Alexis Sanchez

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Is anything official as yet? A lot of flapping going on. If not all good, if he’s gone to them, so be it, he’s only interested in money, and happy to go baton his desire to play under Pep. Stiff sh*t.

John Cross reckons he's going to United.

This for me is the clearest indication this is all coming from the Arsenal end.
Wegner's words have not helped Sanchez one bit if he signs for United.

He has said it is up to him to choose where he goes.

That can only mean it is money v football not Arsenal saying he can only go to the highest bidder.

So everyone now knows if he chooses United it is for the money.

If it wasn't he would not even have a choice to make.

Either way we might have a lot to thank Arsene for there in due course.
If we had done it sooner...utd wouldn't have had the opportunity to nip in...we have by delaying the deal and just waiting given them that chance.....

Of corse Sanchez may still choose the moral high ground and say he wants to play for no one else but Pep (but anyone's head would be turned by earning much more money in one place than doing the same job in another)

Of course they had the opportunity. They didn't just decide on a whim two days ago! Even Utd aren't that bad.

Utd have obviously decided to bid for Sanchez. If he signs for City, we will get him for less.
Fucking shambles this. A player who apparently had agreed to come to us in summer, now we let our hated and still dangerous rivals get a major coup on us, not to mention the suddenly now positive spin on it in the media to big those cünts up. And he'll definitely improve their team while we're fucking about trying to play Bernardo as a striker. I'm fucking fuming. We never seem to really press home advantages when we're on top, just like with RvP we let those wankers back in. Absolutely fucking shit from us this. Smalltime and unambitious, and arrogant and complacent.
I smell an obsessed, voyeur rag. Get a grip of your knickers and help yourself to a skinny latte at the rag cafe.
£35m+£15m signing on + £10m agent plus £75m over 3 and a half seasons...
Exactly, that's a shit ton of money for a player who's realistically got maybe a couple of years left at the very top at best, who wouldn't really improve our team, only our squad. I've been pretty negative about this move all along, as I just don't see the point in such a huge investment for such a short term, very marginal improvement?
The only thing I cant work out with Sancez is that he has never won the prem league yet.....

If he came here he would have his best chance to win it this season....(I'm not arrogant or stupid enough o say the season is over...its nowhere near over)

Go to utd for more money - you could understand that.

But surely to a multi multi millionaire footballer.....that bit less on wages etc doesn't matter especially when you are coming to near the end of your career (he's got 2-3 years left a the top max)....he could seriously risk missing out on winning the prem league.....surely trophies/accolades are moe important.....

Plus he must have seen utd play this season and the style of play they have...I cant imagine why for one second he would choose going there....this stinks of his agent wanting a bigger pay day
You're scared of United.

Pep Guardiola is not.

If we want Sanchez, we will sign him. If we don't want him then we won't. It's that simple.

That's a bit arrogant.

It's clear we want him but not prepared to go as far as Utd for him.

Big chance missed by us and will improve them a lot unfortunately.

Reminds me of Hazard and RVP.
Wegner's words have not helped Sanchez one bit if he signs for United.

He has said it is up to him to choose where he goes.

That can only mean it is money v football not Arsenal saying he can only go to the highest bidder.

So everyone now knows if he chooses United it is for the money.

If it wasn't he would not even have a choice to make.

Either way we might have a lot to thank Arsene for there in due course.

Somebody should frame this & put it on top of the forum.

It seems to be too much for many on here to take in.
No because that’s obviously different to the matter at hand. What Alexis wants is within reason for all top players. Pay him a higher signing on fee, reduce his wages simple.
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