am i wrong for going a bit annoyed about this? (blackpool)

Join an OSC!

If you think the ticket allocation for Bloomfield Road is unfair wait until you are trying to get tickets for the Europa League final in Dublin next May, expect a bluemoon meltdown!
DaveH said:
Ticket For Schalke said:
every blue has a right to go though, being 16 its alot harder to accumulate points than being 30. stop moaning i say.

Why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my 16 year old has over 4000 points.

The points system is fair or should we allocate tickets for Blackpool if you went to watch City the last time we played in the league there.
Not to many years ago

I went to Blackpool to watch City last time they were in the league, my Uncle took me to see Stanley Matthews and Stan Mortenson play, does that mean I can have a ticket for the match in October? :-)

(Don't remember a thing about it mind as I wasn't into double figures at the time!!)
chaddblue said:
Mate I go the match with has heard that because of the expected demand and the unique nature of the match (ie They're only here for 1 season) as a one-off the tickets for the Blackpool away game will be awarded on a lottery basis, instead of the usual loyalty points system.

I'm pretty sure it has to be bollocks and there would be uproar if they tried to do that, but has anybody else heard anything similar?

No point having a loyalty scheme if yer gonna abandon it for a game like this. Can't see the club doing anything daft like this.
Just as a quick aside as well: Who says Blackpool are only going to be here for one season anyway? I have a feeling that they may be around for a bit longer than that!! :-)

(Just a thought, I come in peace!)
Bollocks to Loyalty Points......bring back the old days when you had to get up at silly o'clock in the morning and get down to the ticket Office at Maine Road on a freezing cold or wet February morning and queue past the Main Stand down to Platt Lane, that proved your Loyalty to the Club! ;-)
Play ball and join an OSC for the paltry price of around £15 a year. I don't particularly like many of the other people who are in the same as me (boring, cliquey, arrogant) but they help me get tickets and travel to Away Matches when I need it. Most of the time I can get my own - but sometimes I need their assistance.

Play ball.
joolsbikini said:
Join an OSC!

If you think the ticket allocation for Bloomfield Road is unfair wait until you are trying to get tickets for the Europa League final in Dublin next May, expect a bluemoon meltdown!

I know this is a touchy subject on here, but I know for the Uefa cup final in Manchester, there was uproar from Rangers fans because the club decided not to give any tickets to supporters clubs.
I'm with the OP, i'll rarely ask for help getting a ticket, if i haven't the points, and everyone i know is going, then i wait until next season when hopefully i'll have the points to go.

OSC should not be given tickets... the loyalty point system is there for a reason, and it's always the 'more attractive' games where mid point tier fans miss out for one off day trippers.

Whats the point spending all that money year on year when someone can rock up and get a ticket based on joing an OSC?<br /><br />-- Thu Sep 02, 2010 8:53 am --<br /><br />
fast eddie said:
Play ball and join an OSC for the paltry price of around £15 a year. I don't particularly like many of the other people who are in the same as me (boring, cliquey, arrogant) but they help me get tickets and travel to Away Matches when I need it. Most of the time I can get my own - but sometimes I need their assistance.

Play ball.

I'd rather bang on the door of the club and change the system, rather than play into it.

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