Animosity towards County

Cheadle Ender said:
Hello all, I've just read a thread from this site that was posted on a County message board and was surprised at some of the animosity aimed at us, I appreciate that it works both ways but all the blame for starting it seems to lie with us as far as you're concerned.
I have always liked and admired City and often go along to watch them if County are not playing, but let me take you back a few years. I used to go in the Sherwood before games at Maine Road and was always made to feel welcome, I went with a group of City fans from Stockport and a lot of people in the pub knew me. Things changed after we beat you the first time, I went in the Sherwood as usual, I can't remember who you were playing but people were saying that I had a nerve going in there, they'd known for years that I was a County fan, some were pretty aggressive.
The night we beat you at Maine Road, my friend's daughter was punched because she had the cheek to wear a County scarf, this is a young university student not a mouthy chav, another bunch of County fans who got off the 192 in levenshulme were savagely beaten, one had both legs broken, again these were decent people.
One thing that tickled me in the thread that had been posted on our message board was some referred to us as inbreds, most of us come from places like Heaton Moor, Bramhall, Cheadle Hulme, Marple, Woodsmoor and Romiley, all leafy suburbs and hardly dualling banjos country.
I think this whole thing has gone way too far, you're a much bigger club than us but we enjoyed our time in the sun, we'd grown up taking stick from our City and United mates and I make no apologies for enjoying it when we matched you for a while. But I wish you well and will be back at Eastlands soon supporting you as I have done for many years, just not with the passion I have for County, good luck for the future.

Cheadle Ender

I'm not sure if I find this somewhat ironic or just plain naive.

A well known Cunty fan turns up at the Sherwood and expects the red carpet after kicking us in the bollocks? As you frequented the Sherwood then you'd know that it was the pub of choice for a large number of our hooligan element. Fart and Spacesuit spring to mind.

Away supporter gets beaten up for wearing colours? It happens everywhere all the time. I've seen men with kids attacked. You wear colours, you put a big daft target on your head for any tosser to have a pop. It's sad, yes, but very true. I've been to 50 odd grounds, both home and colours, no slaps. Simples.
Cheadle Ender said:
chrisi said:
we don't care about u taking the piss out of a game u beat us in like 10 years ago

taking the piss out off us going out uefa?
you should be supporting us in europe and any other british team
(except the rags)

I was there supporting you and was gutted when you got knocked out, I admit there is a lot of pisstaking from County fans but some city fans are twisting the origins of all this, the aggression from some City fans in our encounters was pretty shocking.

because of your fans piss taking
Back in the earlyy 80's the trend was for City and United fans to go to watch County on a Friday night.It was seen as no big deal,loads of people I know used to do it.And we were welcomed.
County were seen by both sets of fans as "a local club we help out when we can."
We played them in friendlies.
Sure,we expected to win.
We bought their captain and best player,Bill Williams for £50,000-and sold him back to them 6 weeks later for half that.....hmm....
Little did we Blues know at the time how far we would fall as a club and how we could EVER play in the same league as County.With all due respect to County-It shouldn't have happened-but it did.
Nothing wrong with a bit of rivalry,either.

But about that time,their fans changed.They got promoted via the play-offs,got cocky and gobby and they started to hate us.Not just banter,but hate.
I'll never forget the day we went down to division 2.Walking through Stockport town centre on the way back from Stoke and meeting a group of County fans who'd been watching the game on TV. .....the bile,the venom and the sheer hatred they showed us was unbelievable.I remember thinking "what have we ever done to them to deserve that?"

I remember the game when we drew 2-2,when we were going for promotion-Jobson scored that header near the end and saved us a point.Walking down Castle street being followed by a group of about fifty County fans all looking for a tear-up,cheering like they'd won the Fa cup and the league all on the same day....again,the sheer hatred shown to us sticks in my mind.

Now if it was rags,I could understand.But this was County,FFS-the team we'd helped keep afloat for years financially!!!!

So when they go bust,I won't shed any tears.And I certainly won't be putting any money in any begging buckets outside CoMs.At least not to save those ungrateful,sneering gits.

What goes around comes around.
RobbieBrewer said:
Back in the earlyy 80's the trend was for City and United fans to go to watch County on a Friday night.It was seen as no big deal,loads of people I know used to do it.And we were welcomed.
County were seen by both sets of fans as "a local club we help out when we can."
We played them in friendlies.
Sure,we expected to win.
We bought their captain and best player,Bill Williams for £50,000-and sold him back to them 6 weeks later for half that.....hmm....
Little did we Blues know at the time how far we would fall as a club and how we could EVER play in the same league as County.With all due respect to County-It shouldn't have happened-but it did.
Nothing wrong with a bit of rivalry,either.

But about that time,their fans changed.They got promoted via the play-offs,got cocky and gobby and they started to hate us.Not just banter,but hate.
I'll never forget the day we went down to division 2.Walking through Stockport town centre on the way back from Stoke and meeting a group of County fans who'd been watching the game on TV. .....the bile,the venom and the sheer hatred they showed us was unbelievable.I remember thinking "what have we ever done to them to deserve that?"

I remember the game when we drew 2-2,when we were going for promotion-Jobson scored that header near the end and saved us a point.Walking down Castle street being followed by a group of about fifty County fans all looking for a tear-up,cheering like they'd won the Fa cup and the league all on the same day....again,the sheer hatred shown to us sticks in my mind.

Now if it was rags,I could understand.But this was County,FFS-the team we'd helped keep afloat for years financially!!!!

So when they go bust,I won't shed any tears.And I caertainly won't be putting any money in any buckets outside CoMs.
What goes around comes around.

It strikes me that you're from Stockport and by turning up at our games you see it as doing us a favour? Perhaps that could be seen as patronising, you see the all the money I've paid into your club's coffers and it amounts to a lot, I've never considered it doing you any favours.
Cheadle Ender said:
I really don't get it, we used to get on pretty well until we had the cheek to enjoy beating you and it was just putting one over our illustrious neighbours, some of you make it out to be much worse but it wasn't. We'll get through our current turmoil but the next one won't be far behind, it just goes with supporting a small team. We don't expect help from our neighbours and we don't expect a Sheikh to bail us out, you lot don't know how lucky you are, don't forget you're debt was 50 times the level of ours. Anyway I'm getting drawn into squabbling here and wasn't my intention.

That's the whole point, we did get on well until Cunty gave it the big one. Just like you appear to be City sympathiser, there were many City fans who were Cunty sympathisers at Edgely watching Danny Begara (sp) and his boys on a Friday night.

We fell on hard times and you kicked us in the bollocks from nowhere. I can accept defeat, as I've seen enough, but there was an element of Et tu, Brute about Cunty's behaviour....whilst reading our HT results out, didn't your PA read someting like....'Blackpool 1, Donkeys (i.e. City) 1'.

Sorry pal, I wasn't fookin laughin'. Fortunately, I am Cunty.
HardyBarlow said:
Cheadle Ender said:
I really don't get it, we used to get on pretty well until we had the cheek to enjoy beating you and it was just putting one over our illustrious neighbours, some of you make it out to be much worse but it wasn't. We'll get through our current turmoil but the next one won't be far behind, it just goes with supporting a small team. We don't expect help from our neighbours and we don't expect a Sheikh to bail us out, you lot don't know how lucky you are, don't forget you're debt was 50 times the level of ours. Anyway I'm getting drawn into squabbling here and wasn't my intention.

That's the whole point, we did get on well until Cunty gave it the big one. Just like you appear to be City sympathiser, there were many City fans who were Cunty sympathisers at Edgely watching Danny Begara (sp) and his boys on a Friday night.

We fell on hard times and you kicked us in the bollocks from nowhere. I can accept defeat, as I've seen enough, but there was an element of Et tu, Brute about Cunty's behaviour....whilst reading our HT results out, didn't your PA read someting like....'Blackpool 1, Donkeys (i.e. City) 1'.

Sorry pal, I wasn't fookin laughin'. Fortunately, I am Cunty.

What you're all doing here is ignoring the fact that it was aggression and violence from your fans that brought about the animosity from our end, as I've already said I'll continue to watch City and I'll be there tomorrow.
Cheadle Ender said:
HardyBarlow said:
Cheadle Ender said:
I really don't get it, we used to get on pretty well until we had the cheek to enjoy beating you and it was just putting one over our illustrious neighbours, some of you make it out to be much worse but it wasn't. We'll get through our current turmoil but the next one won't be far behind, it just goes with supporting a small team. We don't expect help from our neighbours and we don't expect a Sheikh to bail us out, you lot don't know how lucky you are, don't forget you're debt was 50 times the level of ours. Anyway I'm getting drawn into squabbling here and wasn't my intention.

That's the whole point, we did get on well until Cunty gave it the big one. Just like you appear to be City sympathiser, there were many City fans who were Cunty sympathisers at Edgely watching Danny Begara (sp) and his boys on a Friday night.

We fell on hard times and you kicked us in the bollocks from nowhere. I can accept defeat, as I've seen enough, but there was an element of Et tu, Brute about Cunty's behaviour....whilst reading our HT results out, didn't your PA read someting like....'Blackpool 1, Donkeys (i.e. City) 1'.

Sorry pal, I wasn't fookin laughin'. Fortunately, I am Cunty.

What you're all doing here is ignoring the fact that it was aggression and violence from your fans that brought about the animosity from our end, as I've already said I'll continue to watch City and I'll be there tomorrow.

Cheadle Ender said:
RobbieBrewer said:
Back in the earlyy 80's the trend was for City and United fans to go to watch County on a Friday night.It was seen as no big deal,loads of people I know used to do it.And we were welcomed.
County were seen by both sets of fans as "a local club we help out when we can."
We played them in friendlies.
Sure,we expected to win.
We bought their captain and best player,Bill Williams for £50,000-and sold him back to them 6 weeks later for half that.....hmm....
Little did we Blues know at the time how far we would fall as a club and how we could EVER play in the same league as County.With all due respect to County-It shouldn't have happened-but it did.
Nothing wrong with a bit of rivalry,either.

But about that time,their fans changed.They got promoted via the play-offs,got cocky and gobby and they started to hate us.Not just banter,but hate.
I'll never forget the day we went down to division 2.Walking through Stockport town centre on the way back from Stoke and meeting a group of County fans who'd been watching the game on TV. .....the bile,the venom and the sheer hatred they showed us was unbelievable.I remember thinking "what have we ever done to them to deserve that?"

I remember the game when we drew 2-2,when we were going for promotion-Jobson scored that header near the end and saved us a point.Walking down Castle street being followed by a group of about fifty County fans all looking for a tear-up,cheering like they'd won the Fa cup and the league all on the same day....again,the sheer hatred shown to us sticks in my mind.

Now if it was rags,I could understand.But this was County,FFS-the team we'd helped keep afloat for years financially!!!!

So when they go bust,I won't shed any tears.And I caertainly won't be putting any money in any buckets outside CoMs.
What goes around comes around.

It strikes me that you're from Stockport and by turning up at our games you see it as doing us a favour? Perhaps that could be seen as patronising, you see the all the money I've paid into your club's coffers and it amounts to a lot, I've never considered it doing you any favours.

That's what I'm talking about.
The Rochdale chairman has no problem asking fans of other,bigger clubs to help them out and they're grateful for the support these fans are prepared to give.Just like County were.
You see it as bening patronising-but it's just a financial fact of life for most lower-league clubs with a smaller geographic fanbase than their City neighbours-such as Tranmere.
And they don't have a problem with it.
But some of your fans got a little big for their boots,thought your "glory years" would last forever,kicked us as hard and as often as they could when we were at our lowest .... and they've bitten the hand that's fed you so many times in the last twenty years that it's going to come right back at you when you need it most.

Is it any wonder that there's not much sympathy on here for your plight?

Sorry mate,just my opinion.
uwerosler28 said:
Cheadle Ender said:
HardyBarlow said:
Cheadle Ender said:
I really don't get it, we used to get on pretty well until we had the cheek to enjoy beating you and it was just putting one over our illustrious neighbours, some of you make it out to be much worse but it wasn't. We'll get through our current turmoil but the next one won't be far behind, it just goes with supporting a small team. We don't expect help from our neighbours and we don't expect a Sheikh to bail us out, you lot don't know how lucky you are, don't forget you're debt was 50 times the level of ours. Anyway I'm getting drawn into squabbling here and wasn't my intention.

That's the whole point, we did get on well until Cunty gave it the big one. Just like you appear to be City sympathiser, there were many City fans who were Cunty sympathisers at Edgely watching Danny Begara (sp) and his boys on a Friday night.

We fell on hard times and you kicked us in the bollocks from nowhere. I can accept defeat, as I've seen enough, but there was an element of Et tu, Brute about Cunty's behaviour....whilst reading our HT results out, didn't your PA read someting like....'Blackpool 1, Donkeys (i.e. City) 1'.

Sorry pal, I wasn't fookin laughin'. Fortunately, I am Cunty.

What you're all doing here is ignoring the fact that it was aggression and violence from your fans that brought about the animosity from our end, as I've already said I'll continue to watch City and I'll be there tomorrow.


Good post, I have no come back.
HardyBarlow said:
Cheadle Ender said:
Hello all, I've just read a thread from this site that was posted on a County message board and was surprised at some of the animosity aimed at us, I appreciate that it works both ways but all the blame for starting it seems to lie with us as far as you're concerned.
I have always liked and admired City and often go along to watch them if County are not playing, but let me take you back a few years. I used to go in the Sherwood before games at Maine Road and was always made to feel welcome, I went with a group of City fans from Stockport and a lot of people in the pub knew me. Things changed after we beat you the first time, I went in the Sherwood as usual, I can't remember who you were playing but people were saying that I had a nerve going in there, they'd known for years that I was a County fan, some were pretty aggressive.
The night we beat you at Maine Road, my friend's daughter was punched because she had the cheek to wear a County scarf, this is a young university student not a mouthy chav, another bunch of County fans who got off the 192 in levenshulme were savagely beaten, one had both legs broken, again these were decent people.
One thing that tickled me in the thread that had been posted on our message board was some referred to us as inbreds, most of us come from places like Heaton Moor, Bramhall, Cheadle Hulme, Marple, Woodsmoor and Romiley, all leafy suburbs and hardly dualling banjos country.
I think this whole thing has gone way too far, you're a much bigger club than us but we enjoyed our time in the sun, we'd grown up taking stick from our City and United mates and I make no apologies for enjoying it when we matched you for a while. But I wish you well and will be back at Eastlands soon supporting you as I have done for many years, just not with the passion I have for County, good luck for the future.

Cheadle Ender

I'm not sure if I find this somewhat ironic or just plain naive.

A well known Cunty fan turns up at the Sherwood and expects the red carpet after kicking us in the bollocks? As you frequented the Sherwood then you'd know that it was the pub of choice for a large number of our hooligan element. Fart and Spacesuit spring to mind.

Away supporter gets beaten up for wearing colours? It happens everywhere all the time. I've seen men with kids attacked. You wear colours, you put a big daft target on your head for any tosser to have a pop. It's sad, yes, but very true. I've been to 50 odd grounds, both home and colours, no slaps. Simples.

I thought hooligans only attacked their own.Sad day when a guy who everyone knew in the Sherwood suddenly gets attacked cos they won?! Unbelievable!! Read the message again and still say you are correct.One was a girl who got attacked.Great advert that was for City.

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