There's a difference between naievity and stupidity. Naievity is where an innocent gets caught unaware that he's doing wrong. Stupidity is Allardyce where you know what you're doing ja wrong but you think you won't be caught.It's laughable that Allardyce complains about entrapment. Along with some of the 'others' involved they always seem to claim they have done 'nothing wrong'! Well, if you have no moral compass then you wouldn't know what you'd done wrong.
I heard Savage last night, along with others during the day, that Allardyce was 'naive'! The naiveté only comes into play when it is applied to the notion that they didn't think they would be caught out!
All this entrapment talk is bollocks, the only word to use here is greed. I hope he never manages in the Premier League or England again.