Alan Henning - how should we respond?


Well-Known Member
1 Mar 2005
The Blue Buus... is callin us... Driver, where you
dronefromsector7g said:
bobmcfc said:
intheknow! said:
Thank you Bigga and Rascal.

Good to see some others thinking logically and not being blinded by emotion.

RIP Alan Henning and ALL the other innocents killed

You reported the sad news and you had an opinion on the matter too. It wasn't controversial (I don't share your opinion) and you are entitled to hold your view and I'm actually saddened by the vitriol aimed at you but I guess it's a case of shooting the messenger. People need to pack in the abuse right now
That's fair enough Bob but this is very close to home.

Yes, it is.

But I want to know if 'nuking the place' is the answer for all problems, the world over. Unless the 'nuke' screamers are expecting the bomb to ignore innocent souls and just target the Clown State by magic...

I know I have called for leaving Muslims to sort their 'problem child' out, but I know the consequences of such thought and the mayhem that will ensue. I know Iran, Iraq, Bahrain, Azerbaijan and, according to some estimates, Yemen are Shia religion led and the rest more Sunni, but really even the Saudis, the Egyptians, the Turkish, they REALLY don't want the Idiot State turning anything into a caliphate. I also think that the West cannot lead such salvation for Islam as that would defeat the object of the world(Shia and Sunni included) coming together in unity.

Help MUST be asked for, for trust to be built, after decades of Western meddling in the Middle East, is my solid unshakeable belief.


I'd like to move this point to another thread if there is one made for such discussions.
I wouldn't want to nuke anywhere. The risk to innocent civilians would be too great. I hope our inteligence agencies are working hard to identify all responsible with the aim of capture and then making them not be here anymore. Nice and quite, make them disappear one by one with no trace
bobmcfc said:
I wouldn't want to nuke anywhere. The risk to innocent civilians would be too great. I hope our inteligence agencies are working hard to identify all responsible with the aim of capture and then making them not be here anymore. Nice and quite, make them disappear one by one with no trace

To be fair, I thought that would have happened by now and was wondering why it's been left so long.
I'm as angry as most folk are and yes, the thought of wiping these evil fuckers out with one big bomb is very tempting but we have to look at the wider picture and realise exactly what our interventions have accomplished since the early nineties?

In truth, absolutely fuck all apart from hundreds of thousands of dead, including many of our own very brave service men and women and country's in a far worse situation than they were before.

That's the sad awful truth of the world we live in and if I'm being honest here now, the vast majority of Muslim deaths are caused by other so called Muslims and therefore I say let them just get on with it.

That of course won't happen because of oil and the arms industries interests so away we go on yet another war were innocents will die on both sides and a few select will get incredibly rich!
Another repulsive, barbaric murder of an innocent person.
Do we have the right to bomb them, kill them? Of course we do.

Is it in our interests to do so? This is the question I'm not sure about.

It isn't our region. It's a religious war waged 3000 miles away. Their actions are inhumane, or rather alien to us. So why not treat it as such. Let them fight in their region, as aliens. Let's not intervene. Let's live on our civilized patch of the world and leave it to the neighbouring countries to sort out. If they need help, then of course I support the UK in aiding. But that is what our position should be I think.

I think Blueinsa is right.
Bigga said:
bobmcfc said:
I wouldn't want to nuke anywhere. The risk to innocent civilians would be too great. I hope our inteligence agencies are working hard to identify all responsible with the aim of capture and then making them not be here anymore. Nice and quite, make them disappear one by one with no trace

To be fair, I thought that would have happened by now and was wondering why it's been left so long.

Well they know who jihadi John is. I wonder what his families stance is sat in their £1m home in london
I wanted troops on the ground before this latest cruel barbaric act on an innocent man, now this just reiterates my wish.

These despicable animals need removing from existence, and now.
I'm outraged and deeply upset about what has been happening to innocent people this last month or so. I sincerely hope we can rescue any remaining hostages especially the American guy who has been told he is next. The time for talking is over it's time to start shooting these bastards!!!
Turkey are struggling to contain IS at the moment and Syria are warning them not to cross the border to fight the IS militants and prevent them from taking kobani and then crossing into Turkish towns. It's pretty fooked up if you ask me
What would Alan Henning want us to do?
I'm fairly certain he wouldn't want his death avenging by a gung-ho British/Yank army blowing the place to fuck with scores of civilian casualties as collateral damage,the very same innocent people he was over there helping in the first place

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