Am I the greatest Stone Roses fan on the forum?

So, am I the only one who thinks (most of) the 'Second Coming' is better than the first album? For example, the first track on 2nd, after a five year wait, has 5 agonising minutes of jungle(?) noises before unleashing a bass line that is as good as anything they ever did. In places they were like a funky Led Zep - and I'm not keen on Zep. Love the first album, but love the second more!

Fair play Trot mate.

They tried to "americanise" their sound on the second album as Geffen wanted them to break America.

Imo it just didn't suit them and there was no need to change what was already perfect.
So, am I the only one who thinks (most of) the 'Second Coming' is better than the first album? For example, the first track on 2nd, after a five year wait, has 5 agonising minutes of jungle(?) noises before unleashing a bass line that is as good as anything they ever did. In places they were like a funky Led Zep - and I'm not keen on Zep. Love the first album, but love the second more!
Second coming was all over the place musically but there are some absolute belters on there. Everything apart from straight to the man are top tunes, I love breaking into heaven, your star will shine is beautiful, tears is a tear jerker and ten storey is the only love song written without trying to write a love song.
I queued up outside HMV on the Sunday night to buy it just after midnight and was blown away with the opening, then when the music kicked in it blew me away even more, loved tightrope and how do you sleep straight from the off, still sound fresh today.
Got to see them at Sheffield late December 95, you could tell they was going through the motions, was sad to see plus it was minus Reni.
But yeah second coming at half as bad as some make out.
I remember your mod coat and your kid ant was always one step ahead in the fashion stakes.
Was it really 31 years ago next week we went to Blackburn on the day of Hillsborough and watched us get walloped 4 zip? Did Cedric come with us? Just having a bit of a memory trip with this self isolation and beer he he

i think we all went in cedric car and we was shocking that day ?? god 31 years wow times has really gone fast ? had some great times on the hillock and made great friends and still talk to mike and helen on facebook now and again as you on here. stay safe lee and your family. its a bad time at the moment but we will get through it soon and hope maybe we can get together at the game for a drink. stay safe matey
So, am I the only one who thinks (most of) the 'Second Coming' is better than the first album? For example, the first track on 2nd, after a five year wait, has 5 agonising minutes of jungle(?) noises before unleashing a bass line that is as good as anything they ever did. In places they were like a funky Led Zep - and I'm not keen on Zep. Love the first album, but love the second more!

I think the second album is definitely underrated. It does get compared to Zeppelin and you can definitely hear Page’s influence on Squire (who admits himself that he listened to a lot of Zep around the time).I can hear this on tracks like Driving South and Tears. I’m a big Zeppelin fan and whether he sounds like Page or not I think Squire’s guitar on the 2nd album shows he’s a very talented musician. I think the second album exposed Ian Brown - some of the songs needed a better singer.

Always a disappointment that they didn’t make a third album given the time they’ve been back together for gigs in recent years.
i think we all went in cedric car and we was shocking that day ?? god 31 years wow times has really gone fast ? had some great times on the hillock and made great friends and still talk to mike and helen on facebook now and again as you on here. stay safe lee and your family. its a bad time at the moment but we will get through it soon and hope maybe we can get together at the game for a drink. stay safe matey
i think we all went in cedric car and we was shocking that day ?? god 31 years wow times has really gone fast ? had some great times on the hillock and made great friends and still talk to mike and helen on facebook now and again as you on here. stay safe lee and your family. its a bad time at the moment but we will get through it soon and hope maybe we can get together at the game for a drink. stay safe matey
Me, Simon and john and mike went on the train from Victoria as I remember us all listening to the new album from New Order that had just been released technique, two of us each to an earphone on simons walkman plus I've never forgive john for popping my banana that I had all season.

Am not on Facebook or any social platform, just texts and emails is my limit :)
Stay safe mate.
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10 storey love song would still stand the test of time now, 2nd coming though very aptly named was a huge disapointment for me, they always remain special to me mind
It wasn’t even close, when you compare Oasis’s second album is a frightening difference in quality.

It’s too commercial. Noel ripped off numerous bands and the record was designed to make money. Music is an art form. Look at the state of Be Here Now (unlistenable), SOTSOG or Heathen Chemistry. You never hear people singing Gas Panic.

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