Another Day, Another Rag Obsessing About City...

What all these rag fuckers don't realise is we are not going to go away. They seem to think us being in the top 4 is just some kind of statistical anomaly which will go away over time. We will have learned from his year's CL experience and will take that into next season's and many more seasons of CL qualification, long after Scholes has retired...again.
The Fat el Hombre said:
It's the ginger pigs turn today:

And in an interview with Manchester United fanzine United We Stand, Scholes revealed that he hopes that Manchester City won't win the Champions League in the coming seasons.

"I hope not. And I don't think they will," Scholes told the fanzine

"City have found how difficult it can be this year."

Manchester City found the Champions League tough going on their debut this season, as they struggled to get out of a group containing Napoli, Bayern Munich and Villarreal.

They eventually went on to finish third in their group, and Scholes reckons a lot of this is down to the team's attitude to the competition.

He added: "I think they went into the Champions League a bit arrogant. They're playing against proper teams. It's not like the Europa League."

Mike Sumerbee whilst gagging on his cornflakes had this to say....

"Manchester United found the Champions League tough going on their 16th season, as they struggled to get out of a group containing Benfica,Basel & Otelul Galati.."

Talk about Scholes being told to say what the scum fans need to hear..Twat.
Didn't they get knocked out in the first round in their debut season of European Cup(before it became CL in present format of groups) by some no mark team? Short memories those rags! It makes me laugh these rag players all coming out and spouting off about City, they are running scared of us....Scholes is the latest in an increasingly long line of them, in the last 2 weeks alone we have had Giggs,Smalling,Shrek and now Scholes, and when their own "fanzines" are asking them questions about us it shows how much our new found strength is getting to them and getting under their skin, at one time they wouldn't have mentioned us or been asked questions by the media about us, but every interview they are getting City shoved down their throats...oh how that must hurt!
I read in the paper that Scholes has been sensational since his return from retirement. Looked pretty mediocre to me.

Must be worrying for the other players if he's been brought back and he's still their best player.
bada bing said:
"FUCK OFF, I've just re-signed for united"


Ha! Quality...
poyntonblue said:
I read in the paper that Scholes has been sensational since his return from retirement. Looked pretty mediocre to me.

Must be worrying for the other players if he's been brought back and he's still their best player.

Spot on, what must the younger players think when he would rather trust 38 year old Scholes and 39 Giggs over them, and Giggs has just signed a contract extension!
And in an interview with Manchester United fanzine United We Stand, Scholes revealed that he hopes that Manchester City won't win the Champions League in the coming seasons.

"I hope not. And I don't think they will," Scholes told the fanzine

"City have found how difficult it can be this year."

Manchester City found the Champions League tough going on their debut this season, as they struggled to get out of a group containing Napoli, Bayern Munich and Villarreal.

They eventually went on to finish third in their group, and Scholes reckons a lot of this is down to the team's attitude to the competition.

He added: "I think they went into the Champions League a bit arrogant. They're playing against proper teams. It's not like the Europa League."

We woz playin' against "proper" teamz, innit.
Ha ha does he really think had bob wanted to we would not haver gone a long way in it. Bob tested the water this season, he wants the prem title over anything, next season we will really give it a go.
He added: "I think they went into the Champions League a bit arrogant. They're playing against proper teams. It's not like the Europa League."

Anyone else see the irony in this? Is it not arrogant to go into the Europa labelling the teams in it less than 'proper'? Hope you get tonked because of your arrogance you plank.

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