Another shooting in america

BulgarianPride said:
buckshot said:
The weird thing is that I'm actually considering buying a gun now. I have a Grade-A crazy stalker who won't leave me alone and I know for a fact that she carries a gun. She's also made some veiled threats about my wife.

have you contacted the police?
Mate, he needs a tank.
Lucky13 said:
buckshot said:
Lucky13 said:
What the hell has this got to do with the NRA?

Tons, they refuse to even consider limiting gun availability here.

Why should they, how many have these massacres have been committed by NRA members?

These weapons are available because of the NRA. Believe me, I'm not anti-gun, I come from a family of hunters and my father and brothers all own multiple guns. I'm anti-assault weapons, it would be awful if two or three people got killed but it's better than 30. If this guy had to reload after firing a few shots people could have escaped but apparently he had a gun like this that holds 30 rounds:

Lucky13 said:
buckshot said:
Lucky13 said:
What the hell has this got to do with the NRA?

Tons, they refuse to even consider limiting gun availability here.

Why should they, how many have these massacres have been committed by NRA members?
As the NRA keeps the membership list a secret we shall never know.<br /><br />-- Fri Dec 14, 2012 9:06 pm --<br /><br />
Essembe said:
You know, I think its not just England but many countries where the population are more fearful than ever. Highly taxed, complete surveillance, increasing crime and violence, financial difficulties for much of the populace. Sounds like england, usa, most countries.
Well it may help to have a look at some facts as we are less taxed than most, have falling crime, virtually no gun crime in comparison with say Mexico or the States and not everyone is fearful.
SWP's back said:
Lucky13 said:
buckshot said:
Tons, they refuse to even consider limiting gun availability here.

Why should they, how many have these massacres have been committed by NRA members?
As the NRA keeps the membership list a secret we shall never know.

I'm sure a search of the dead gunman's home would produce evidence of NRA membership.
Lucky13 said:
SWP's back said:
Lucky13 said:
Why should they, how many have these massacres have been committed by NRA members?
As the NRA keeps the membership list a secret we shall never know.

I'm sure a search of the dead gunman's home would produce evidence of NRA membership.
And I am sure that would always come to light with the industry worth $31bn each year and the sway that they hold.

Either way, the answer is still "we don't know".
SWP's back said:
Essembe said:
SWP's back said:
And thank fuck we didn't have guns. We had looting, a few shops burnt. The shops were insured and many went to prison. What we didn't have was gun warfare on the streets and tens if not hundreds killed in gun battles.

Like you never have riots in the states.

You have 30,000 per year killed by guns, that is the old capacity of Maine Road, killed by guns. We have 100. Your population is 5 times ours, not 300 times.

Only a fucking idiot would still try and argue that guns make your country safer.

Oh my, another aggressive personal attack.

You asked and I quote

Only a fucking idiot would still try and argue that guns make your country safer.

My answer is Switzerland. No one invades that country as they know every adult has a gun.

-- Fri Dec 14, 2012 2:51 pm --

SWP's back said:
I wouldn't even enter into dialogue with someone capable of such fucking appalling debate and reasoning mate.

Fucking right wing NRA apologist nut job.

These personal characterisations are becoming quite agressive. Perhaps you could refrain from these please.
Tell you what mate, when my "aggressive personal attacks" kill 30 people including 20 kids then you can start complain.

As long as you make moronic apologies for your gun toting pals then I shall treat you with the disdain I see fit.

As for Switzerland, no one invades them as were the aggressors personal bloody banker. You really think the Nazi's (having wiped out most of Europe and just kicked a fucking huge hole in Russia - a country with more guns than the Germans had people) took a look at Switzerland and said "fuck this for a game of dominoes, these fuckers each have a 9mm hand gun"?

And you ignored the rest re 30,000 die vs 100.

Explain how you are safer having seen the stats? And by 'safer' I don't mean "holding a gun makes up for my own inadequacies and I can play the big man like John Wayne - pow pow"

Sir, I have tried to be nice and repeatedly asked for you to cool your aggression towards me. You state that you will continue to treat me with disdain and then ask me to answer some more questions. Perhaps its best if we don't continue this. I came her for debate and not to be insulted. I'm happy Sweep came back too.
buckshot said:
Lucky13 said:
buckshot said:
Tons, they refuse to even consider limiting gun availability here.

Why should they, how many have these massacres have been committed by NRA members?

These weapons are available because of the NRA. Believe me, I'm not anti-gun, I come from a family of hunters and my father and brothers all own multiple guns. I'm anti-assault weapons, it would be awful if two or three people got killed but it's better than 30. If this guy had to reload after firing a few shots people could have escaped but apparently he had a gun like this that holds 30 rounds:


That's shocking, you can actually purchase this type of weapon legally. No wonder there is this type of shit is happening. A US citizen can defend himself better than some countries armed forces.
[–]enemy_anemone 62 points 1 hour ago
2:43 pm Slate: Suspected Facebook page "Ryan Lanza" not the shooter. [1] "Everyone shut the fuck up it wasn't me.... I'm on the bus home now it wasn't me... IT WASN'T ME I WAS AT WORK IT WASN'T ME."

Miss Identified ?
buckshot said:
Lucky13 said:
buckshot said:
Tons, they refuse to even consider limiting gun availability here.

Why should they, how many have these massacres have been committed by NRA members?

These weapons are available because of the NRA. Believe me, I'm not anti-gun, I come from a family of hunters and my father and brothers all own multiple guns. I'm anti-assault weapons, it would be awful if two or three people got killed but it's better than 30. If this guy had to reload after firing a few shots people could have escaped but apparently he had a gun like this that holds 30 rounds:


Jesus, just looking at that picture has turned my stomach, I have a 2 daughters aged 6 and 4 so about the ages of those poor kids involved over there. The thought of it is horrific.

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