American Based blues/Baseball fans

unlikelyfan19 said:
Mad Eyed Screamer said:
unlikelyfan19 said:
I think it does. I understand the risk is not worth it. I just look at some of the financial problems a lot of clubs have these days in the UK, and think about HOW MUCH MONEY organizations make from beer sales at sporting events in America and can't help but wonder if that would help clubs bring in match day revenue. I am not claiming to know the economics of it, I just can't help but wonder. I mean, I normally spend at the very least $20 dollars on beer every time I go to a professional event. Let's say 15,000 of 47k people attending a city game would spend £10 on drinks. (I am trying to keep the numbers low to be somewhat realistic) That's £150k a game right there. Then lets just do the 38 league games. Your looking at £5.700.000 more a season in revenue. Honestly I bet the numbers would be hire than that.

Well officially the word will be it was to prevent drunkeness / violence, but the cynic in me has always said it is to entice fans into the stadium earlier to drink the over priced piss water they serve.
Funny how drinking around the stadium in public is banned - yet, wait a minute, lets have 'City Square' outside the ground serving alcohol pre and post match!! So it's OK to drink in public as long as you buy the beer from City!!

I would say drinking in a stadium watching a football match might not be as fun as baseball though. Football you have be invested in the game constantly, which is great but you don't want to leave to get beer and food. Baseball is fun because it's long with a lot of breaks. You can just sit and chat while eating good food for 3+ hours. Hotdogs, Nachos, Peanuts, Beer, Beer, Beer. Baseball is probably what conditioned Yanks that go to sporting events, be a little more passive through sporting events. I would still go to a football match any day over anything else in a heartbeat. Baseball is just fun as a day out.

I think that's a big difference - I now live in the US (Boston, emigrated last year) and I talk to neighbours and they say about going to see the *** Sox and Pats is 'a day out'. I never saw going to see City as a day out. it was going to see City! A day out is a trip to the coast at Blackpool or Prestatyn or somewhere else with the kids. I never bought any food at Maine Road / Eastlands. I ate before the game at home or chip shop on the way or way home! A few beers in the pub before and then watch the game...... it's like that for a good number of fans. Spending money inside the stadium was a thing I just never did.

What you are describing relates more to cricket definitely though.
Mad Eyed Screamer said:
exileindevon said:
ell said:
Can someone explain what a "tailgateting" party is? Never been to america but love reading these threads about different places
its where they watch the game outside the stadium on a tv.the tailgate of the pickup is down and all the food and drinks are put on it/a bit like city away at blackburn on the hill.the biggest is the bama colege footbal game.

This from Wiki
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

Do they have TV screens outside stadiums?
It's mainly pre game and after (waiting for the traffic to die down)

City fans should organise one in the north stand car park!
but isnt the bama game always sold out and they get thousands in the car friend goes.
Feel free to not read...

Yea, when I lived in Nashville, TN I used to go to Tennessee Titans games a lot and we would tailgate before, so let me take you through what a weekend would be like.

Game is on Sunday at 3:30pm.

1. Saturday afternoon night meet up at a friends house and start getting ready. We would go to the market and buy all of our food and ingredients. Everyone usually makes something themselves to contribute. I like to make a cheese dip with sausage and onions and what have you. Get back to the house and start cooking and packing meats and things into coolers. Usually someone will also mix up some weird mixture of drink into a cooler type thing. (Trash can punch or something). Load up the grill into the back of the truck as well as chairs, tents, tables, and whatever else we will need. Saturday night, proceed to drink around the house then maybe head out to some bars. Then try and be back at least before midnight or 1am. Usually we would all just stay at the same house, just makes things easier.

2. Wake up that morning and take advil because you didn't get home before 1am and your still wobbly! Try and get to the stadium at about 7 or 8am to make sure you get a good parking spot. About the same time, hundreds of cars start pulling up right next to you and putting up the exact same stuff around you! Grabs some breakfast (donuts, egg casserole, whatever someone made for the morning) and start tailgating. No method to it. There are a few games that have become big tailgate games called cornhole and ladder golf. Play these while drinking until you are blue in the face.



The whole time someone is usually in charge of all the cooking. Chicken, steaks, sausage, and so on. After you start feeling pissed up is when it gets hilarious and fun. Everyone around (several thousand in this parking lot) are doing the exact same thing, so you just start walking around and talking to people, sharing drinks with each other, and eating their food. You basically do this all day until seconds before kickoff. Sometimes if I don't have a ticket to the game I'll just go and tailgate and sit outside the stadium and watch it on TV's that people bring. Even with other teams fans, its normal to walk up and share some banter. Everyone is usually on the same page and there to have a good time. (at least in the south).

3. Once the game is over go back outside and continue tailgating until you want to either,

a. go home and crash
b. go out (which normally ends in chaos if there is more than 3 of you)
First: Baseball is the greatest game of all time. If you don't get it, it's because you weren't raised on it.

Second: I've never been to SF but I do know they have passionate fans. If you get to see Lincecum pitch you can assume there won't be much offense from the opposition because he's about as good as it gets. His nickname is "The Freak" because he's different than every other pitcher in the game. You probably won't see much offense from the Giants either as they are more of a pitching/defense team without much hitting. They did win the World Series in 2010 though because their pitching is just that good.

Third: All ballparks either have tailgating or if not they'll have plenty of bars around the ballpark to get liquored up but take some time and check out the ballpark, it's ranked as one of the best (if not the best) in the Majors. They have a place beyond the right field fence called McCovey Cove (Willie McCovey is a Giants legend) where some players have actually launched home runs into the bay. People sit out there in kayaks waiting for balls.
A's games are cheap, especially Wednesday afternoon. You can get in for $2, beer is $10. You have to go to the Giants stadium, saw City there last summer, great place. I go to the A's games now and again
tailgating every game,

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