Angelina Jolie


Well-Known Member
5 May 2008
So, she's had her breasts removed after finding out she has the BRACA 1 gene.

Shame for perves, but her chances of breast cancer have gone from 85% to 5%.

Great things they can do these days. I've got this gene and two female members of our family have had their breasts removed to prevent breast cancer, or as a result of it.
Must be an awful predicament for any lady to face, famous or not. My heart goes out to her but she has made the right decision, both for herself, and her family.
I'd like to hear what the cancer researchers, hospitals and charities think about this and whether they advocate such actions. I often wondered as a kid why we didn't all have our appendixes surgically removed at birth, to prevent appendicitis.

Not being one to follow the lives of the rich and famous, should I hope that Jolie has taken the decision not to have children, in order to prevent the gene being passed on?
I know someone who had both breasts off as her mother, gran and great gran had Breast cancer .
I'm completely ignorant about breast cancer so this question might sound ignorant (tho there's no such thing as an ignorant question!)

Why couldn't she just have gone for checkups every month or something and just had it/them removed immediately if/when something showed up?

It seems to be taking prevention to silly extremes to me. Obviously it's her decision and non of my business but that's my ignorant take on it.
I'd imagine due to her work and chairty schedule. Couple with the chance that it could spread and become something like blood cancer and riddle your body and she's basically thinking being around for her 6 kids are more important than what is effectively two lumps of fat on her chest no matter how much we love them.
tweetstreet said:
I'd imagine due to her work and chairty schedule. Couple with the chance that it could spread and become something like blood cancer and riddle your body and she's basically thinking being around for her 6 kids are more important than what is effectively two lumps of fat on her chest no matter how much we love them.
It's still a double whammy though.
Yeah a double whammy until you put yourselves in her shoes and to be fair brad Pitts too and ask what's more important...?

And I'd Imagine a 85% chance of cancer v a 5% chance = a 85% chance of a full life with your kids v a 5% chance without. And famous or not its not a difficult choice.
If this type of screening is available for cancer, everyone should have it then make their decision. Your normal woman on the street wouldn't know about this gene, or that having it causes cancer. Cancer is not something that should be elitist if it is preventable, same as any disease. Money shouldn't buy health. If something becomes available and Di Caprio is having tests done or bollocks removed to prevent cancer, every other bloke should have the same chance of life.

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