An open letter to Garry Cook......

18 Jan 2009
Dear Mr Cook,
I am writing to express my feelings further to the events of yesterday as a loyal seasoncard holder and Manchester City supporter for over 40 years.
It is my personal view that Mark Hughes was making good and steady progress for our club following the breathtaking and overwhelming support we have received from our new owners.
However, if the consencus of the profesional people who own and run our club is that Roberto Mancini can develop the club more effectively than Mr.Hughes then I for one am more than willing to support and back that judgement.
What rankles with me, and I suspect a great many City fans, is the terrible and disrespectful manner in which the club have handled this decision.
Since the takeover we have been villified extremely unfairly in almost every quarter of the media, overnight we went from 'loveable little City with the great fans' to a club determined to 'ruin football' with delusions of grandeur above it's station.
As supporters we have been slowly but surely coming to terms with this and learning to live with daily dross written about our beloved club. Throughout all of this time Mark Hughes handled himself with incredible dignity and fought our corner in an admirable, determined manner clearly with the clubs best interests at heart.
Unfortunately Mr Cook I cannot say the same for you.
To be issuing statements relating to Mr Hughes' future whilst a game is in progress and to clearly have been in discussions with his successor well in advance of his demise is utterly despicable and has heaped damage on our club's reputation, giving the gutter press yet more ammunition.
Additionally by handling matters in this way you have massively increased the pressure on Mr. Mancini to succeed whilst doubtless alienating the vast majority of our squad from him.
For someone with your obvious integrity and experience in business I am staggered and quite frankly appalled at the way you have handled this matter and feel strongly that you owe Mr. Hughes and indeed all of us supporters a full and frank explanation of the events.

Yours Sincerely,

Michael Billings, seasoncard holder block 228.
Tueartssocktags said:
Dear Mr Cook,
I am writing to express my feelings further to the events of yesterday as a loyal seasoncard holder and Manchester City supporter for over 40 years.
It is my personal view that Mark Hughes was making good and steady progress for our club following the breathtaking and overwhelming support we have received from our new owners.
However, if the consencus of the profesional people who own and run our club is that Roberto Mancini can develop the club more effectively than Mr.Hughes then I for one am more than willing to support and back that judgement.
What rankles with me, and I suspect a great many City fans, is the terrible and disrespectful manner in which the club have handled this decision.
Since the takeover we have been villified extremely unfairly in almost every quarter of the media, overnight we went from 'loveable little City with the great fans' to a club determined to 'ruin football' with delusions of grandeur above it's station.
As supporters we have been slowly but surely coming to terms with this and learning to live with daily dross written about our beloved club. Throughout all of this time Mark Hughes handled himself with incredible dignity and fought our corner in an admirable, determined manner clearly with the clubs best interests at heart.
Unfortunately Mr Cook I cannot say the same for you.
To be issuing statements relating to Mr Hughes' future whilst a game is in progress and to clearly have been in discussions with his successor well in advance of his demise is utterly despicable and has heaped damage on our club's reputation, giving the gutter press yet more ammunition.
Additionally by handling matters in this way you have massively increased the pressure on Mr. Mancini to succeed whilst doubtless alienating the vast majority of our squad from him.
For someone with your obvious integrity and experience in business I am staggered and quite frankly appalled at the way you have handled this matter and feel strongly that you owe Mr. Hughes and indeed all of us supporters a full and frank explanation of the events.

Yours Sincerely,

Michael Billings, seasoncard holder block 228.
Excellent, couldn't have put it better myself!
ooh no

when the drama going to end

you think MH will be in the club forever?

with this result?

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