And we're supposed to be the bitter ones


Well-Known Member
6 Sep 2004
The Temples of Syrinx
You've just gotta laugh after reading tonights evening news on the City match report there's not a single mention of United anywhere and why should there be (apart from learning to finish off a game since the Community shield defeat). Yet flick through United's match report and there's a couple of references us and to how they just could'nt allow City to steal the headlines with an 'Anything you can do, we can do better! riposte.

Looking at both sets of fans comments left on the M.E.N. website and of the 13 views left by City fans, they all praise our performance and concentrate solely on us and our result. Turn the page to Uniteds report and there's 5 comments left about us from the 13 views on show.

'You've got to feel sorry for the Bitters, their best win in Premier League history and United go and do that to the Gunners, forever in our shadow'

'I was tempted to feel sorry for the Bitters...but it didn't last lond'

'Just as City thought they were the business, the Red side of town shows who is the real sheriff '

'Just loving that we scored that last goal. One more than ''the self appointed Barca of England'

'Anything City do, we can do better'

There was also some rather silly comment about this being there next generation of Busby Babes which is an insult and a genuine Rag would know better. I found it quite comical and actually thought it a compliment when a Rag mate rang me yesterday from the pub so I could hear all the stupid shrieking voices as the 8th goal went in pronouncing them 'top of the league'...Funny how he never answered as to why he or his pubmates weren't actually at the game at Old Trafford.

Tick follows Tock follows Tick......
Josh....great to see you posting....!

Totally rag brother had planned to watch the both matches at home with me yesterday. He disappeared sharpish after the full time whistle at WHL...reappeared last night pissed up celebrating. I made the mistake on congratulating the rags on slapping Arsenal's kids...his response?

"Really took the shine off your win didn't it you bitter bastard...."

The irony of what he'd said was completely lost on him...
Blue2112 said:
You've just gotta laugh after reading tonights evening news on the City match report there's not a single mention of United anywhere and why should there be (apart from learning to finish off a game since the Community shield defeat). Yet flick through United's match report and there's a couple of references us and to how they just could'nt allow City to steal the headlines with an 'Anything you can do, we can do better! riposte.

Looking at both sets of fans comments left on the M.E.N. website and of the 13 views left by City fans, they all praise our performance and concentrate solely on us and our result. Turn the page to Uniteds report and there's 5 comments left about us from the 13 views on show.

'You've got to feel sorry for the Bitters, their best win in Premier League history and United go and do that to the Gunners, forever in our shadow'

'I was tempted to feel sorry for the Bitters...but it didn't last lond'

'Just as City thought they were the business, the Red side of town shows who is the real sheriff '

'Just loving that we scored that last goal. One more than ''the self appointed Barca of England'

'Anything City do, we can do better'

There was also some rather silly comments about this being there next Busby Babes blah blah blah and I found it rather strange when a Rag mate rang me yesterday from the pub so I could hear all the stupid shrieking voices as the 8th goal went in pronouncing them 'top of the league'...Funny how he never answered as to why he or his pubmates weren't actually at the game at Old Trafford.

Tick follows Tock follows Tick......
You could try ignoring them.
oakiecokie said:
Fuck me we win 5-1 and you`re still paranoid about them fuckers !!
Either that or YOU just want to see your name in lights !

Paranoid No - its called rivalry and does that mean because were on the up we can't have it. I knew somebody would say something along the lines of fuck them and ignore them. Love City's win but can still laugh at those fuckers ignorance.

Name in lights - not sure what the fuck your going on about with that one.
jimharri said:
Blue2112 said:
You've just gotta laugh after reading tonights evening news on the City match report there's not a single mention of United anywhere and why should there be (apart from learning to finish off a game since the Community shield defeat). Yet flick through United's match report and there's a couple of references us and to how they just could'nt allow City to steal the headlines with an 'Anything you can do, we can do better! riposte.

Looking at both sets of fans comments left on the M.E.N. website and of the 13 views left by City fans, they all praise our performance and concentrate solely on us and our result. Turn the page to Uniteds report and there's 5 comments left about us from the 13 views on show.

'You've got to feel sorry for the Bitters, their best win in Premier League history and United go and do that to the Gunners, forever in our shadow'

'I was tempted to feel sorry for the Bitters...but it didn't last lond'

'Just as City thought they were the business, the Red side of town shows who is the real sheriff '

'Just loving that we scored that last goal. One more than ''the self appointed Barca of England'

'Anything City do, we can do better'

There was also some rather silly comments about this being there next Busby Babes blah blah blah and I found it rather strange when a Rag mate rang me yesterday from the pub so I could hear all the stupid shrieking voices as the 8th goal went in pronouncing them 'top of the league'...Funny how he never answered as to why he or his pubmates weren't actually at the game at Old Trafford.

Tick follows Tock follows Tick......
You could try ignoring them.

Spot on Jim ! I for one do NOT have sleepless nights worrying the other fuckers from out of town.
Never have,never will.
Just don`t understand the paranoia that exists with some our fans.
He said that,they said what,you can`t say that.
The media are shitting themselves and excuses galore are pouring out of their mouths and keyboards.
We should be proud and laugh like fuck at these poor souls,who keep writing us off.
Come on Blue boys and girls get a grip !!<br /><br />-- Mon Aug 29, 2011 4:11 pm --<br /><br />
Blue2112 said:
oakiecokie said:
Fuck me we win 5-1 and you`re still paranoid about them fuckers !!
Either that or YOU just want to see your name in lights !

Paranoid No - its called rivalry and does that mean because were on the up we can't have it. I knew somebody would say something along the lines of fuck them and ignore them. Love City's win but can still laugh at those fuckers ignorance.

Name in lights - not sure what the fuck your going on about with that one.

So what upsets you about City being called "names" ?
The old adage "sticks and stones" springs to mind.
Fucking man up and rise above the turds !!
oakiecokie said:
Fuck me we win 5-1 and you`re still paranoid about them fuckers !!
Either that or YOU just want to see your name in lights !

Don't really understand these sort of replies, this is afterall a forum to discuss football and primarily City, if someone wants to post something about City and the rags they should be allowed to do it without being ridiculed and slagged off.
charliebigspuds said:
oakiecokie said:
Fuck me we win 5-1 and you`re still paranoid about them fuckers !!
Either that or YOU just want to see your name in lights !

Don't really understand these sort of replies, this is afterall a forum to discuss football and primarily City, if someone wants to post something about City and the rags they should be allowed to do it without being ridiculed and slagged off.

And hence your retort which simply contradicts what I am doing.
Strange !!
Oakiecokie...Nothing has upset me and nothing has made me paranoid.

It's a City football forum which I presume one would expect to see threads related to anything good or bad about anything connected to City. Also as United are our rivals and closest neighbours one would expect to see a fair number of threads relating to them on occasions. This doesn't make anyone paranoid or upset or if they choose to post something about United.

Just rivalry, banter and fun and in this case I found it ironic that not one single Blue has mentioned them and yet they can't stop going on about us and yet we're the bitter ones.

However the next time I want to post something i'll pm you first to check in if it's ok or maybe if you don't like the thread just ignore it.

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