Another shooting in america

Mark - TheBlue said:
[–]enemy_anemone 62 points 1 hour ago
2:43 pm Slate: Suspected Facebook page "Ryan Lanza" not the shooter. [1] "Everyone shut the fuck up it wasn't me.... I'm on the bus home now it wasn't me... IT WASN'T ME I WAS AT WORK IT WASN'T ME."


Miss Identified ?

Quoting myself fuck knows anyway the picture I wanted to edit in is there.
Essembe said:
My answer is Switzerland. No one invades that country as they know every adult has a gun.

Lots of innocent kids have been shot dead and thats your argument for people having guns.

Sweden has strict gun laws and they dont get invaded either.

Your argument would have been more convincing if you had stated Switzerland does not get invaded because of its powerful navy.

I do understand that the second amendent enshrines the right to bear arms and that in itself proves to me the British system of uncodified law and the law of precedent far outweighs a bill of rights.

The USA is trapped into a love of guns by an ammendent passed 1791

To show how ridiculous your analogy was with Switzerland. In 1791 Hackney carriages in London (taxis) were required by law to carry a bale of hay to provide sustenance to the horses who pulled the carriage. That law stills exists but todays Hackney carriages dont have horses so the law is ignored.
Essembe said:
Sir, I have tried to be nice and repeatedly asked for you to cool your aggression towards me. You state that you will continue to treat me with disdain and then ask me to answer some more questions. Perhaps its best if we don't continue this. I came her for debate and not to be insulted. I'm happy Sweep came back too.
Please, you have no need to "sir" me. Though it is a very cute Americanism I'll give you that.

I'll be honest with you pal, when you are getting upset over someone being forthright and blunt (and to some degree truculent) on the internet, 3,000 miles away, that you will never meet, as opposed to the 30 people (20 of which still believed in Santa Claus) that will not wake to see the sun rise tomorrow, due to the very gun laws that you defend with talk of "being safer" despite all evidence pointing to the contrary, then I think you have got your priorities all mixed up.

One thing though, please tell me you were joking about neutral Switzerland never being invaded last century because of the fact they each own a hand gun?

I will add your impeccable manners are incredibly impressive despite the fact that I still think you a bit mental given the arguments you put forward.<br /><br />-- Fri Dec 14, 2012 9:22 pm --<br /><br />
TCIB said:
What you don't know from that angle is that is a toy gun and toy car and that little fella is a "borrower".
Got in work tonight and was shocked by this.

Can't really comment but the thought of losing a child is probably the worst thing that can happen to any parent.

I don't know these people but my thoughts are with them. Truly awful
Rascal said:
Essembe said:
My answer is Switzerland. No one invades that country as they know every adult has a gun.

Lots of innocent kids have been shot dead and thats your argument for people having guns.

Sweden has strict gun laws and they dont get invaded either.

Your argument would have been more convincing if you had stated Switzerland does not get invaded because of its powerful navy.

I do understand that the second amendent enshrines the right to bear arms and that in itself proves to me the British system of uncodified law and the law of precedent far outweighs a bill of rights.

The USA is trapped into a love of guns by an ammendent passed 1791

To show how ridiculous your analogy was with Switzerland. In 1791 Hackney carriages in London (taxis) were required by law to carry a bale of hay to provide sustenance to the horses who pulled the carriage. That law stills exists but todays Hackney carriages dont have horses so the law is ignored.

That answer was in response to this question

"Only a fucking idiot would still try and argue that guns make your country safer".

Not in response to finding answers for why some moron did what he did today.

Lets be clear. No one is happy about what happened today. Many of you want to vent your anger at what happened towards someone or something and understandably so.
Lucky13 said:
chabal said:
Lucky13 said:
What the hell has this got to do with the NRA?

The NRA defends the right of Americans to bear arms. The NRA is a major lobbyist on behalf of the gun industry and has for many years argued that gun massacres are a price worth paying for th eliberty to own and use a gun.

It had got everything to do with the NRA.

The Constitution defends the right to bare arms , how many NRA members have committed a massacre?

How many NRA members have defended the right of people bearing arms to committ massacres?
SWP's back said:
Essembe said:
Sir, I have tried to be nice and repeatedly asked for you to cool your aggression towards me. You state that you will continue to treat me with disdain and then ask me to answer some more questions. Perhaps its best if we don't continue this. I came her for debate and not to be insulted. I'm happy Sweep came back too.
Please, you have no need to "sir" me. Though it is a very cute Americanism I'll give you that.

I'll be honest with you pal, when you are getting upset over someone being forthright and blunt (and to some degree truculent) on the internet, 3,000 miles away, that you will never meet, as opposed to the 30 people (20 of which still believed in Santa Claus) that will not wake to see the sun rise tomorrow, due to the very gun laws that you defend with talk of "being safer" despite all evidence pointing to the contrary, then I think you have got your priorities all mixed up.

One thing though, please tell me you were joking about neutral Switzerland never being invaded last century because of the fact they each own a hand gun?

I will add your impeccable manners are incredibly impressive despite the fact that I still think you a bit mental given the arguments you put forward.

I am all for people being forthright and blunt but you went beyond that, blue. Still, no worries mate.

What you might not know is that I am english and we might well meet one day or might have met already. Perhaps you were at Wembley a couple a years ago too? :) That was a far better day than this one, we can all agree.
Hamann Pineapple said:
Apparently this is the gun he used.


A 'right to bear arms' surely doesn't deem this necessary
Depends if he normally used it for hunting squirrels.
Just seen Obama's press conference on the news. That was a genuinely upset and horrified reaction. I dont know what his stance is on this antiquated ridiculous right to bear arms bollocks, but Im sure its more sensible than many US leaders. I hope he uses this as a catalyst to make some efforts at changing this, though I realise he will be unable to given the make up of Congress. Some common sense and someone who has got a bit of it would be nice.

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