Alexis Sanchez

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They're playing Thursday night football against the likes of Dynamo Twobob and Locomotive Bobbins so they'll get nowhere near winning the league that Thursday/Sunday schedule seems to fuck teams up big style.

Wenger won't take the EL seriously, like the League Cup, he will play the kids and focus solely on the title
About right in my opinion.

With him they get top 4 and therefore recoup around £50m from doing so, without him they risk not doing so.

Lacazette and Sanchez is a pretty decent strike force.

Even £70m is getting him on a discount. Had he had more than one year left he would be going for at least £90m/ £100m.

70m is about 20m to much
We wanted him when he was at Udinese, but he chose Barca. We wanted him when he was at Barca, but FFP stopped us making a serious bid so he went to Arsenal as it was the best offer on the table. The only other serious consideration came from Juventus who were in a period of recovery at that time, so Arsenal made perfect sense.

There's a few ways to look at the Sanchez 'statement' yesterday which are;

1. He's told Arsenal how much he wants to stay.

2. He's told Arsenal he wants to leave, so it's now up to them to reach an acceptable agreement with City.

3. If Arsenal refuse to sell him, he'll see out the final year of his contract & leave on a free next year.

Arsenal may take the view that they stand a better chance of reaching the CL next season with him rather than without him, so the £50 they'll lose in revenue will be made up by regaining a CL spot. There's also a view that if Arsenal have a good season, Sanchez may take the view that the team has sufficiently improved enough that he may want to stay after all.

I've learned over the years not to get too twisted regarding transfers. RVP, Hazard, Isco & Alves were all 'nailed on' at the time of the speculation, but none of them are here. Sanchez will happen if & when it happens.
I'm not optimistic on this deal, but one thing I'm fairly confident of is that he's not said that to them.

Weren't his quotes along the lines of he's made his decision now it's up to Arsenal? Somehow I'm pretty confident he's not said "I really want to stay" & now Arsenal are saying "we'll think about it". The only way to read that statement is he's said something Arsenal won't agree with & now he'll see how they respond.
Not sure how it works, but couldn't we just ask sanchez to buy out his contract (worth about 6 million) then give him say 10 million to cover the costs and to act as some kind of signing on fee?

Much cheaper than meeting arsenal's demands and surely they would have no say in it? Lol

Players must give notice that they plan to use Article 17 within 15 days of the final league game of the season.

Without that notice they are open to disciplinary measures. Previously, players have been banned for several games after missing the deadline then invoking article 17.
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