for myself. I'm a footballer and have to keep going and not give up. I need to keep fighting for myself and enjoying my football.

"If you're in a team and you're not playing, and there is a team that comes in for me, then I will definitely be on my way out because I'm a footballer and I love playing.

"So if I don't have a chance to play here there will be a lot of chance to play somewhere else. If they (Manchester City) force you out then you always have to follow your destiny."
Agree thought he was poor last night. Its been clear for a while now his attitude stinks.

If Real will pay what we paid for him fuck him off IMO. Pay Wolfsberg what they want for Dzeko or part ex Huntelar with Milan for Robinho.
What I don't understand is he has started 2 of the 4 games. Only Joe Hart, Kompany and De Jong have started all four. It's not like he isn't getting games. YEt those that he does he puts in no effort.

"I'll count to 10 and if you don't start running Ade, you've had it!"
He was always going down in my estimation. After his fantastic display against Arsenal last year, he's just not done it regularly since.

Ship him out. Tevez, Balotelli, Silva, Johnson are oue best attacking options
Should be interesting to see how Mancini reacts, if at all.

Doesn't try to choose his words carefully, no real attempt to show solidarity with the squad/manager (Unlike recent interviews with Richards, Barry, Milner...) The interviewer isn't trying to catch him out or trick him into a cheap headline - in fact he sounds genuinely surprised at what he's hearing. Ade freely volunteers the: "Listen, if I'm not playing, and a club comes in for me ..."

How Mancini handles the players who give interviews like these, will define both our season and possibly even his future as manager in the long term.

Ade's been given the number 9 shirt, then complained about rotation at the very first opportunity.

Over to you, Roberto.
alera said:
Agree thought he was poor last night. Its been clear for a while now his attitude stinks.

If Real will pay what we paid for him fuck him off IMO. Pay Wolfsberg what they want for Dzeko or part ex Huntelar with Milan for Robinho.

I Said this last season and i got fuked for it

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