"Anti-City" media propaganda war

Plain Speaking said:
I accept we are not popular at present but there is also an arguement that the way information is reported can help change the views people have. I just wonder if there are other ways to actively change the support and policies of key decision makers in the media. Possibly this is being done "behind the scenes"? I hope so.
I believe this is exactly the strategy but don't forget Sky own 30% of MUTV.

Didsbury Dave said:
I bet anyone rupert Murdoch does not give a flying fuck about man city , or any other premiership club .

He cares about sales. And "war behind the scenes at worlds richest club" sells a lot more papers than "city team play backgammon together "

Its a complement and comes with the territory. The "project" has suffered some growing pains and that's been newsworthy . Big deal. The manager should use it to galvanise the players .
My point is Fergie (with Murdoch's help) "controls the press" It is very rare for bad stories to come out of United.
I believe the "Rooney prostitute scandal" was "allowed" by Fergie because he thought Rooney was leaving the club. The Giggs story was nearly suppressed.
At present we seem passive victims. Stories are "x player snubs City" even though we may have had no contacts or declined a deal or "moneybags City". The media wallow in anti-City stories most without justification. It would be good to have more balance.
southern muppet said:
It winds us fans up.
It winds up fans that are easily wound up. If you get easily annoyed, why not just ignore the sources that are likely to irritate? Tabloids sell because readers are gullible enough to fall for daft headlines.
The World Health Organisation have recognised symptons that could be fatal to Bluemooners.
A virus, known to be called PARANOIA is sweeping along at an enormous pace,subsequently destoying the daily lives of people, known to come from the Eastlands area of Manchester and those who wear sky blue tops and the likes.
Symptoms include : The desire to shout,yell,scream,insulting remarks,become arguementative,feel the world is against them,hissy fits,but more worrying is the need to write thread and threads of the same subject.
Control of said Virus : The World Health Organisation say that only one form of control will help the sad world of PARANOIA victims,
"grow a pair and take things with a pinch of salt"
Quick pass the SAXO !!
"Anti-City" media propaganda war

Plain Speaking said:
Didsbury Dave said:
I bet anyone rupert Murdoch does not give a flying fuck about man city , or any other premiership club .

He cares about sales. And "war behind the scenes at worlds richest club" sells a lot more papers than "city team play backgammon together "

Its a complement and comes with the territory. The "project" has suffered some growing pains and that's been newsworthy . Big deal. The manager should use it to galvanise the players .
My point is Fergie (with Murdoch's help) "controls the press" It is very rare for bad stories to come out of United.
I believe the "Rooney prostitute scandal" was "allowed" by Fergie because he thought Rooney was leaving the club. The Giggs story was nearly suppressed.
At present we seem passive victims. Stories are "x player snubs City" even though we may have had no contacts or declined a deal or "moneybags City". The media wallow in anti-City stories most without justification. It would be good to have more balance.
United fans and staff believe the media relish their misfortune and are constantly looking for a negative slant . All fans in fact have their own beefs with the media.

The truth is there are often newsworthy negative stories around city.

Plus ca change.

There is no propaganda bloody war. Just a media who print salacious stories for a public who love them. If you've ever listened to talk sport or bought a tabloid, then you are a hypocrite to slag 'the press' as though they are some kind of amorphous entity.

Some sports journalists are good, lots are shit.

And, without wanting to start a war, if you think all is rosy behind the scenes at city you are deluded . There are a lot of egos, a lot of agendas, a lot of people jostling for power and influence. I happen to think vicky kloss and city have done a remarkable job keeping a lid on things this season.

Didsbury Dave said:
United fans and staff believe the media relish their misfortune and are constantly looking for a negative slant . All fans in fact have their own beefs with the media.
The truth is there are often newsworthy negative stories around city.
Plus ca change.
There is no propaganda bloody war. Just a media who print salacious stories for a public who love them. If you've ever listened to talk sport or bought a tabloid, then you are a hypocrite to slag 'the press' as though they are some kind of amorphous entity.
Some sports journalists are good, lots are shit.
And, without wanting to start a war, if you think all is rosy behind the scenes at city you are deluded . There are a lot of egos, a lot of agendas, a lot of people jostling for power and influence. I happen to think vicky kloss and city have done a remarkable job keeping a lid on things this season.

Personnally I think the only media organisation United and Fergie gripe at is the BBC because they cant control them in the same way they control the others, hence Fergie' s failure to speak to the BBC for so long.

I dont deny there may be a power struggle within the club management and I am not criticizing Vicky.

I do however think there is an agenda of the the media, particularly the Murdoch Empire to undermine our club's popularity. I think if we can at least make this publicity "neutral" the support for our club will grow at a faster rate, which will increase club profitabliity.

Didsbury Dave said:
I bet anyone rupert Murdoch does not give a flying fuck about man city , or any other premiership club .

He cares about sales. And "war behind the scenes at worlds richest club" sells a lot more papers than "city team play backgammon together "

Agreed. Maybe Murdoch tries to influence politics with Fox News & other outlets but I rather doubt he spends time thinking of ways to derail City.
oakiecokie said:
The World Health Organisation have recognised symptons that could be fatal to Bluemooners.
A virus, known to be called PARANOIA is sweeping along at an enormous pace,subsequently destoying the daily lives of people, known to come from the Eastlands area of Manchester and those who wear sky blue tops and the likes.
Symptoms include : The desire to shout,yell,scream,insulting remarks,become arguementative,feel the world is against them,hissy fits,but more worrying is the need to write thread and threads of the same subject.
Control of said Virus : The World Health Organisation say that only one form of control will help the sad world of PARANOIA victims,
"grow a pair and take things with a pinch of salt"
Quick pass the SAXO !!

Urgent Message!!!

Irony Awareness Shortage still rife on Bluemoon.

It seems there is a cadre on here who've decided to educate the rest on what it means to have a balanced view and a self-declared big pair of bollocks.

Whilst I'm happy to accept that sometimes people are too sensitive to criticism (this instance being one of them) to keep on insisting that there is no agenda in certain quarters against the club, in face of all the evidence, is either perverse or wildly naive.

I'm personally quite content that the "war" will be won on the pitch, in the meantime, raging against the bad press is on a par with having a war of words with a numpty rag, pointless but somehow satisfying. If people want to do it, just effin well let them.
lloydie said:
oakiecokie said:
The World Health Organisation have recognised symptons that could be fatal to Bluemooners.
A virus, known to be called PARANOIA is sweeping along at an enormous pace,subsequently destoying the daily lives of people, known to come from the Eastlands area of Manchester and those who wear sky blue tops and the likes.
Symptoms include : The desire to shout,yell,scream,insulting remarks,become arguementative,feel the world is against them,hissy fits,but more worrying is the need to write thread and threads of the same subject.
Control of said Virus : The World Health Organisation say that only one form of control will help the sad world of PARANOIA victims,
"grow a pair and take things with a pinch of salt"
Quick pass the SAXO !!

Urgent Message!!!

Irony Awareness Shortage still rife on Bluemoon.

It seems there is a cadre on here who've decided to educate the rest on what it means to have a balanced view and a self-declared big pair of bollocks.

Whilst I'm happy to accept that sometimes people are too sensitive to criticism (this instance being one of them) to keep on insisting that there is no agenda in certain quarters against the club, in face of all the evidence, is either perverse or wildly naive.

I'm personally quite content that the "war" will be won on the pitch, in the meantime, raging against the bad press is on a par with having a war of words with a numpty rag, pointless but somehow satisfying. If people want to do it, just effin well let them.

Methinks you`ve missed the irony !!

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