"Anti-City" media propaganda war

oakiecokie said:
lloydie said:
oakiecokie said:
The World Health Organisation have recognised symptons that could be fatal to Bluemooners.
A virus, known to be called PARANOIA is sweeping along at an enormous pace,subsequently destoying the daily lives of people, known to come from the Eastlands area of Manchester and those who wear sky blue tops and the likes.
Symptoms include : The desire to shout,yell,scream,insulting remarks,become arguementative,feel the world is against them,hissy fits,but more worrying is the need to write thread and threads of the same subject.
Control of said Virus : The World Health Organisation say that only one form of control will help the sad world of PARANOIA victims,
"grow a pair and take things with a pinch of salt"
Quick pass the SAXO !!

Urgent Message!!!

Irony Awareness Shortage still rife on Bluemoon.

It seems there is a cadre on here who've decided to educate the rest on what it means to have a balanced view and a self-declared big pair of bollocks.

Whilst I'm happy to accept that sometimes people are too sensitive to criticism (this instance being one of them) to keep on insisting that there is no agenda in certain quarters against the club, in face of all the evidence, is either perverse or wildly naive.

I'm personally quite content that the "war" will be won on the pitch, in the meantime, raging against the bad press is on a par with having a war of words with a numpty rag, pointless but somehow satisfying. If people want to do it, just effin well let them.

Methinks you`ve missed the irony !!

back at cha!
(we could be here all day ;)
lloydie said:
oakiecokie said:
lloydie said:
Urgent Message!!!

Irony Awareness Shortage still rife on Bluemoon.

It seems there is a cadre on here who've decided to educate the rest on what it means to have a balanced view and a self-declared big pair of bollocks.

Whilst I'm happy to accept that sometimes people are too sensitive to criticism (this instance being one of them) to keep on insisting that there is no agenda in certain quarters against the club, in face of all the evidence, is either perverse or wildly naive.

I'm personally quite content that the "war" will be won on the pitch, in the meantime, raging against the bad press is on a par with having a war of words with a numpty rag, pointless but somehow satisfying. If people want to do it, just effin well let them.

Methinks you`ve missed the irony !!

back at cha!
(we could be here all day ;)

We both know we`re right !!! lol
I only care when it's damaging to the club i.e. when the players are hearing that the manager will get the sack and therefore those who don't agree with his methods or aren't playing try their best to undermine him and won't play to the fullest of their abilities. I think Mancini's sorted that out now though and those who were shit stirring have been put out on loan. So now I'm back to not caring.

As an aside, it's not paranoia to believe there is an agenda against us from the Murdoch media due to the conflict of interest as they own a significant stake in MUTV. More success for us equals less for the rags equals loss of earnings for Sky. I doubt it'd be too controversial to suggest lefty media generally doesn't favour City.

Over the next few years though I reckon there'll be a shift in favour of us from most quarters because the English media can't be seen not to support an English team in Europe, 'patriotic' as they are. Mind you, we may be classed as an Arab team. ;-)
Re: Re:

Slater582 said:
Didsbury Dave said:
I bet anyone rupert Murdoch does not give a flying fuck about man city , or any other premiership club .

He cares about sales. And "war behind the scenes at worlds richest club" sells a lot more papers than "city team play backgammon together "

Agreed. Maybe Murdoch tries to influence politics with Fox News & other outlets but I rather doubt he spends time thinking of ways to derail City.
I realise Murdoch is primarily a powerful businessman but he tried to takeover United in the past:
Manchester United was floated on the stock market in June 1991 and received a takeover bid in 1998 from Rupert Murdoch's British Sky Broadcasting Corporation. The Manchester United board accepted a £623 million offer but the takeover was blocked by the Monopolies and Mergers Commission at the final hurdle in April 1999
the relationship between United and News Corp is more than friendly.
well its been 8 years since chelsea were taken over and they get a good press now (no one calls them chelski in the papers anymore) I think we took a lot of the heat of them

so here's what i propose: we make sure that west brom get taken over by a mega multi billionaire break the transfer record within 12 hours of their new ownership, try to steal the main target that wolves have been chasing all summer (to be foiled by mick mcarthy picking him up from east midlands airport) and then fail in a £100m bid for messi, accuse barca of bottling it then win an FA cup (beating wolves in the semi)

or y'know you could just stop reading the mirror... eithers good by me
I think sometimes we get too worried about what people write about us, but the bias regarding parade numbers were clear for us to see. The thing with city is we are world news now all of a sudden, something we have not been before. Reporters latch onto this. I think when we establish ourselves as a champions league for AND play reat football we will be reported more favourably.
mike o said:
We really are becoming the most paranoid deluded set of fans on the planet.

I just see journalists offering opinions, some positive and some negative. The success weve had and money weve spent makes us "back page fodder".

To think there's a "propoganda war" is completely deluded.


I see most club fans like to have some sort of 'self-hating' tag on themselves which I may never understand. This is fookin delusional. Eg. The Rags like to call themselves the club that everyone hates, but in fact, they are the media darlings.

What's with this 'nobody like us' thing?

There are bound to have people right now that either like us or hate us, for now, the percentage of love/hate is just the like like/dislike bar on Rebecca Black's Youtube video - dislike over like. This is unavoidable given the spectacular spending but to talk of a 'propaganda war' is preposterous.

The media just write down what they think will sell, that's all. Win more stuff and we can get into the people's good books, media notes it, and positive image comes in.
I think what you have to realise is that there is a genuine anti-arab/pro-israeli agenda by the big papers and teams.
The sun, times, sky sports and daily star are all owned by murdoch who is clearly right-wing and pro-israel. Throw in the mail and daily telegraph (who are owned by pro-israeli jews) and you really have a genune anti-arab feeling towards mcfc ( I am sure i dont need to go into the history and complexities of the middle-east conflict)

You also need to take into consideration that the top clubs in the premier league are owned by pro-israeli jews- the glaziers at man u, abramovich at chelsea, levy & co at Tottenham and the majority of the board at Arsenal-so there is genuine anti-arab feeling towards mcfc.
shrekmansour said:
I think what you have to realise is that there is a genuine anti-arab/pro-israeli agenda by the big papers and teams.
The sun, times, sky sports and daily star are all owned by murdoch who is clearly right-wing and pro-israel. Throw in the mail and daily telegraph (who are owned by pro-israeli jews) and you really have a genune anti-arab feeling towards mcfc ( I am sure i dont need to go into the history and complexities of the middle-east conflict)
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has nothing to do with it at all. Wikileaks shows us that the UAE (and Saudi and Bahrain) have urged pre-emptive attacks on Iran (which Israel also want), and western nations are confident enough to arm them with sophisticated equipment which they would never do if they thought even for a second they'd be used against Israel.
shrekmansour said:
I think what you have to realise is that there is a genuine anti-arab/pro-israeli agenda by the big papers and teams.
The sun, times, sky sports and daily star are all owned by murdoch who is clearly right-wing and pro-israel. Throw in the mail and daily telegraph (who are owned by pro-israeli jews) and you really have a genune anti-arab feeling towards mcfc ( I am sure i dont need to go into the history and complexities of the middle-east conflict)

You also need to take into consideration that the top clubs in the premier league are owned by pro-israeli jews- the glaziers at man u, abramovich at chelsea, levy & co at Tottenham and the majority of the board at Arsenal-so there is genuine anti-arab feeling towards mcfc.

Had forgotten about this fact its also true as a reflection in the british media.
But what the hell
We as a football club with a focus on European Champions League are behaving with a dignity unknown to the UK.
There are serious plans afoot for major investment in regeneratining the area around the club creating not only employment but also long term economic stability in a region regognised as one of the poorest in Europe.
We can out buy and outsell all our critics despite the political dimension.

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