Alexis Sanchez

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I wonder how long it will take them to prepare it.

Perhaps they have prepared it already, or maybe tomorrow morning they will finish preparing the last bit of it, having already prepared the other bits & put them in the fridge.

Grinds my **** that expression - "preparing a bid"

Along with whichever club has money to spend and it's described as a 'warchest'

That's not true at all.

Their highest earners are on €15m a year - €280k/week.

I don't know why some people actually think that Bayern Munich, the 4th richest club in the world, keeps hold of their players by offering them a fraction of what everyone else does.

Not sure if they make €160k/ per week, but seems unlikely they make €280k each. Not able to find tepirts approaching that number speculated anywhere online. Only thing I saw anywhere in that ballpark online was a report from France on 2015 that Lewa made €20m per year and the Bayern finance director called it nonsense. A court case at the time named former striker Luca Toni's salary at €14.5m and the same finance director said ""I don't know where he got that information (in reference to the Leeandowski figure) from and I can tell you: His statement is not true," Dreesen insisted. Adding that "Luca Toni was on an absolutely extraordinary salary back then" and thus it "remains an absolute exception also in the present situation for us."

Now again this is 2015, but hard to believe if they found €14.5m in 2015 "extraordinary" that 2 years later it'd be the norm for their top players.

I just have a hard time believing that Arsenal are gonna take anything as low as €40m when City are reportedly offering £55m, even if they don't want to sell within the premier league. That is a lot of money to leave in the table. Not to mention why is Alexi taking €280k if City are offering £270k (as reported)?

Even if you think he may take less to join a team "capable of winning the CL", is there any reason to think that a Pep-run City team with Alexis, Bernardo, a couple new FBs and Ederson to go with the talent already on hand has a worse chance than Bayern at this point?
It's weird. Most media and like 99.8% of Arsenal fans think Sanchez to City is a non starter. Yet this thread tells a different story. Won't get my hopes up on this one until we see the plane.
Not sure why there's so much confusion over the Bayern wage structure, a player like Robert Lewadowski's wages are readily online (€13m per year) as he recently extended and sits aloft the pecking order in the system.

City Watch‏ @City_Watch 3m3 minutes ago
Bayern Munich are preparing a €100m package to sign Manchester City target Alexis Sanchez: €40m fee and €15m-a-year wages until 2021. [BILD]

Think this doesn't actually convey the gist of the BILD article so well.
1. Bayern have set a limit of €100m all-in on the transfer, which, if wage parity is factored in, means only €40m in transfer fees.
2. Sanchez isn't interested in making the similar money to what he currently does at Arsenal and BILD suggest he wants €23m, which Bayern cannot match.
3. BILD also suggest Arsenal would probably not sell for €40m, or £35m, which is a considerable low ball, even to get him out of the league.

It's weird. Most media and like 99.8% of Arsenal fans think Sanchez to City is a non starter. Yet this thread tells a different story. Won't get my hopes up on this one until we see the plane.

Media ignoring City's accomplishments, nothing weird here at all.

Meanwhile, he's odds on favourite to come here with the bookies off the back of several legit sources, both in Chile and otherwise, saying as much.
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Not sure why there's so much confusion over the Bayern wage structure, a player like Robert Lewadowski's wages are readily online (€13m per year) as he recently extended and sits aloft the pecking order in the system.

Think this doesn't actually convey the gist of the BILD article so well.
1. Bayern have set a limit of €100m all-in on the transfer, which, if wage parity is factored in, means only €40m in transfer fees.
2. Sanchez isn't interested in making the similar money to what he currently does at Arsenal and BILD suggest he wants €23m, which Bayern cannot match.
3. BILD also suggest Arsenal would probably not sell for €40m, or £35m, which is a considerable low ball, even to get him out of the league.

Media ignoring City's accomplishments, nothing weird here at all.

Meanwhile, he's odds on favourite to come here with the bookies off the back of several legit sources, both in Chile and otherwise, saying as much.

Nothing to do with media ignoring things. It's simply the fact that they don't believe Arsenal will sell to a club in england
Nothing to do with media ignoring things. It's simply the fact that they don't believe Arsenal will sell to a club in england

I doubt it. The media is full of bullshit, completely unbelievable stories every day, usually involving the rags.

Neymar/Fake Ronaldo/Lewadowski to United. Aguero to Arsenal. Chiellini to Chelsea. All these stories have been repeated in this last week alone by the Express yet not a word about the actual, credible links between City and Sanchez.

I think, really, this issue starts with "will Sanchez be able to force a move this summer?" I think most would expect the answer to be yes. He has all the power and Arsenal almost certainly don't want an unhappy, yet exorbitantly expensive, player on the books waiting to walk for free. The question then, must be, where will he go? There is only a limited market for Sanchez and only two clubs showing any active interest in him. Even if you discount the obvious financial implications of a Bayern move, and the player's own preferences, surely more should then be made of City's interest than is being made?
Even with just 1 year left on his deal, there is no way Arsenal sell Sanchez for about the same as they bought him for.

Arsenal - if they sell - will get £50m for Sanchez.
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