Aguero banned for three games (updated)

Plenty of people have told me they saw the highlights on MOTD and City were lucky to win - you can draw your own conclusions!
Anyone who is unable to form their own opinion from watching the match and takes Sky's opinion as gospel, is a fucking moron who isn't worth talking to about football.


I feel a Paul temple moment coming on, "By Timothy, Steve, whatever it was, it wasn't that!"

They need to shoe-horn their de$ire into another bill of attainder by dressing it up in the language of rape or torture &c.

This is a visual metaphor for our ongoing treatment
by the FA, UEFA, and British enter-taintment industry
(sport, athletics & gambling division).

I still remember the video someone made with the Arsenal supporters losing it and the Muppets Theme music in the background... it was pulled :(
The big trouble for me is that no one is accountable in the whole process. Independent or not they don't have to explain themselves at all. This update isn't an explanation it is a statement of opinion. No one would ever use the word brutal to describe what Sergio did unless you live in a cave and have never seen any part of real life ever.

It definitely was not "savagely violent".

And if they're going to make a habit of commenting on these incidents publicly let's see some consistency but we all know we won't get any of that.
Only 2 games really, Kelechi was probably always going to play in the cup game vs Swansea anyway. If we can beat Bournemouth on Saturday then no damage was done by his absence.

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