all i wanted was a burger

The East Stand maitre d' could barely speak english and the muscadet was not chilled to the correct temperature. The nuts were not sea salty enough and the vinegar was not the posh californian balsamic that one prefers on ones french fries.

Sort it out City FFS!!!!
For gods sake....all i wanted was a Hotdog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I remember a good one from two years a go. (somebody here from level one east stand near 110 may remember this)

Guy at the hotdog (only) stand was serving a few of guys in front of me.

The server looked and looked in the container, but couldn't find any more hotdogs.
The person at the front was told "sorry i've run out of hotdogs".
So the guy just walked away.

The next guy in line asks "did i hear right, you've no hotdogs?".
The servers answers "i will just check". (WTF!!!)
After a few moments of frantic searching, he says "sorry, no hotdogs".
I was just about to walk away myself, but i just wanted to see what happened next!

The guy ahead of me steps up. "two hotdogs please". (he mustn't of heard or was having a laugh etc)
The server again search the same container. (WTF!!!)
Again he then says "sorry no hotdogs".

I was pissing myself by this point!

So i thought what the hell...

"three hotdogs please"
To my amazement, he searched the exact same container again!

I just had to ask him why he kept checking an empty container.
He replied he couldn't leave the stall to go and get any more.
He said that his supervisor might be checking how fast he was serving people.
As long as the queue was moving he wouldn't get in trouble!!!

"all i wanted was an Hotdog"...LOL
fulabeer said:
For gods sake....all i wanted was a Hotdog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I remember a good one from two years a go. (somebody here from level one east stand near 110 may remember this)

Guy at the hotdog (only) stand was serving a few of guys in front of me.

The server looked and looked in the container, but couldn't find any more hotdogs.
The person at the front was told "sorry i've run out of hotdogs".
So the guy just walked away.

The next guy in line asks "did i hear right, you've no hotdogs?".
The servers answers "i will just check". (WTF!!!)
After a few moments of frantic searching, he says "sorry, no hotdogs".
I was just about to walk away myself, but i just wanted to see what happened next!

The guy ahead of me steps up. "two hotdogs please". (he mustn't of heard or was having a laugh etc)
The server again search the same container. (WTF!!!)
Again he then says "sorry no hotdogs".

I was pissing myself by this point!

So i thought what the hell...

"three hotdogs please"
To my amazement, he searched the exact same container again!

I just had to ask him why he kept checking an empty container.
He replied he couldn't leave the stall to go and get any more.
He said that his supervisor might be checking how fast he was serving people.
As long as the queue was moving he wouldn't get in trouble!!!

"all i wanted was an Hotdog"...LOL

Quality that mate lmfao!!<br /><br />-- Thu Aug 12, 2010 1:12 am --<br /><br />
fulabeer said:
For gods sake....all i wanted was a Hotdog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I remember a good one from two years a go. (somebody here from level one east stand near 110 may remember this)

Guy at the hotdog (only) stand was serving a few of guys in front of me.

The server looked and looked in the container, but couldn't find any more hotdogs.
The person at the front was told "sorry i've run out of hotdogs".
So the guy just walked away.

The next guy in line asks "did i hear right, you've no hotdogs?".
The servers answers "i will just check". (WTF!!!)
After a few moments of frantic searching, he says "sorry, no hotdogs".
I was just about to walk away myself, but i just wanted to see what happened next!

The guy ahead of me steps up. "two hotdogs please". (he mustn't of heard or was having a laugh etc)
The server again search the same container. (WTF!!!)
Again he then says "sorry no hotdogs".

I was pissing myself by this point!

So i thought what the hell...

"three hotdogs please"
To my amazement, he searched the exact same container again!

I just had to ask him why he kept checking an empty container.
He replied he couldn't leave the stall to go and get any more.
He said that his supervisor might be checking how fast he was serving people.
As long as the queue was moving he wouldn't get in trouble!!!

"all i wanted was an Hotdog"...LOL

Quality that mate lmfao!!
must agree with the people saying go elsewhere. we usually either go to a nearby cafe if we need something proper to eat or asda for a drink and a butty. the 2 minute walk to asda or 5 to the cafe never killed us and saved us a lot of money on rip off food in the past
ffs its a football ground not a 5* star restaurant if u want super food buy a box or go in a suite where it is 5* . No one forces u to buy the food or drink but remember every pie,pint,hotdog u buy goes in the transfer kitty, we all whinge at the price of fuel every litre u buy goes in our transfer kitty too.<br /><br />-- Fri Aug 13, 2010 8:24 pm --<br /><br />I have a very close friend who works full time for the catering at the stadium, staff training has been on going its easy to teach english people but the area where the stadium is eg unis etc where the population is mostly black people they are harder to train they understand 1 fosters 2 fosters etc. very minimal english, as they are the only people applying by getting up off there arse to earn money for studies we have a dole queue in manchester of thousands would be great to get them into work for match days but they cant be arsed. They are not on minimal wage they are on over £6 per hour working upwards to more money. The catering company and the club actully agree the prices between them its not all one sided as many seem to think. Theres a lot of shit that goes on between the 2 yes the club does want it better (best in the world) u will only achieve that by selling top quality food which the catering company will not agree too as it will bump the prices up more hence less buying and company running at a loss. I went to the valencia match with my son thought the family stand was super excellent comms and efficiency from the staff with a few of our coloured friends in there if that standard was all round the stadium it would be great (oh and a little cheaper) popcorn was good too.
JuniorBlue said:
The food can be cold as its stored under them hot lamps or whatever they are. The buns on the food are horrible, really hard and cold but the hotdog itself isn't that bad.

The buns are soft mate. I know, i serve the damn things.

ive had a rustlers burger with a better bun than one of city burgers. no offence to you mate, its not your fault your selling total shite.

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