Another Day, Another Rag Obsessing About City...

even the dirty fucker roy keane sort of gave us, well can excuse city as their 1st time, now coming from that ****, thats a compliement 4 sure
Isn't it obvious Scholes is answering a question rather than "obsessing" about City?

Don't you think United players/staff might be getting fed up of answering questions about us all the time?

We've arrived. We arent' going away. We are stealing their thunder. I bet it fucks them right off.
We didnt go into the champions being arrogant how could we ?? it was the group of death,the arrogance was united thinking that by just turning up against Basel and Galati they would go through.
colourmeblue said:
He added: "I think they went into the Champions League a bit arrogant. They're playing against proper teams. It's not like the Europa League."

Anyone else see the irony in this? Is it not arrogant to go into the Europa labelling the teams in it less than 'proper'? Hope you get tonked because of your arrogance you plank.

I was just about to post this, he will regret saying that I think. Of course, then all the rags will claim they weren't fussed about the Europa league... YCNMIU
Didsbury Dave said:
Isn't it obvious Scholes is answering a question rather than "obsessing" about City?

Don't you think United players/staff might be getting fed up of answering questions about us all the time?

We've arrived. We arent' going away. We are stealing their thunder. I bet it fucks them right off.
for bloody sure its pissing them off, for donkeys years the cunts have been centre of attention, now its our turn, and boy they fucking hate it being asked about us all time.

learn to live with it, cause its our time now!!!!
Arrogance is playing wellbeck as lone striker at home against Basel and drawing 3-3..
We had the group of death, and yet we still managed to get sufficient points that would have seen us through in any other group - including that piss-poor lot the evil vermin were gifted.
Also, it was our debut in the competition: for total beginners we did exceptionally well...a fucking site better than that shower of faecal matter did at their first attempt.
Ignore him. It's an interview with a rag fanzine - what do you expect him to say - I feel sorry for City having been put into what was commonly agreed to be the hardest group in the CL. I'm sure they'll do better next year?

I'm sure he's been quoted on here before and his comments to the media were pretty fair. Wasn't Giggs thrown into the thread as another 'just about acceptable' rag player?

The silly little rag fans will be giggling away at his comments and getting all giddy with it. Letting it upset you will only add to their enjoyment so just nod your head and leave them to it.
The Fat el Hombre said:
"I think they went into the Champions League a bit arrogant. They're playing against proper teams. It's not like the Europa League."

Haha he's got that one wrong. wasnt it Bacon face who walked out of a press conference when asked how he would feel if United didnt mate the knock out stages....HA
The Fat el Hombre said:
It's the ginger pigs turn today:

And in an interview with Manchester United fanzine United We Stand, Scholes revealed that he hopes that Manchester City won't win the Champions League in the coming seasons.

"I hope not. And I don't think they will," Scholes told the fanzine

"City have found how difficult it can be this year."

Manchester City found the Champions League tough going on their debut this season, as they struggled to get out of a group containing Napoli, Bayern Munich and Villarreal.

They eventually went on to finish third in their group, and Scholes reckons a lot of this is down to the team's attitude to the competition.

He added: "I think they went into the Champions League a bit arrogant. They're playing against proper teams. It's not like the Europa League."

Right scholes let me try and work this out, your right about us struggleing in are group but we had the group of death and your group had F**king pub teams in it and you can't win that group. If you had are group you would of really struggled because your not that good. As well its are first time in the champions league. So everything what you just sed is total chicken shit, and you sed you hope that we don't win it but we will it maybe 2 years from now but it will come.

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