Alan Henning has been beheaded

Really awful this, Alan's situation has been covered a lot more than others due to the nature of what he was doing out there.

Maybe I was naive but I had hoped they'd show one ounce of decency and let such a kind, charitable man free, he knew the risks but saw other's lives as too important.

RIP Alan
It's probably not right but an incident like this, close to home seems so much more shocking than reading about a hundred people being killed elsewhere.

Everyone was hoping but I don't think anyone really expected any other outcome. But it still came as horrible news.

There were a lot of people out on the streets last night after the news broke on and around the street he lived on. Nobody really knew what they were doing there. They just wanted to show some sort of respects I suppose.

One of the dangers when people are so angry is of course that anger is taken out on more innocent people. But I'm happy to say, there were a number of local Asian people out paying their respects and their wasn't any misguided anomisity towards them. They must have been apprehensive about showing their faces on the streets of Eccles last night and I'm pleased their presence was taken in the supportive way it was intended.
Also found out last night via Twitter, sickening news and thoughts are with Alan's family.

I think everyone knew this would be the eventual outcome, these sick bastards are a new breed of evil, hopefully they're stopped sooner rather than later.


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