Aguero banned for three games (updated)

One simple question. How do report on something you did not see or saw and deemed not serious. A second by second match report written after the event is impossible. So the question must be asked directly. Eg did you see the elbow on Reid? Is different to - was the clash with Reid serious. If he answers no to the first then it is referred. If he says no to second it is let go. The nature of the question and who asks the question is all important.

Challenges that the ref is clearly looking at should not be re-reffed regardless of what he may have missed or how he interpreted it. It's farcical.
Challenges that the ref is clearly looking at should not be re-reffed regardless of what he may have missed or how he interpreted it. It's farcical.

What is farcical is that we won't re-referee games and incidents at all for any reason - unless the media kicks up a stink about it.

It really is the tail wagging the dog.
Uefa and the f.a there all the fucking same
There lying cheat bastards
There fucking up our game
They try to stop us winning
We're doing nothing wrong
The team will play great football
Whilst we sing this fucking song
What is farcical is that we won't re-referee games and incidents at all for any reason - unless the media kicks up a stink about it.

It really is the tail wagging the dog.

What is also farcical is that there appears to be no accountability for refereeing incompetence, they can just lie their way out of it with no one calling them to task.
Perhaps the time has come when a club actually takes a ref to court, and sues him for making a arguably wrong decision. If the ref then has to pay that club a large amount of damages to that club, perhaps then the FA might do something about it. The incident with SA can plainly be seen by the ref, he makes the movement to play on, so therefore the FA should not be forcing the ref to change his mind, be reversing his decision. This change of heart by the ref was only brought about by the amount of TV coverage by all the broadcasters and nobody else. Would they have made such a fuss if it had been Wanye Rooney you can stake your house on it they would have tried to keep it as quite as possible.

Get use to it guys the whole of broadcasting and the authorities that govern football are totally corrupt, and until there is a total clear out of all those that govern football it will always be the same.
It's a bit like when Twatkinson added on more time in the 4 - 3 derby due to over excessive celebrating in normal time yet this has never ever been applied since
Aguero banned, Iheanacho scores.
Challenges that the ref is clearly looking at should not be re-reffed regardless of what he may have missed or how he interpreted it. It's farcical.

It is the last word in farce for the FA and PL to say they won't re-referee matches and then promptly set about doing exactly that. Marriner made the decision that there was no foul re Sergio and that was that - until the RagDipperArse broadcasting mafia get a hold. Were it based on the integrity of the game, I could, in time come to accept it, but they never seem to react with such fervour when certain players are culpable

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