Angelina Jolie

another generation said:
* WARNING * Do not read on if you are feeling suicidal!

Fact of the day, folks - we're all going to die at some point. So why delay the inevitable?

I honestly still can't decide whether to praise or deride Jolie's decision. It almost feels like a coward's way out. And no, I'm not one of those 'It's God's will that we get struck down with A or B' people. Funny how it's usually quite easy to take a stance on an issue, but on this one, I just don't know. What if a person were predisposed to lung or liver cancer? Would they book themselves in for a transplant straight away? As for Jolie's six kids, should we operate on them, too, just in case?
This is quite a baffling post.
You know you're almost certainly going to get a disease, but instead of eliminating the possibility you would just wait til it happens?
Can't get my head around that logic.
If someone told me I'm 90% likely to get testicular cancer, I'd freeze some sperm and get em lobbed off.

Transplants are different, there isn't enough organs to go around as it is. But there isn't a shortage of silicone and fake balls so why take the risk? And if we were in a world with an unlimited supply of organs, I wouldn't think twice about being pro active with those cancers either!
I've helped an ex girlfriend (she had ditched me to go on tour singing and we remained friends) through recovery after two mastectomies in three years (it had got into the lymphatic system and it spread). When you've been at someone's bedside for 48 hours when they are on death's door then going through the hell of Chemo and radio therapy, not knowing what to say to her two young girls who also have the gene, and then see your own father taking his last breath drowning in the fluid in his cancerous lungs you can understand the decision that Angelina Jolie has taken and why you would not wish cancer on your worst enemy.

I normally loathe the attention seeking that is often a part of success. Angelina Jolie could have hidden her potentially life saving surgery as a cosmetic operation. Instead, firstly she chose to have the operation and secondly she chose to publicise it so that other women are made aware of the choice that they, themselves can make. Angelina Jolie is one brave, brave woman.
BimboBob said:
speccybob 8 said:
Very bad taste joke alert.

What's black with a great set of tits?

Angelina Jolie's bin bag

I'm going to Hell :/

Is the answer Bill Oddie?

If it isn't I'm going out in the small hours accompanied with my trusty terrier and agitate some badgers.

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