Alan Henning has been beheaded

Mike N said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
Now that Friday night's alcohol fuelled fuckwittery has died down, can I remind people that a local man who wanted only to help others has died in a particularly gruesome fashion. There may well be people who knew him on here or who know his family. So can we be respectful snd stop trying to score points off each other or generally be arseholes.

By all means start a thread about the solutions or lack of them to the problems of that region but let's remember that a thoroughly decent man has been murdered by a bunch of thugs and keep this thread at the appropriate level. Thank you.

Pity your sensible comments have already been ignored above.

Some people are just ignorant, myself and Cleavers posted last night asking this to be a thread showing respect for the people on BM who may know the family or Alan himself who could be upset by some of the comments on this, but it only took 2 or 3 posts for it to revert to the same shite. again I ask use this to share condolences and leave off the debate for another time/thread
intheknow! said:
Thank you Bigga and Rascal.

Good to see some others thinking logically and not being blinded by emotion.

RIP Alan Henning and ALL the other innocents killed

You reported the sad news and you had an opinion on the matter too. It wasn't controversial (I don't share your opinion) and you are entitled to hold your view and I'm actually saddened by the vitriol aimed at you but I guess it's a case of shooting the messenger. People need to pack in the abuse right now
bobmcfc said:
intheknow! said:
Thank you Bigga and Rascal.

Good to see some others thinking logically and not being blinded by emotion.

RIP Alan Henning and ALL the other innocents killed

You reported the sad news and you had an opinion on the matter too. It wasn't controversial (I don't share your opinion) and you are entitled to hold your view and I'm actually saddened by the vitriol aimed at you but I guess it's a case of shooting the messenger. People need to pack in the abuse right now
That's fair enough Bob but this is very close to home.
dronefromsector7g said:
bobmcfc said:
intheknow! said:
Thank you Bigga and Rascal.

Good to see some others thinking logically and not being blinded by emotion.

RIP Alan Henning and ALL the other innocents killed

You reported the sad news and you had an opinion on the matter too. It wasn't controversial (I don't share your opinion) and you are entitled to hold your view and I'm actually saddened by the vitriol aimed at you but I guess it's a case of shooting the messenger. People need to pack in the abuse right now
That's fair enough Bob but this is very close to home.

I agree, Only found out this morning as I was out last night. I'm just so sad for his family.
My sincere apologies for last nights outbursts at some Blue Mooners on this thread.I`m afraid the red mist appeared after my night out, with the Guinness taking affect.
It was the wrong time and wrong thread to be arguing and my sincere apologies to anyone who knew Alan and his family.
RIP Alan.You deserved better.
I sincerely hope we as a nation find these evil perpetrators and bring them to justice asap, I'm disgusted and outraged for what they have done and continue to do against normal people who are trying to make the lives of others better.

RIP Alan may the power of the Holy Spirit grant you Eternal Life and that perpetual light signs upon you.
Re: Alan Henning HAS been beheaded!!

intheknow! said:
In the video "Jihadi John" the British Mujahid blames the whole UK Parliament for approving strikes on Syria. If UK keeps killing Muslims they will kill us its that simple.

Feel desperately sorry for Alan Henning and his family, an innocent man who did good losing his life because of the UK Establishment Foreign Policy. We need to stop interferring in the Middle East.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.

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