Boris has some important core beliefs.
1. I am god's gift to women (amazingly, some of them think so too)
2.. I am an intellectual giant, with an unrivalled command of Latin. Post hoc, ergo propter hoc. (Trans. I like a nice german white)
3. Lying is good. An inverted pyramid of piffle never fails.
4. I could have been a great international sportsman (De Pfiffle, the Pele of Parliament)
5. Spending millions on a bridge made of flowers was a mere trifle, taxpayers can afford it, once I've reduced the top rate.
6 London needs water cannon to keep all the oiks under control.
7. Pay up, Torygraph.
8. When I am PM, you will never have seen anything like it.. Zip wire in Downing St.. will be a stunning start.
9. Eton, the cradle of the masses.
10 On yer bike!