And yet another one has a go

"Manchester United gave us a golden generation of English players – Scholes, Beckham, Butt, the Nevilles – by putting faith in youth when they could have just splashed the cash."

Bullcrap - as I remember it Baconface couldn't play his first 11 in Europe because of too many foreigners, so he bought all the best young talent around for European games (and paid big money to entice them). Just happens that UEFA then changed the rules as these players were making an impact in the first team.
Where are the youth now???????? Oh yeah, they got old and no-one else of note has come through since!!!!!!
I understand that the last 2 years have become a shock for every city fan. We were a mid table club, 9 times out of 10 favourite for relegation and sometimes did get relegated. We had some excellent players over the years, Kinkladze being one of them. We were the "lovable losers" of the premier league, sympathy came to us from all direction because we could never achieve anything like our neighbours, the "poor" fans didn't know if the club were gonna win one game to the next and even be in the same league next season. Our "star" buys were David Seamen, Andy Cole, Robbie Fowler etc, all has beens looking for one last pay day. This disapointed me alot but some fans loved it. What made Manchester City amazing back then was the fan devotion, no matter what we always stuck by the club and kept coming back for more.

Now we have the recourses to financially beat any other club in the world to the top players. Asked me 3 years ago if a player like Yaya Toure would come to eastlands, I would have thought when they are 40 years old and looking for one final pay day. But not now. Now the club are hoping to achieve something while keeping the huge fanatical devotion, and that is an achievement in itself.

It's just great to finally see something you love not getting beaten, humiliated etc, and just trying to achieve something. I'm so excited about all this, and love every minute of being a city fan, which I have done for the last 17 years. If thats not for you then fine, theres plenty of other clubs who were in our position years ago dying for new supporters. Go there instead.

And remember, we are so lucky. To have an amazing club and people willing to try and make it better for us. Theres nothing wrong in what city are doing, just a different approach. You think if Nottingham Forest were in the position we are, there fans would be moaning??!! most of thier supporters would sell thier first born son to get back to the glory days, so would Newcastle, Liverpool and everyone else.

"It probably sounds like sour grapes but I don’t begrudge the other wealthy teams their success.
Manchester United gave us a golden generation of English players – Scholes, Beckham, Butt, the Nevilles – by putting faith in youth when they could have just splashed the cash.
Chelsea’s best players are still Lampard and Terry and new young players like Sturridge are still taken on".

Hart,richards,sweep,barry,milner (?)jonno mk1&2 & ned...that is 8 English players and then theres some in the academy too.. oh yeah lescott ( blimey so fooking many i cant remember them all)

make that 9 ( theres another that'll come through)

and btw.......ur a nob head too.
Besides anything else, that "Fergie's Fledglings" was a load of bollocks anyway, they were supplemented with THREE record signings. The '96 Cup final team which supposedly culminated in the "kids" winning the double was:

Schmeichel - £530k
Irwin - £625k
Pallister - £2.3m, a record between two British clubs at the time
May - £1.2m
P Neville
Keane - £3.75m, a British record at the time.
Cantona - £1.2m
Cole - £7m, a British record at the time.

Subs were G Neville, Scholes and Sharpe.
Pin it up on the dressing room wall before we play them. Then mention it in the post-match interviews after we dick them by a few. Should make him popular with the Wolves fans!
and new young players like Sturridge are still taken on.

And he forgets to mention that Sturridge is a product of our academy, poached by Chelsea!

Typical journo - doesn't let small things like facts or truth get in the way.
50 years ago wolves were one of the best teams in europe but now they're shite & have been for decades. so if our owners had chosen to buy wolves instead of city moxey & this brainless blognob would have turned them down. like fuck.
I'm surprised no-one's mentioned Moxey's outburst in May that basically said United winning everything for eternity was bad for football and that we needed more competition for them.
Also that no-one has mentioned the original benefactor, Jack Hayward, who pumped loads of money into Wolves then wrote off £50m when he sold them for £10, to Steve Morgan as long as he agreed to fund their promotion and put £30m in. The same Steve Morgan who's going to fund their ground development, IIRC £40m.

But I guess that's alright cos it's not as easy an ill-informed bandwagon to jump on.
malkie said:
Watching Spurs throw the kitchen sink at Man City, I found myself wanting them to score every time they went forward.
It made me realise that City – a team many of us used to like – are now a club that I want to fail. And fail spectacularly.
It’s like when Michael “Lotto Chav” Carroll won £10 million. For a while it was amusing and we all had a laugh when he started buying ridiculous things to amuse himself.
After a while though, all of the expensive toys simply looked vulgar.

It used to be easy to like City – forever in the shadow of their illustrious city sibling, a succession of passionate but flawed managers like Keegan and Pearce, and players that thrilled but never really achieved like Wanchope and Kinkaldze.
Now though they are the richest club in the world and are determined to buy their way to success.
Since they were taken over by the Abu Dhabi United Group in 2008, they have spent a staggering £455m and counting.
The £28 million theys pent on Yaya Toure is probably more than the total spending of any other club in the league this season.
Consequently, player for player they have probably now got the best squad in the Premier League.

The reason I wan’t them to fail though is that their clout is not as a result of sustained success, wise investment or even good business decisions to make them an attractive proposition for investors.
They simply won the lottery by being available as a very rich man’s plaything at the right time.
It probably sounds like sour grapes but I don’t begrudge the other wealthy teams their success.
Manchester United gave us a golden generation of English players – Scholes, Beckham, Butt, the Nevilles – by putting faith in youth when they could have just splashed the cash.
Chelsea’s best players are still Lampard and Terry and new young players like Sturridge are still taken on.
With City though, if you’re not a name that looks good in the owner’s treasure chest, forget it.
The best players at Eastlands for the last few years have been Bellamy, Ireland and before them Dunne.
The unfashionable defender was shipped off to Villa where he has been outstanding while Bellamy is outside of the match squad and Ireland is being offered cash to leave the club to make way for Milner – someone they simply don’t need.

Jez Moxey was amongst the leading voices pouring scorn on City at the weekend.
Here’s what the Wolves chief executive told the Express & Star:
“The Manchester City situation is not good for football in the Premier League.
“Not only are they contributing in a big way towards spiralling wages and unrealistic demands elsewhere, but there is a risk that they could garner all of the talent.
“It’s becoming so difficult for anyone else to compete both on a competitive and talent level but also on a financial level.
“And they’re only able to do it because they’ve got sovereign wealth behind them.
“I’m not sure that’s what I would want to see if I could control it. But I can’t so all I can control is what we do.
“Manchester City are trying to win the Premier League and dominate Europe — if they can — for certain reasons.
“Their owners want to promote themselves and the club, and they see that as a good way of doing it.
“They’ve got more money than they know what to do with and they’re investing with it.”
And about Stephen Ireland refusing to leave over reports that he wants a £2m ‘pay-off’ . . .
“It’s reported that he’s going to continue negotiating until he gets more and more money to leave.
“We run the risk of losing what the game is really about.
“It gets too distorted too easily when you have such wealth to buy the best players wherever they are in the world.
“But as we saw last season, sometimes buying the best talent doesn’t always means you’re going to be the most successful.”

Spot on Jez. I’m glad I’m not the only one hoping to see them fail.
If not for Joe Hart they would have at the weekend too. It could have been 5-0 to Tottenham on Saturday if not for the outstanding goalkeeper.
The young star – signed from League Two Shrewsbury! – was the best player in the Premier League in its opening weekend.
He’s the only player at the club that I want to see succeed.
Sadly though, in football as in life, money talks and it won’t be long before his team-mates get up to speed.


As for Wolves’ magnificent performance against Stoke on Saturday, here are my thoughts:

• Fletcher looked like a great acquisition and his link-up play with Ebanks-Blake was magical
• Craddock’s tackle on Jones was fair – not even a foul. He got the ball and the striker unfortunately fell awkwardly.
• Jelle Van Damme looked composed and was involved at both ends of the field.
• Dave Jones’ goal was the best of the weekend.


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Short memories.. Sir Jack didn't bankroll Wolves did he, not bloody much !

I did pretty well, read four lines of that shite..jog on

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